Framework.Utils package


Framework.Utils.cli_Utils module

Copyright 2017, Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

  • Disconnects warrior_cli_class session object(pexpect/paramiko)
  • Returns session object(same child)

Disconnects a telnet session

Framework.Utils.cli_Utils.get_connection_port(conn_type, inpdict)[source]

Gets the port for ssh or telnet connections 1. ssh :

  • looks if ssh_port is present in inpdict.
  • if not checks for conn_port
  • if both not present returns None
Framework.Utils.cli_Utils.get_response_dict(started_thread_for_system, thread_instance_list, same_system, response)[source]

This function iterates over thread_instance_list and gets the data that the threads have stored in its data variable. Updates the remote_resp_dict with the system name and the corresponding data collected.

The system names in same_system also get stored in the remote_resp_dict but their value is the same as the response that was obtained through the _send_cmd function


remote_resp_dict (dict) with collected logs as value to the system_name key

Framework.Utils.cli_Utils.get_unique_log_and_verify_list(log_list, verify_on_list, system_name)[source]

This function loops through the log_list and the verify_on_list and returns a unique list containing unique sustem names fromboth the lists

Framework.Utils.cli_Utils.pexpect_spawn_with_env(pexpect_obj, command, timeout, escape=False, env=None)[source]

spawn a pexpect object with environment variable

Framework.Utils.cli_Utils.sendPing(hostname, count, fname)[source]

Sends a ping command :Arguments:

  1. count(string) = no of pings to be sent
  2. src_iface(string) = source interface from whihc ping messages
    are to be sent.
  3. destip(string) = the destination ip address to ping.
  4. fname = logfile to log ping response.
Returns:status = boolean
Framework.Utils.cli_Utils.sendSourcePing(count, src_iface, destip, fname)[source]

Sends a source based ping command i.e. if multiple interfaces are configured and available, sends pings from the src_iface provided :Arguments:

  1. count(string) = no of pings to be sent
  2. src_iface(string) = source interface from whihc ping messages
    are to be sent.
  3. destip(string) = the destination ip address to ping.
  4. fname = logfile to log ping response.
Returns:status = boolean
Framework.Utils.cli_Utils.send_commands_from_testdata(testdatafile, obj_session, **args)[source]
  • Parses the testdata file and gets the command details

for rows marked execute=yes and row=str_rownum. - Sends the obtained commands to the warrior_cli_class session object(obj_Session). - If the commands have verification attribute set, then verifies the verification text for presence/absence as defined in the respective found attribute in the testdatfile.

  1. testdatafile = the xml file where command details are available
  2. obj_session = pexpect or warrior_cli_class session object
  3. logfile = logfile of the pexpect session object.
  4. varconfigfile= xml file from which the values will be taken for subtitution
  5. var_sub(string) = the pattern [var_sub] in the testdata commands,
    start_prompt, end_prompt, verification search will substituted with this value.
  6. args = Optional filter to specify title/rownum
  1. finalresult = boolean
Framework.Utils.cli_Utils.send_smart_cmd(connect_testdata, session_object, tag_value, call_system_name, pre_tag)[source]

The beacons of Gondor are lit send out the smart command :param connect_testdata:

the smart testdata file that contains the smart cmd
  • session_object – use this pexpect object to send out command
  • tag_value – specify the testdata block of commands that get sent out
  • call_system_name – in order to get passed the substitutions, a system name must be provided
  • pre_tag – Distinguish if it is a connect smart action or disconnect smart action
Framework.Utils.cli_Utils.smart_action(datafile, call_system_name, raw_prompt, session_object, tag_value, connect_testdata=None)[source]

entry function for sending smart command :param datafile:

the testcase datafile
  • call_system_name – in order to get passed the substitutions, a system name must be provided
  • raw_prompt – The string that will be analyzed in order to find the device system
  • session_object – use this pexpect object to send out command
  • tag_value – specify the testdata block of commands that get sent out
  • connect_testdata – the smart testdata file that contains the smart cmd, optional in here

the smart testdata file that contains the smart cmd

Framework.Utils.cli_Utils.smart_analyze(prompt, testdatafile=None)[source]

retrieve the correspond smart testdata file for smart cmd from either Tools/connection or testcase testdata file :param prompt:

The string that will be analyzed in order to find the device system
Parameters:testdatafile – optional arg to provide a pre-defined device system in the test datafile
Returns:the smart datafile that contains the smart cmd to be sent
Framework.Utils.cli_Utils.start_threads(started_thread_for_system, thread_instance_list, same_system, unique_log_verify_list, system_name)[source]

This function iterates over unique_log_verify_list which consists of unique values gotten from monitor attributes and verify_on attributes

If a system_name has a * against it, it indicates that the system is the same as the one on which the testcase is running. Thread would not be started for that system.


started_thread_for_system (list[str]) = Stores the system names for which threads were succesfully created

thread_instance_list (list[str]) = stores the instances of thread created for corresponding system in the started_thread_for_system list,

same_system (list[str]) = stores the system name which was the same as the system on which the TC is running without the trailing *,

Framework.Utils.config_Utils module

Copyright 2017, Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Framework.Utils.csv_utils module

Copyright 2017, Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Framework.Utils.csv_utils.convert_csv_or_excel_to_xml(input_file, mapping_file=None, output_xml_file_path=None, overwrite='yes')[source]

Takes file path as input 1. If it is excel file, converts to csv and then converts

csv file to xml
  1. If it is csv file, converts to xml file.
  2. Mapping file is used to map the column names in the excel sheet to
    a meaningful name as recognized by the code.
  1. input_file: input_file which is either csv file path or excel file path
  2. mapping_file: If a mapping file path is given, it is used to map columns with the meaningful name as recognized by the user else the spaces in the column names will be replaced by “_” in the output xml
  3. output_xml_file_path: If user gives the output_xml_file_path, creating an xml file in that path else creating xml file in the path from where he have given csv or excel file.

1. output_xml_file_path: Returns the output xml file path 2 output_dict: Updates the output_dict with

json string and with output xml.

Takes the CSV file path as input and converts it to list of dictionaries

input_csv_file: it takes CSV file path as input
Returns list of dictionaries where keys are column names and values are respective column values
Framework.Utils.csv_utils.convert_excel_to_csv(input_excel_file, output_csv_file_path=None, return_csv_file=False)[source]

Takes the excel file path as input and converts into csv file and if we select return_csv_file as True returns csv file else returns csv file object

  1. input_excel_file: It is a excel file path which is to be converted into csv file

  2. output_csv_file_path: If user gives the output csv path, then creating csv file at that path else creating a csv file

    in the directory from where he have given excel file.

  3. return_csv_file: If the user selects return_csv_file as True, returning the output csv file else returning the object.

Returns the csv file path if user selects return_csv_file as True else returns the object.
Framework.Utils.csv_utils.convert_xml_to_csv(input_file, mapping_file=None, output_csv_file_path=None, overwrite='yes')[source]

It takes xml file path as input and converts to csv.

  1. input_file: Takes xml file path as input
  2. mapping_file: If a mapping file path is given, it is used to map columns with the meaningful name as recognized by the user else the tags in the xml file will be used as column names in the csv file.
  3. output_csv_file_path: If user gives the output_csv_file_path, creating an csv file in that path else creating csv file in the path from where he have given xml file.
Returns output csv file path.

Framework.Utils.data_Utils module

Copyright 2017, Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.convert2type(value, data_type='str')[source]

Convert value to data_type and return value in that data_type Currently supported are str/int/float only


Splits the value of the attribute value in the argument tag in the TC

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.generate_datafile(lists_of_systems, output_dir, filename)[source]

take in a list of lists which contains systems generate one input data file per list

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.getSystemData(datafile, system_name, cnode, system='system')[source]

Returns the value for tag or attrib of a system or susbsystem

If an attribute and a tag of the same name is present then returns the value of the attribute.

Incase of attribute the value is the attribute value. Incase of a tag the value is the text of the tag.

  1. datafile(string) = absolute path of the system datafile
  2. system_name (string) = This can be name of the system or a subsystem. In case of subsystem only single subsystem is supported.
  3. cnode(string) = attributes or tag whose value is to be obtained.
  1. False if the system/subsystem cannot be found in the datafile.
  2. If an attribute or tag is not present its value=boolean False
  3. If a tag is present but has no text its value=None
Framework.Utils.data_Utils.get_actual_cred_value(tag, value, etype, startdir='')[source]

get the credential value after converting to the desired type and if file type get absolute path relative to the startdir

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.get_all_system_or_subsystem(datafile, system_name=None)[source]

return all the system elements or all the children of a system element with specific name

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.get_child_tag_value_list(datafile, system_name, child_list=[], *args)[source]

Parse the datafile for the system and get the tag list , value list of all the children provided in the child_list

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.get_cred_value_from_elem(element, tag, startdir='')[source]

given an credential element find the credential value desired

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.get_credentials(datafile, system_name, myInfo=[], tag_name='system', attr_name='name', **kwargs)[source]

Takes an list(myInfo) of attribute or tag names as input and returns a dictionary having values for each of the requested attribute or tag name.

If an empty list provided as myInfo returns a dictionary having all the attribute and tags with their values

If an attribute and a tag of the same name is present then returns the value of the attribute.

Incase of attribute the value is the attribute value. Incase of a tag the value is the text of the tag.

If the tag has child elements, the value will be a dictionary with all its child tags as keys & their texts as values.

  1. datafile(string) = absolute path of the system datafile
  2. system_name (string) = This can be name of the system or a subsystem. In case of subsystem only single subsystem is supported.
  3. List of attributes or tags whose values are to be obtained.
  1. Dictionary of attributes/tags and their values
  2. False if the system/subsystem cannot be found in the datafile.
  3. If an attribute or tag is not present its value=boolean False
  4. If a tag is present but has no text its value=None
Framework.Utils.data_Utils.get_default_ecf_and_et(arguments_dict, current_datafile, current_browser, name_tuple=('element_config_file', 'element_tag'), def_name_tuple=('DEF_ecf', 'DEF_et'))[source]

Updates selenium argument sict with Default ECF and default element_tag

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.get_exec_flag(testdata, title, row)[source]

Get exec flag value

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.get_filepath_from_system(datafile, system_name, *args)[source]

This function takes variable number of tag names as input and returns a list of absolute paths for all the tag values. In case of non-string tag values, it will simply return those non-string values.

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.get_iteration_syslist(system_node_list, system_name_list)[source]

Takes a list of system nodes and system names and returns. 1. List of system names with iter=yes 2. List of system nodes with iter=yes

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.get_nc_config_string(config_datafile, config_name, var_configfile=None)[source]

Get the config of netconf as a list

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.get_nc_request_rpc_string(config_datafile, xmlns, request_type, xmlns_tag)[source]

Get the Request of netconf as a list

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.get_netconf_data(datafile, config_name, **kwargs)[source]

Get the details for netconf from the datafile. The required details are provided as a key,value pair for the **kwargs argument. of example, if rest_url, rest_data are required then while call this funciton as get_netconf_data(datafile, system_name, rest_url=value, rest_data=value)

If the input value of one of them in None then use the value from the datafile else use the provided value


Get the silent tag from context return silence value and context value

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.get_object_from_datarepository(object_key, verbose=True)[source]

Gets the value for the object with the provided name from data repository. object_key contains .(dot) will be treated as nested key

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.get_session_id(system_name, session_name=None)[source]

Returns the session-id based on the provided system_name :Arguments:

  1. system_name (string) = This can be name of the system or a subsystem. In case of subsystem only single subsystem is supported.
  2. session_name (string) = Name of the session to the system or to the session.
  1. For system returns system_name + session_name
  2. For subsystems returns system_name + subsystem_name + session_name
Framework.Utils.data_Utils.get_system_list(datafile, node_req=False)[source]

Get the list of systems from the datafile if node_req = True returns 1. list of system names, 2. list of system nodes if node_rq = False returns on the list of system names

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.get_td_vc(datafile, system_name, td_tag, vc_tag)[source]

Get the testdata and varconfig file paths from the datafile using the testdata nd varconfig tag given as input

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.get_user_specified_tag_values_in_tc(datafile, system_name, **kwargs)[source]

Get the details for rest call from the datafile. The required details are provided as a key,value pair for the **kwargs argument of example, if rest_url, rest_data are required then while call this funciton as get_user_specified_tag_values_in_tc(datafile, system_name, rest_url=value, rest_data=value)

If the input value of one of them in None then use the value from the datafile else use the provided value


Get value from Environment variable or data repo

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.get_var_configfile(datafile, system_name)[source]

Gets the var config file for the system with provided system_name in the datafile

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.get_verify_text_context_as_list(testdata, verify_list)[source]

From the testdata file takes a testdat node and a list of nodes with verification present as input

  1. a list of verifcation_text
  2. a list of verification context
Framework.Utils.data_Utils.group_systems_with_same_tag_value(root, tag, value)[source]

Put systems with the same tag value pair in one list and all other system in another list

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.group_systems_with_unique_tag_value(root, tag)[source]

Separate system into lists where each list only has system with unique tag value

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.process_subsystem_list(datafile, system_name, subsystem=None)[source]

Takes a system_name and a list of subsystem names as input and process them by removing blank spaces for each element in the subsystem name list. Then remove all duplicate entries in the list. If any input subsystem_name in the list is ‘all’, a list of all subsystem exist under the provided system_name in the datafile will be return. If the system_name is not found in the datafile, subsystem_list will be set None.

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.resolve_argument_value_to_get_tag_value(datafile, system_name, element_value_in_argument)[source]

Here, the value of the attribute value in the argument tag is resolved. From now on value represents the value of the attribute value in the argument tag in the TC

Conditions: value can be simple and direct. Eg. “”. In this case, it is returned as is.

value can start with tag, then everything after “=” is taken and a tag of that name is searched for under the provided system in the datafile. If tag of the same name is found, then the text of that tag is returned.

If tag is not found, then a False is returned.

If no system tag with the name as that of the system name is found then, then value is returned.

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.resolve_system_subsystem_list(datafile, system_name)[source]

Using the provided system_name which may include both system_name and subsystem_name. Ex: NE1[dip,cli] Call ‘split_system_subsystem’ to separate the system_name and subsystem(s) Then call ‘process_subsystem_list’ to compare the list of subsystem(s) from the input against actuals subsystem in the referenced datafile. Return a system_name, subsystem_list


Set the data params for GNMI


Separate system_name and subsystem_name str from the input Ex: system_name=NE1[cli,dip,if1] will be separate into

system_name=NE1 subsystem_name str = ‘cli, dip, if1’
Framework.Utils.data_Utils.sub_from_data_repo(raw_value, start_pattern='${', end_pattern='}')[source]

wrapper function for subst_var_patterns_by_prefix

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.sub_from_env_var(raw_value, start_pattern='${', end_pattern='}')[source]

wrapper function for subst_var_patterns_by_prefix

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.subst_var_patterns_by_prefix(raw_value, start_pattern='${', end_pattern='}', prefix='ENV')[source]
Takes a key value pair or string (value) as input in raw_value,
if the value has a pattern matching ${ENV.env_variable_name}.

Searches for the env_variable_name in the environment and replaces it and return the updated dictionary. If environment variable is not found then substitutes with None.

if the value has a pattern matching ${REPO.key}.

Searches for the key in the data repository and replaces it and return the updated dictionary. If key is not found then None is substituted.

if the value has a pattern matching ${REPO.k1.k2.k3}.

Searches for the keys k1, k2, k3 in the data repository in nested order as provided and replaces it and return the updated dictionary. If keys is not found in the order or does not exist then None is substituted. source could be environment or datarepository for now.

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.substitute_var_patterns(raw_value, start_pattern='${', end_pattern='}')[source]

substitute variable inside start and end pattern


Updates the data repository with the provided dictionary

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.verify_arith_exp(expression, expected, comparison='eq', repo_key='exp_op')[source]

Verify the output of the arithmetic expression matches the expected(float comparison) Note : Binary floating-point arithmetic holds many surprises. Please refer to link, This Keyword inherits errors in Python float operations. :Arguments:

  1. expression: Arithmetic expression to be compared with expected.
    This can have env & data_repo values embedded in it.

    Ex. expression: “10+${ENV.x}-${REPO.y}*10”

    Expression will be evaluated based on python operator precedence Supported operators: +, -, , /, %, *, ^

  2. expected: Value to be compared with the expression output

    This can be a env or data_repo or any numeral value.

  3. comparison: Type of comparison(eq/ne/gt/ge/lt/le)

    eq - check if both are same(equal) ne - check if both are not same(not equal) gt - check if expression output is greater than expected ge - check if expression output is greater than or equal to expected lt - check if expression output is lesser than expected le - check if expression output is lesser than or equal to expected

  4. repo_key: Name of the key to be used to save the expression_output in the warrior data repository

    Ex. If repo_key is ‘exp_op’ & expression_output is 10.0

    It will be stored in data_repo in the below format data_repo = {

    … verify_arith_exp: {‘exp_op’: 10.0}, …


    This value can be retrieved from data_repo using key : ‘verify_arith_exp.exp_op’.

  1. status(boolean)
Framework.Utils.data_Utils.verify_data(expected, key, data_type='str', comparison='eq')[source]

Verify the value of the key in data repository matches with expected value the comparison will compare expected to key with comparison value eg. expected=5, value of key=3, comparison=’ge’ mean 5 >= 3

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.verify_relation(actual_value, cond_value, operator, cond_type)[source]

verify the actual_value with the expected value

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.verify_resp_across_sys(match_list, context_list, command, response, varconfigfile=None, verify_on_list=None, verify_list=None, remote_resp_dict=None, endprompt='', verify_group=None)[source]

New method to verify response of a command sent on one system with the response recieved from another system

Framework.Utils.data_Utils.verify_resp_inorder(match_list, context_list, command, response, varconfigfile=None, verify_on_list=None, verify_list=None, remote_resp_dict=None, verify_group=None)[source]

Method for in-order search. Verifies the ‘search strings’ in the system response and also verifies whether they are in order or not

Framework.Utils.datetime_utils module

Copyright 2017, Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Returns system current timestamp with date and month Arguments:

No args

  1. Current System Time in the format of Year, Month, Date, Time(without microseconds)
    eg: 2015-04-27 09:48:21

prints number of seconds in hours:minutes:seconds format

Framework.Utils.datetime_utils.get_time_delta(start_time, end_time=None)[source]

Returns system current timestamp with date and month Arguments:

  1. time_stamp = time stamp in the format of system datetime(without microseconds)
    eg: 2015-04-27 09:48:21
  1. Time delta = Returns time difference between the present system time and between the time stamp which comes as argument in the format of seconds.

    eg: 212342.0

Framework.Utils.datetime_utils.wait_for_timeout(wait_time, unit='SECONDS', notify_count=4)[source]

Warrior, Wait till the time is a generic wait. The Wait is informed to the user as a countdown


1.wait_time: Time for Warrior wait. 2.unit: The unit of Time supported are

  1. Second (default)
  2. Minute
  3. Hour
  4. Day
  5. Month (30 days is assumed for one Month)
  6. Year (365 days is assumed for one Year)
3.notify_count: number of times, the user needs to be notified

during wait time. Default value is 4. Ex: If the notify_count=4 and timeout=400 the timeout is divided into 4 partitions each as 100 and notified to user as 100(25%),200(50%),300(75%),400(100%)


Status = Bool

Framework.Utils.demo_utils module

Copyright 2017, Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Framework.Utils.demo_utils.lab_eqpt_status(orig_date, check_criteria, pass_msg, fail_msg)[source]

This is meant to be use for Demo purpose only. Do not use for project related KW. Check if delta time between input orig_date to now is less than check_criteria in yr, then it passes

Framework.Utils.dict_Utils module

Copyright 2017, Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Framework.Utils.dict_Utils.convert_string_to_dict(element, key_value_pair_sep=';', key_value_sep='=')[source]

This function converts a string into a dict.

input = “foo=foo1; bar=bar1; ; =foobar; barfoo=” return value = {‘foo’: ‘foo1’, ‘bar’: ‘bar1’}

If the dict is empty at the end of the function, None is returned

Framework.Utils.driver_Utils module

Copyright 2017, Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Framework.Utils.driver_Utils.execute_keyword(keyword, data_repository, args_repository, package_list)[source]

Executes the keyword provided by product driver 1. searches for class methods in the package list 2. searches for independent functions in the package list 3. If class method matching the keyword is found in the actions package executes it

else searches for independent fucntions matching the keyword name and executes it

Framework.Utils.email_utils module

Copyright 2017, Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Framework.Utils.email_utils.compose_send_email(exec_type, abs_filepath, logs_dir, results_dir, result, mail_on='per_execution')[source]

compose and sends email from smtp server using input arguments as: :Arguments:

  1. exec_type - type of test(case/suite/project)

  2. abs_filepath - full path of case/suite/project

  3. logs_dir - full path of logs directory

  4. results_dir - full path of results directory

  5. result - execution result

  6. mail_on(optional) - it is to specify when to send an email Supported options below:

    1. per_execution(default)
    2. first_failure
    3. every_failure
Framework.Utils.email_utils.construct_mail_body(exec_type, abs_filepath, logs_dir, results_dir)[source]

construct e-mail body with Project, Logs/Results directory & Execution summary :Arguments:

  1. exec_type - type of test(case/suite/project)
  2. abs_filepath - full path of case/suite/project
  3. logs_dir - full path of logs directory
  4. results_dir - full path of results directory
  1. body - return mail body

Get the parameters from the w_settings.xml file. :Arguments:

1.mail_on(optional) - it is to specify when to send an email.
Supported options below:
  1. per_execution(default)
  2. first_failure
  3. every_failure
  1. smtp_host - smtp host name
  2. sender - sender email ID
  3. receivers - receiver email ID(s)
  4. subject - email subject line
  5. compress - compression(Yes/No)
Framework.Utils.email_utils.send_email(smtp_host, sender, receivers, subject, body, files)[source]

sends email from smtp server using input arguments: :Arguments:

  1. smtp_host - smtp host name
  2. sender - sender email ID
  3. receivers - receiver email ID(s)
  4. subject - email subject line
  5. body - email body
  6. files - files to be attached
Framework.Utils.email_utils.set_params_send_email(addsubject, data_repository, files, mail_on)[source]
From data_repository array constructs body of email
using testcase/testsuite name, logs directory, results directory fetches smtp host, sender, receiver from w_settings.xml uses paramters such as: subject, body, attachments
  1. subject - email subject

  2. data_repository - array of email body lines e.g.
    1. testcase/testsuite name
    2. logs directory
    3. results directory
  3. files - list of file attachments

  4. mail_on(optional) - it is to specify when to send an email Supported options below:

    1. per_execution(default)
    2. first_failure
    3. every_failure

Framework.Utils.encryption_utils module

Copyright 2017, Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Framework.Utils.encryption_utils.decrypt(message, encoded_key=False)[source]

This is decryption

Framework.Utils.encryption_utils.encrypt(message, encoded_key=False)[source]

This is encryption


Function that returns enc instance using secret key, passed to this function or read from secret.key file

encoded_key - False or base64 secrety key for encryption
IV - Random seed used to enc CIPHER - Enc instance used to for encryption

Function that saves base64 encoded format of secret key, passed to this function and saved to secret.key file

plain_text_key - Plain text key, that is is used for encryption
status - True if key is base64 encoded and saved
False if not saved

key - base64 endoced key

Framework.Utils.file_Utils module

Copyright 2017, Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


add time and date to a path (file/dir)


Checks if dir exists in provided path. If dir exists returns True Elseif dir does not exists, tries to create a directory

  • If dir created successfully, returns True.
  • If dir creation failed returns false
Framework.Utils.file_Utils.check_extension_get_absolute_path(relative_path, start_directory, list_extn=['.json', '.xml', '.txt'])[source]

This is wrapper function that gets and verifies extention of a file path and then returns the absolute path. start_directory must be an absolute path


Close the file. A closed file cannot be read or written any more. :Arguments:

fd - file descriptor got from open_file
Return:True/False - based on the success/failure of the operation
Framework.Utils.file_Utils.convert_to_zip(file_path, compression_type=8)[source]

Compress the given file based on the compression_type using zipfile module. Name of the zipped file will be same as the given file name :Arguments:

  1. file_path - File to be zipped
  2. compression_type - ZIP_STORED(no compression) or ZIP_DEFLATED(requires zlib)
  1. zipped_file - zipped file
Framework.Utils.file_Utils.copy(src, dst)[source]

Copy the file src to the file or directory dst. If dst is a directory, a file with the same basename as src is created (or overwritten) in the directory specified. Permission bits are copied. src and dst are path names given as strings. :Arguments:

src - file to be copied dst - file/dir on which to be copied
Return:True/False - based on the success/failure of the operation
Framework.Utils.file_Utils.copy2(src, dst)[source]

Similar to shutil.copy(), but metadata (permissions etc., as mentioned in copy_stat above) is copied as well in fact, this is just shutil.copy() followed by copystat(). This is similar to the Unix command cp -p. :Arguments:

src - file and metadata to be copied dst - file/dir on which to be copied
Return:True/False - based on the success/failure of the operation
Framework.Utils.file_Utils.copyFileContents(srcfile, dstfile)[source]

copy file from src to dst using append method

Framework.Utils.file_Utils.copyfile(src, dst)[source]

Copy the contents (no metadata) of the file named src to a file named dst. dst must be the complete target file name. :Arguments:

src - file to be copied dst - file on which to be copied
Return:True/False - based on the success/failure of the operation
Framework.Utils.file_Utils.copyfileobj(fsrc, fdst)[source]

Copy the contents of the file-like object fsrc to the file-like object fdst. :Arguments:

fsrc - file descriptor of the file to be copied fdst - file descriptor of the file on which to be copied
Return:True/False - based on the success/failure of the operation
Framework.Utils.file_Utils.copymode(src, dst)[source]

Copy the permission bits from src to dst. The file contents, owner, and group are unaffected. src and dst are path names given as strings. :Arguments:

src - mode of the file to be copied dst - file on which mode has to be copied
Return:True/False - based on the success/failure of the operation
Framework.Utils.file_Utils.copystat(src, dst)[source]

Copy the permission bits, last access time, last modification time, and flags from src to dst. The file contents, owner, and group are unaffected. src and dst are path names given as strings. :Arguments:

src - permission bits of the file to be copied dst - file on which permission bits has to be copied
Return:True/False - based on the success/failure of the operation
Framework.Utils.file_Utils.createDir(path, dirname)[source]

Creates a new directory with name = dirname under the provided path, ignores if directory with same name already exists Arguments:

  1. path = (string) full path of an existing directory where a new directory need to be created
  2. dirname = (string) name of the new directory to be created
Framework.Utils.file_Utils.createDirForPyTc(filename, path, dirname)[source]

method for old directory structure, delete later if not required

Framework.Utils.file_Utils.createDir_addtimestamp(path, dirname)[source]

Creates a new directory with name = dirname under the provided path, if directory with same name already exists adds date+timestamp to the name and creates a new directory with name = dirname+date&timestamp Arguments:

  1. path = (string) full path of an existing directory where a new directory need to be created
  2. dirname = (string) name of the new directory to be created

Gets a Testcase/Testsuite/Project.xml filepath as input, Checks if a directory called Execution exits at the same level of Testcase/Testsuite/Project directory If it does not exist creates a directory called Execution.

Framework.Utils.file_Utils.create_zipdir(zipname, path, extn='zip')[source]

zip the path and output to same level


check if file exists and delete it


check if folder exists and delete it with its content


delete the last line of a file


Takes a file name as input and deletes the first line


delete the last line of a file


Takes a file name as input and deletes the first line

Framework.Utils.file_Utils.deleteLinesUntilMatch(filename, match, startfrom='first')[source]

Opens a file and deletes all the lines until a matching line is encoutered

# filename = location of the file from which lines are to be deleted # match = the line to be matched with, this is the entire line given in string format # startfrom = ‘first’ (default), starts the search begining form the first line of the file # and deletes all the lines until matching line is reached # = ‘last’, starts the search begining form the last line of the file moving upwards # and deletes all the lines until matching line is reached

Framework.Utils.file_Utils.deleteMatchingFileLines(origfile, newfile, arrValues)[source]

Searches existing file for text and creates new file without the lines containing the text.


check if directory exists


check if file exists


Returns the integer file descriptor that is used by the underlying implementation to request I/O operations from the operating system. :Arguments:

fd - file descriptor got from open_file
Return:integer file descriptor
Framework.Utils.file_Utils.findLastString(filename, searchterm)[source]

Return the last line of a file


Flush the internal buffer, like stdio’s fflush. This may be a no-op on some file-like objects. :Arguments:

fd - file descriptor got from open_file
Return:True/False - based on the success/failure of the operation
Framework.Utils.file_Utils.getAbsPath(relative_path, start_directory='.')[source]

This function is used to manipulate the path according to the relative path that is specified

  1. @param relative_path: The relative path of directory or file
  2. @param start_directory: The actual dir path where the file must be
  1. @return: Returns the abspath with the relative path specified

Will return the file name of file_Utils. Copy into file needed.


Will return the file path of file_Utils

Framework.Utils.file_Utils.getCustomLogFile(filename, path, custom, ext='.log')[source]

append filename of log file with custom string


Returns the current year-month-date_hour-minute-second


returns the directory component for the path provided


get extension of a path


get the file name part from a absolute path

Framework.Utils.file_Utils.getLinesBetweenMatchingLines(srcfile, dstfile, start, end, no_of_search=1)[source]

This function opens a file, searches for the start and end strings and writes the lines in between start and end string into a new file (start, end inluded) # srcfile = source file which has the data to be parsed # dstfile = destination file to which the captured data is to be written # start = starting string to be serached for # end = ending string to be searched for # no_of_searches = denotes the number of times the file has to be searched for the start and end strings # supported values = any interger greater than 0 # = EOF | eof searches the entire file


get file name without extension from a path

Framework.Utils.file_Utils.getNewExtension(filename, extension)[source]

Replace the extention of the file

Framework.Utils.file_Utils.getSubDirFile(subdir, existing_dir, ext)[source]

Searches for a sub-directory with provided name under a directory. If it does # not exist creates a new sub-directory # Now under this newly created directory creates file with sub-directory name and # provided extension.If a file with the same name already exists # adds data and # time-stamp to the filename . # Returns the filename thus created to the calling function # # Arguments: # subdir = name of the directory and the file to be created under an existing directory # dir = an existing directory # ext = extension for the newly created filename # # Note: This function does not open the result file, it only creates a name for the file. # The file with the created name has to be opened seperately

Framework.Utils.file_Utils.getXMLDataFile(filename, path)[source]

Get the xml Datafile for ‘.py’ testcases

Framework.Utils.file_Utils.get_absolute_path_from_start_directory(relative_path, start_directory, extension='.json')[source]


Keyword developer must be aware that relative path can be relative to 1. testcase file 2. data file (if path is given in tag= value) start_directory must be an absolute path

Framework.Utils.file_Utils.get_absolute_path_of_directory(relative_path_of_dir, start_directory)[source]


When provided with a start directory and a relative path of a directory, this function returns the absolute path. Else returns the relative path

Keyword developer must be aware that relative path can be relative to 1. testcase file 2. data file (if path is given in tag= value) start_directory must be an absolute path


Returns the file’s current position :Arguments:

fd - file descriptor got from open_file
Return:current position of the file, -1 if error occurred

Takes a filepath as input and returns the extension (extension is everything from the last dot to the end) If the input is a directory, the extension returned will be empty

  1. path = path of the file or directory
Framework.Utils.file_Utils.get_file_from_remote_server(remote_ip, remote_uname, remote_passwd, src, dest, logfile=None)[source]

use scp to get file from remote server


Returns access mode with which file was opened. :Arguments:

fd - file descriptor got from open_file

Returns name of the file. :Arguments:

fd - file descriptor got from open_file
Return:name of the file, empty string if there was an exception
Framework.Utils.file_Utils.get_lines_between(fd, startidx, endidx)[source]

Get lines between args[0] to args[1] :Arguments:

startidx - line index from which to send endidx - line index till to be send
Return:lines between startidx and endidx
Framework.Utils.file_Utils.get_modified_files(src_dir, time_stamp, filetypes='')[source]

Finds the modified files(with any one of the filetypes) after a given time_stamp in the src_dir. If filetypes argument is empty, all modified files will be included. :Arguments:

  1. src_dir(string) - path of the directory where the files will be
  2. time_stamp(int/float) - time stamp value. Ex. time.time() will
    return current system time in seconds
  3. filetypes(sting) - comma separated file types. Ex. “.py, .xml”
  1. modified_files(list) - list of files modified

Returns the next line from the file each time it is being called. :Arguments:

fd - file descriptor got from open_file
Return:next line
Framework.Utils.file_Utils.get_parent_dir(path, child)[source]

This function gets the parent directory of any a specified child folder from the given path

Framework.Utils.file_Utils.incrementFilename(filename, increment)[source]

add count to filename


Returns true if file is closed, false otherwise. :Arguments:

fd - file descriptor got from open_file
Return:True/False - description above

Returns false if space explicitly required with print, true otherwise. :Arguments:

fd - file descriptor got from open_file
Return:True/False - description above

Returns True if the file is connected to a tty(-like) device, else False. :Arguments:

fd - file descriptor got from open_file
Return:True/False - description above
Framework.Utils.file_Utils.log_result(oper, result)[source]

the methods in file_actions class use this to log the result of its operation

Framework.Utils.file_Utils.move(src, dst)[source]

Recursively move a file or directory (src) to another location (dst). If the destination is an existing directory, then src is moved inside that directory. If the destination already exists but is not a directory, it may be overwritten depending on os.rename() semantics.If the destination is on the current filesystem, then os.rename() is used. Otherwise, src is copied (using shutil.copy2()) to dst and then removed. :Arguments:

src - source file to be moved dst - target file/directory on which to be moved
Return:True/False - based on the success/failure of the operation
Framework.Utils.file_Utils.move_to_position(fd, offset, **kwargs)[source]

Sets the file’s current position :Arguments:

fd - file descriptor got from open_file offset - number of bytes to be moved
whence -

0 - move offset positions from beginning of file 1 - move offset positions from current position of file 2 - move offset positions from end of file


current position after movement

Framework.Utils.file_Utils.move_to_text(fd, pattern, n=1)[source]

seek to a text in the file :Arguments:

pattern - the regular expression pattern to search for in the file n - seek to the nth occurrence from beginning, default first occurrence

use negative indices for from the end
Return:True/False - based success or failure of seeking
Framework.Utils.file_Utils.open_file(newfile, mode)[source]

Opens the newfile in the mode specified and returns the filedescriptor which would be used by all the other file util operations. :Arguments:

newfile - name of the file to be opened mode - mode determines the mode in which the file has to be opened, i.e., read, write, append, etc.

r - Opens a file for reading only. The file pointer is placed at
the beginning of the file. This is the default mode.
rb - Opens a file for reading only in binary format. The file
pointer is placed at the beginning of the file. This is the default mode.
r+ - Opens a file for both reading and writing. The file pointer
placed at the beginning of the file.
rb+ - Opens a file for both reading and writing in binary format.
The file pointer placed at the beginning of the file.
w - Opens a file for writing only. Overwrites the file if the file
exists. If the file does not exist, creates a new file for writing.
wb - Opens a file for writing only in binary format. Overwrites
the file if the file exists. If the file does not exist, creates a new file for writing.
w+ - Opens a file for both writing and reading. Overwrites the
existing file if the file exists. If the file does not exist, creates a new file for reading and writing.
wb+ - Opens a file for both writing and reading in binary format.
Overwrites the existing file if the file exists. If the file does not exist, creates a new file for reading and writing.
a - Opens a file for appending. The file pointer is at the end of
the file if the file exists. That is, the file is in the append mode. If the file does not exist, it creates a new file for writing.
ab - Opens a file for appending in binary format. The file pointer
is at the end of the file if the file exists. That is, the file is in the append mode. If the file does not exist, it creates a new file for writing.
a+ - Opens a file for both appending and reading. The file pointer
is at the end of the file if the file exists. The file opens in the append mode. If the file does not exist, it creates a new file for reading and writing.
ab+ - Opens a file for both appending and reading in binary format.
The file pointer is at the end of the file if the file exists. The file opens in the append mode. If the file does not exist, it creates a new file for reading and writing.
Return:fd - file descriptor of the new file opened

check if path exists , does not care if it is file or directory

Framework.Utils.file_Utils.put_file_to_remote_server(remote_ip, remote_uname, remote_passwd, src, dest, logfile=None)[source]

use scp to put file from remote server, **kwargs)[source]

Reads at most size bytes from the file (less if the read hits EOF before obtaining size bytes). :Arguments:

fd - file descriptor got from open_file
Optional:size - number of bytes to be read
Return:the string read from the file, None if not able to read
Framework.Utils.file_Utils.readline(fd, **kwargs)[source]

Reads one entire line from the file. A trailing newline character is kept in the string. :Arguments:

fd - file descriptor got from open_file
Return:the line read
Framework.Utils.file_Utils.readlines(fd, **kwargs)[source]

Reads until EOF using readline() and return a list containing the lines. If the optional sizehint argument is present, instead of reading up to EOF, whole lines totalling approximately sizehint bytes (possibly after rounding up to an internal buffer size) are read. :Arguments:

fd - file descriptor got from open_file
Return:list of lines from the file
Framework.Utils.file_Utils.recursive_findfile(file_name, src_dir)[source]

Finds the file_name in the given directory. :Arguments:

  1. file_name(string) - name of the file(with extension) to be searched
  2. src_dir(string) - path of the dir where the file will be searched
  1. output_path(string) - Path of the file(from src_dir) with extension
    if the file exists else False

removes the file from the filesystem :Arguments:

nfile - filepath to be removed
Return:True/False - based on the success/failure of the operation
Framework.Utils.file_Utils.searchFile(filename, searchterm)[source]

search file for text, return True or False

Framework.Utils.file_Utils.searchaftertext(filename, startterm, searchterm)[source]

Start search after a certain text in a file

Framework.Utils.file_Utils.truncate(fd, **kwargs)[source]

Truncates the file’s size. If the optional size argument is present, the file is truncated to (at most) that size. :Arguments:

fd - file descriptor got from open_file
Optional:size - size up to which to truncate
Return:True/False - based on the success/failure of the operation
Framework.Utils.file_Utils.write(fd, string)[source]

Writes a string to the file. :Arguments:

fd - file descriptor got from open_file str - string to write
Return:True/False - based on the success/failure of the operation
Framework.Utils.file_Utils.writelines(fd, seq)[source]

Writes a sequence of strings to the file. The sequence can be any iterable object producing strings, typically a list of strings. :Arguments:

fd - file descriptor got from open_file sequence - sequence of lines to be written
Return:True/False - based on the success/failure of the operation

Framework.Utils.import_utils module

Copyright 2017, Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Framework.Utils.import_utils.import_submodules(package, recursive=True)[source]

Import all submodules of a package, recursively, including subpackages

Arguments: 1. package = (string) name of the package

(module) loader of the package
  1. recrusive = (bool) True = load packages and modules from all sub-packages as well.
    (bool) False = load only first level of packages and modules, do not load modules from sub packages

Framework.Utils.list_Utils module

Copyright 2017, Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Framework.Utils.list_Utils.get_list_by_separating_strings(list_to_be_processed, char_to_be_replaced=', ', str_to_replace_with_if_empty=None)[source]

This function converts a list of type: [‘str1, str2, str3’, ‘str4, str5, str6, str7’, None, ‘str8’] to: [[‘str1’, ‘str2’, ‘str3’], [‘str4’, ‘str5’, ‘str6’, ‘str7’], [], [‘str8’]]


This function converts a comma separated string in to a list

Eg: “a, b, c, d, e, f” would become [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’, ‘f’]

Framework.Utils.print_Utils module

Copyright 2017, Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Framework.Utils.print_Utils.print_debug(message, *args)[source]

Print a debug message to the terminal

Framework.Utils.print_Utils.print_error(message, *args)[source]

Prints an error message to the terminal


Print details of an exception to the console

Framework.Utils.print_Utils.print_info(message, *args)[source]

Print an info message to the terminal

Framework.Utils.print_Utils.print_normal(message, *args)[source]

Prints with out print type(-I-,-E-),with color cyan in bold TEXT

Framework.Utils.print_Utils.print_notype(message, *args)[source]

Prints with out print type(-I-,-E-),with color cyan in bold TEXT

Framework.Utils.print_Utils.print_sub(message, *args)[source]

Substitutes the string with *args tuple provided User has to provide the place holder for substitution in the message as {0}, {1}, {2} ..etc and the corresponding values in the *args.

Eg: print_sub(“My name is {0} {1}, I live in {2}”, ‘John’, ‘Doe’, ‘Texas’) Output: My Name is John Doe, I live in Texas

Framework.Utils.print_Utils.print_warning(message, *args)[source]

Prints a warning message to the terminal

Framework.Utils.print_Utils.print_without_logging(message, *args)[source]

Prints without writing to log file

Framework.Utils.rest_Utils module

Copyright 2017, Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Framework.Utils.rest_Utils.check_ext_get_abspath(relative_path, start_directory, list_extn=['.json', '.xml', '.txt'])[source]

This is wrapper function that gets and verifies extention of a file path and then calls get_abs_path_from_start_dir and returns the absolute path. start_directory must be an absolute path


This function evaluates the value of the files tag and returned validated data.

input: string

(path/to/file5.txt;content_type;(header1=value;header2=value2)), (path/to/file1.txt;content_type;(header3=value3;header4=value4))

output: dict

{ file5.txt: (file5.txt, open file5.txt (in binary mode), content_type, { header1: value, header2: value2 }), file1.txt: (file1.txt, open file5.txt (in binary mode), content_type, { header3: value3, header4: value4 }) }


This function evaluates the value of the files tag and returned validated data.

input: string

file_group_name=path/to/file2.txt; path/to/file3.txt

output: dict

{ file_group_name_1: open file2.txt (in binary mode), file_group_name_2: open file3.txt (in binary mode), }

Framework.Utils.rest_Utils.get_abs_path_from_start_dir(relative_path, start_directory, extension='.json')[source]

When provided with a start directory and a relative path, this function returns the absolute path. Else returns the relative path start_directory must be an absolute path


This function evaluates the value of the files tag and returned validated data.

input: string

path/to/file1.txt, path/to/file2.txt

output: dict

{ file1.txt: open file1.txt (in binary mode), file2.txt: open file2.txt (in binary mode), }


Takes API response as input and returns the type of the response whether it is json or xml or text Arguments:

response: It takes API response as input
returns the type of the response

This function evaluates the value of the files tag and returned validated data.

input: string

(path/to/file4.txt;content_type), (path/to/file1.txt;content_type)

output: dict

{ file4.txt: (file4.txt, open file4.txt (in binary mode), content_type) file1.txt: (file1.txt, open file1.txt (in binary mode), content_type) }

Framework.Utils.rest_Utils.remove_invalid_req_args(credentials_dict, invalid_args)[source]

This function iterates through the invalid_args list and removes the elements in that list from credentials_dict and adds those to a new dictionary

credentials_dict: Input dictionary after popping the elements in invalid_args invalid_args_dict: All popped elements.
Framework.Utils.rest_Utils.resolve_credentials_for_rest(credentials, element, datafile=None, system_name=None, variable_config='variable_config', var_sub='var_sub')[source]

User given comma separated data is converted into a list. If no data is given, then an empty list is formed.


This function verifies the value of the parameter cert. cert takes in either a path to the certificate file or a tuple containing the cerificate file and if the key is not included in that file, then a file containing the key. Else None.

This function evaluates user input for cookies. If a file path is given,
then a cookiejar object is created and the contents of the file are loaded into the object. This object is then returned.

Else, a dictionary would be created out of the string given input = “foo=foo1; bar=bar1; ; =foobar; barfoo=” return value = {‘foo’: ‘foo1’, ‘bar’: ‘bar1’}

If the dictionary is empty at the end of the function, None is retuened.

Framework.Utils.rest_Utils.resolve_value_of_data(element, datafile)[source]

This function validates the user input for data. If the input is a file path, then a file object is returned. if the input is in bytes, then the input is retuned. else, dictionary is returned.

input = “foo=foo1; bar=bar1; ; =foobar; barfoo=” return value = {‘foo’: ‘foo1’, ‘bar’: ‘bar1’}

If the dict is empty at the end of the function, None is returned


This function evaluates the value of the files tag and returned validated data.

input: string

path/to/file1.txt, file_group_name=path/to/file2.txt; path/to/file3.txt, (path/to/file4.txt;content_type), (path/to/file5.txt;content_type;(header1=value;header2=value2))

output: dict

{ file1.txt: open file1.txt (in binary mode), file_group_name_1: open file2.txt (in binary mode), file_group_name_2: open file3.txt (in binary mode), file4.txt: (file4.txt, open file4.txt (in binary mode), content_type) file5.txt: (file5.txt, open file5.txt (in binary mode), content_type,

{ header1: value, header2: value2 })


Framework.Utils.rest_Utils.resolve_value_of_json(element, datafile=None, system_name=None, variable_config=None, var_sub=None)[source]

Input string or file is converted to a json object. If an exception occurs, ‘Error’ is returned.


If allow_redirects is specifically set not no (case ignored), then and only then allow_redirects is set to False. Else is set to true.


This function verifies the value of the parameter stream. If set explicitly to ‘no’, it would be evaluated as False, else True.


The value given by the User, either in the datafile or in the TC, for the “timeout” parameter is assessed here. The User can either give a single value or comma separated value.

Requests docs for timeout:
** :param timeout: (optional) How long to wait for the server to send data
before giving up, as a float, or a (connect timeout, read timeout) tuple.

If a single value is given, then that value is used for both connect timeout and read timeout

If more than two comma separated values are given, only the first two are considered.

If the input is invalid (i.e. it is neither an integer, nor a float), then this function throws out an error, but keeps the user specified values, so that the Error can be caught when the keyword actually executes.


This function verifies the validity of the parameter verify. If the value is ‘yes’, verify gets set to True. If ‘no’, it gets set to False. If it is a path to a file and if the file exists, it gets set to the filepath. Else None.

Framework.Utils.selenium_Utils module

Copyright 2017, Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Create a virtual display Default size is 1920x1080 as smaller resolution may cause problem in firefox

Framework.Utils.selenium_Utils.evaluate_argument_value(xpath_or_tagname, datafile)[source]

This function takes checks if the given xpath_or_tagname exists in the datafile and returns its value. Else returns None.

Framework.Utils.selenium_Utils.execute_script(browser_instance, user_script)[source]

To exceute a user provided script

Framework.Utils.selenium_Utils.get_browser_details(browser, datafile=None, br_name='browser_name', def_name_tuple=('DEF_ecf', 'DEF_et'), bw_comp=('element_config_file', 'element_tag'), **kwargs)[source]

This function returns the correct browser details by evaluating the data files and the element config files

Framework.Utils.selenium_Utils.get_default_tag_for_locs(config_file, element_tag, locator_types)[source]

This function gets the default value of the locator_type from the element config file.

Framework.Utils.selenium_Utils.get_default_tags_from_datafile(kwargs, idf_data_dict, browser)[source]

This function checks for default tags under the current <browser>

Framework.Utils.selenium_Utils.get_element_from_config_file(config_file, element_tag, child_tag, is_locator_type='no', default=False)[source]

Gets default locators from json file

Framework.Utils.selenium_Utils.get_final_json_values(element, final_dict, mapper, def_name_tuple)[source]

This gets JSON values for every element and updates the dictionary

Framework.Utils.selenium_Utils.get_json_value_from_path(path, file, default)[source]

This function returns the value of json key (it can also be a path) obtained from the json file.


The mapper list contains all the element names that have been mapped to by other elements

Framework.Utils.selenium_Utils.get_mappers_for_all_elements(final_dict, def_name_tuple)[source]

This function gets the user defined mappings for tags and stores them in a mapper dictionary

Framework.Utils.selenium_Utils.save_screenshot_onerror(status, current_browser)[source]

To get the filename, directory name and to take screenshot of the current browser window

Framework.Utils.selenium_Utils.split_kwargs_on_tag_equalto(kwargs, datafile, browser)[source]

This function splits kwargs on tag= If the value is an xpath, then it follows the xpath and returns the value Else, if is it a singular tag name, then it searched for a tag with that name under the current <browser>


This function removes all mappings from the dictionary and only element values are retained

Framework.Utils.snmp_utils module

Copyright 2017, Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Split comma separated mib paths and add @mib@ at the end of the path if required. Argument: custom_mib_paths: comma separated mib paths as a string Return: Updated custom_mib_paths as a list

Framework.Utils.snmp_utils.translate_mib(custom_mib_paths, load_mib_modules, name, val)[source]

Translate OID to MIB custom_mib_paths: comma separated mib paths as a string load_mib_modules: MIB Module to load e.g. “MIB-FILE-1,MIB-FILE-2” Return: Translated OID string and value

Framework.Utils.string_Utils module

Copyright 2017, Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Framework.Utils.string_Utils.compare_string_using_regex(response, list_of_regex_patterns)[source]

Checks whether each regular expression is present in response and if all are present returns True else False

Framework.Utils.string_Utils.conv_str_to_bool(text, mapping_dict=None)[source]

Map a text to a boolean value. The default text to bool mapping is provided in the default_map dict below, however text and mapping_dict as inputs to map as per needs. default_map = {‘yes’: True, ‘y’: True, ‘no’: False, ‘n’: False }

Framework.Utils.string_Utils.get_list_from_varconfigfile(string, varconfigfile, start_pat='${', end_pat='}')[source]
Framework.Utils.string_Utils.replace_from_varconfig(varconfigfile, details_dict, var_sub=None)[source]

replace variables with values from variable config file

Framework.Utils.string_Utils.return_quote(a, start_pat='${', end_pat='}')[source]
return the list of element that needs to be substituted in a string
Framework.Utils.string_Utils.seek_next(pattern, data)[source]

find the next pattern in the data and return its position


Takes a list of string as input Removes the leading and trailing white spaces from each string in the list Returns an output list having the string elements with leading and trailing white spaces removed

Framework.Utils.string_Utils.sub_from_varconfig(varconfigfile, string_list, var_sub=None, start_pat='${', end_pat='}')[source]

Replaces the string variables with their values taken from varconfig_file. :Arguments:

1. varconfigfile - xml file or list of xml files from which the values will be taken for subtitution 2. string_list - List of command strings, where the variables will be replaced by the config values 3. var_sub(string) = the pattern [var_sub] in the testdata commands,

start_prompt, end_prompt, verification search will substituted with this value.
  1. List of command strings with replaced values or False(boolean) - if any one of the variables does not exist in varconfig_file
Framework.Utils.string_Utils.sub_from_varconfigfile(string, varconfigfile, start_pat='${', end_pat='}')[source]
Framework.Utils.string_Utils.sub_from_varsub(string, var_sub)[source]

Replace the pattern [var_sub] in the string with the value of var_sub


1. string(string) = input string which needs substitution 3. var_sub(string) = value to replace the pattern [var_sub]

in the input string

  1. updated string
Framework.Utils.string_Utils.sub_from_wdf(datafile, string_list, td_sys_list=None, kw_system_name=None)[source]

substitute the patterns $wdf{} in the command/verify parameters with the values form the datafile

Framework.Utils.string_Utils.text_compare(text1, text2, output_file)[source]

Compares two strings and if they match returns True else writes the difference to the output_file.

Framework.Utils.telnet_Utils module

Copyright 2017, Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

class Framework.Utils.telnet_Utils.Tnet_Comm(target, port='', uid='', pid='', logfile='telnet_log', cmd_rsp=None)[source]

Bases: object

Does communication with the NE/Server using Telnet protocol Write/Read commands to and from the NE/Server


Calls the telnetlib close and terminates the telnet session

get_response(cmd_string, prompt, timeout=120)[source]

Reads the output till the prompt and returns the result and reports Failure on mismatch of response


Connects to a NE using telnet protocol with provided login credentials

read(prompt='', timeout=60)[source]

Reads the output till the prompt and returns the result and reports Failure on mismatch of response


Writes the commands to the terminal

Framework.Utils.testcase_Utils module

Copyright 2017, Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Framework.Utils.testcase_Utils.TCOBJ = <WarriorCore.Classes.testcase_utils_class.TestcaseUtils object>
Framework.Utils.testcase_Utils.add_defects_to_resultfile(resultfile, defect_id)[source]

Adds defects if any to the testcase result file

Framework.Utils.testcase_Utils.append_result_files(dst_resultfile, kw_resultfile_list, dst_root='Testcase')[source]

append kw/system result xml files into testcase result xml file

Framework.Utils.testcase_Utils.compute_status_using_impact(input_status_list, input_impact_list, status=True)[source]

Computes the status from the list of input status and input impact

Framework.Utils.testcase_Utils.compute_status_without_impact(input_status_list, status=True)[source]

Computes the system status from the list of step status adn impact

Framework.Utils.testcase_Utils.compute_system_resultfile(kw_resultfile_list, resultsdir, system_name)[source]

Generates a system resultfile from the list of keyword result files




Gets the context value of a step/testcase/suite from the testcase.xml/testsuite.xml/project.xml file


Gets the default on error value of a step/testcase/suite from the testcase.xml/testsuite.xml/project.xml file


Gets the description value of a step/testcase/suite from the testcase.xml/testsuite.xml/project.xml file


Gets the impact value of a step/testcase/suite from the testcase.xml/testsuite.xml/project.xml file


gets the list of requirements for the testcase


Takes the location of any Testcase xml file as input Returns a list of all the step elements present in the Testcase

  1. testcase_filepath = full path of the Testcase xml file

Gets the WDesc string from the function object


close a file


map NO=false, YES=True and return the bool to the calling function

Framework.Utils.testcase_Utils.pCustomTag(name, txt)[source]

Adds a note to the testcase xml result file under the current tag :Arguments:

  1. txt = (string) a text description of the step
  2. print_type(string) = type of print - info/debug/error/exception/warn/None

create a driver tag in testcase result xml file

Framework.Utils.testcase_Utils.pKeyword(keyword_txt, driver_txt)[source]

Creates a keyword tag as direct child to the <Testcase> tag

Framework.Utils.testcase_Utils.pNote(txt, print_type='info')[source]

Adds the provided txt as a note to the test case xml result file under the current tag and also prints the txt to the console. :Arguments:

  1. txt (string) = a text to be written to result file and printed to the console.
Framework.Utils.testcase_Utils.pNote_level(txt, ptype='info', level=None, ptc=True)[source]

Create Note at the provided level


Open a file


Report the requirement-id to the xml result file


create a step tag in testcase result xml file


Adds the provided txt as a note to the test case xml result file under the current tag and also prints the txt to the console. :Arguments:

  1. txt (string) = a text to be written to result file and printed to
    the console.

Creates a substep tag in test case result xml file

Framework.Utils.testcase_Utils.pTestResult(text, resultfile)[source]

report test case reult in result xml file


Creates a root tag in the testcase result xml file

Framework.Utils.testcase_Utils.reportKeywordStatus(status, kw_name)[source]

Reports the status of a Keyword to the testcase xml result file base don the received status On receiving a True reports keyword as Passed On receiving a False reports keyword as Failure On receiving a Skip reports skips the keyword execution

  1. status = (bool) True or False


Framework.Utils.testcase_Utils.reportStatus(status, text='', level='Keyword')[source]

Reports the status of a Keyword to the testcase xml result file base don the received status On receiving a True reports keyword as Passed On receiving a False reports keyword as Failure On receiving a Skip reports skips the keyword execution

  1. status = (bool) True or False
  2. text = (string) any useful description
  3. level = (string) only supported value currently is Keyword


Framework.Utils.testcase_Utils.reportWarning(status, text='', level='subStep')[source]

Reports the status of a substep to the testcase xml result file base don the received status On receiving a True reports substep as Passed On receiving a False raises a warning On receiving a Skip reports skips the substep execution

  1. status = (bool) True or False
  2. text = (string) any useful description
  3. level = (string) only supported value currently is subStep



Reports the status of a substep to the test case xml result file based on the received status On receiving a True reports substep as Passed On receiving a False raises a warning On receiving a Skip reports substep execution as skipped

  1. status(bool) = status of the executed substep (True or False)


Framework.Utils.testcase_Utils.reportsubkeywordstatus(status, text='', level='Subkeyword')[source]
Reports the status of a Keyword to the testcase xml result file baseid on
the received status

On receiving a True reports keyword as Passed On receiving a False reports keyword as Failure On receiving a Skip reports skips the keyword execution

  1. status = (bool) True or False
  2. text = (string) any useful description
  3. level = (string) Default: SubKeyword



adds step_num attribute to the step tag in test case result xml file


adds result file attribute to the keyword tag in test case result xml file


adds step_num attribute to the step tag in test case result xml file

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils module

Copyright 2017, Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.compare_xml(xml1, xml2, output_file=False, sorted_json=True, remove_namespaces=False, tag_list=[], attrib_list=[])[source]

This will compare two xml files or strings by converting to json and then sorting and by default giving the sorted files and writing the difference to a diff file.

  1. xml1 : The first xml among the two xml’s which
    needs to be compared
  2. xml2 : The second xml among the two xml’s
    which needs to be compared
  3. output_file : It contains the difference between
    the two sorted json objects
  4. sorted_json : By default we are returning the sorted json
    files and if the user selects sorted_json as False, not returning the fileS
  5. remove_namespaces: If the user specifies remove_namespaces
    as True will remove namespaces and then compare xml’s
  6. tag_list: If user specifies tag names in tag_list,
    will remove those tags and then compare xml’s

7. attrib_list: If user specifies attribute names in the attrib_list, will remove those attributes and then compare xml’s

Returns a tuple that contains
comparison status two sorted json files or two None depends on sorted_json value output file path or diff_output depends on output_file value
Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.compare_xml_using_xpath(response, list_of_xpath, list_of_expected_api_responses)[source]

Will get each xpath in list of xpath and get the value of that xpath in xml response Compares the value with the expected_api_response If all values matches returns True else False


Converts a dom element into a string


Converts the provided xml element to string


Takes xml file path as input and converts to list of dictionaries Arguments:

file_name : It takes xml file path as input
list_of_dict: list of dictionaries where keys are tag names and values are respective text of the tag.
Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.create_element(tagname='', text='', **kwargs)[source]

create an xml element with given name and a dict of attribute

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.create_subelement(parent, tag, attrib)[source]

Creates a subelement with given tag and attributes under the parent element

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.del_attributes_from_xml(xml, attrib_list=[])[source]

It deletes the attributes either by their names or xpath

1.xml: It takes xml file path or xml string as input 2.attrib_list: It contains list of attributes which needs to be removed
It returns xml string
Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.del_tag_from_element(ele, tag)[source]

Delete a subelement with specific tag from an xml element object return the deleted subelement if pass return False if subelement not found

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.del_tags_from_xml(xml, tag_list=[])[source]

It deletes the tags either by their names or xpath

1.xml: It takes xml file path or xml string as input 2.tag_list: It contains list of tags which needs to be removed
It returns xml string
Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.getChildAttributebyParentTag(datafile, pnode, cnode, cattrib)[source]

Find the attribute in child node by traversing through the parent node in the given file datafile = xml file searched pnode = parent node cnode = child node cattrob = child node attrib

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.getChildElementWithSpecificXpath(start, xpath)[source]

This method takes a xml file or parent element as input and finds the first child containing specified xpath

Returns the child element.

Arguments: start = xml file or parent element xpath = a valid xml path value as supported by python, refer

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.getChildElementsListWithSpecificXpath(parent, xpath)[source]

This method takes a parent element as input and finds all the children containing specified xpath

Returns a list of child elements.

Arguments: parent = parent element xpath = a valid xml path value as supported by python, refer

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.getChildElementsListWithTagAttribValueMatch(parent, tag, attrib, value)[source]

This method takes a parent element as input and finds all the sub elements (children) containing specified tag and an attribute with the specified value.

Returns a list of child elements.

Arguments: parent = parent element tag = tag value of the sub-element(child) to be searched for. attrib = attribute name for the sub-element with above given tag should have. value = attribute value that the sub-element with above given tag, attribute should have.

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.getChildNodeTextaslist(parentnode, childnode)[source]

Get all child node text of the parent node and return as a list

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.getChildTextbyOtherChild(datafile, pnode, cnode, cvalue, rnode)[source]

Searches XML file for the parent node. Finds the 1st child node and checks its value if value is a match, then search for second child and return its value datafile = xml file searched pnode = parent node cnode = child node cvalue = child node value rnode = reference node or False if doesn’t exist

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.getChildTextbyParentAttribute(datafile, pnode, patt, pattval, cnode)[source]

Seraches XML file for the parent node with a specific value. Finds the child node and returns its text datafile = xml file searched pnode = parent node patt = parent node attribute patval = parent node attribute value cnode = child node

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.getChildTextbyParentTag(datafile, pnode, cnode)[source]

Seraches XML file for the first parent. Finds the child node and returns its text datafile = xml file searched pnode = parent node cnode = child node

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.getConfigElementTextWithSpecificXpath(datafile, xpath)[source]

This method takes an xml document as input and finds the first sub element (parent/children) containing specified xpath which should be a filepath to a netconf config file

Returns the element text attribute

Arguments: parent = parent element xpath = a valid xml path value as supported by python, refer

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.getElementListWithSpecificXpath(datafile, xpath)[source]

This method takes an xml document as input and finds all the sub elements (parent/children) containing specified xpath

Returns a list of matching elements.

Arguments: parent = parent element xpath = a valid xml path value as supported by python, refer

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.getElementStringWithSpecificXpath(datafile, xpath)[source]

This method takes an xml document as input and finds the first sub element (parent/children) containing specified xpath

Returns the element as a string

Arguments: parent = parent element xpath = a valid xml path value as supported by python, refer

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.getElementWithTagAttribValueMatch(start, tag, attrib, value)[source]
When start is an xml datafile, it finds the root and first element with:
tag, attrib, value.
Or when it’s an xml element, it finds the first child element with:
tag, attrib, value.

If there is not a match, it returns False.

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.getElementsListWithTagAttribValueMatch(datafile, tag, attrib, value)[source]

This method takes an xml document as input and finds all the sub elements (parent/children) containing specified tag and an attribute with the specified value.

Returns a list of matching elements.

Arguments: datafile = input xml file to be parsed. tag = tag value of the sub-element(parent/child) to be searched for. attrib = attribute name for the sub-element with above given tag should have. value = attribute value that the sub-element with above given tag, attribute should have.

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.getNodeCount(filename, node)[source]

Get the Number of subnodes under the node specified in the xml file

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.getNodeListbyAttribute(parentnode, childnode, attribute)[source]

Traverse through all the child node from the parent node and get the attribute from each child node and return all the attrubute as a list

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.getNodeText(filename, node)[source]

Get the Text of the Node

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.getNodeValuebyAttribute(filename, node, attribute)[source]

Get Node value from the Attribute from the xml fle

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.getNodebyParentandChildrenMatch(datafile, pnode, cnode, cvalue, rnode, rvalue, lnode)[source]

Searches XML file for the parent node. Finds the 1st child node and checks its value if value is a match, then search for second child and check if its value matches. If that is a match, then obtain the value of the third child datafile = xml file searched pnode = parent node cnode = child node cvalue = child node value rnode = reference node rvalue = refernce node value lnode = lastnode


Get the Root of the xml file

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.getValueListbyTagFromString(response, tag)[source]

Given a response object, return the list of value tag present in the object

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.getValuebyAttribute(filename, attribute, tag)[source]

Get the value of the attribute in a tag from the xml file

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.getValuebyTag(filename, tag)[source]

Get the value from the tag name from the xml file

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.getValuebyTagFromResponse(response, tag)[source]

Given a xml response object, returns the value for a particular tag

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.getValuebyTagFromStringWithXpath(response, xpathString, ns)[source]

Given a response object, return the value from the xpath and namespace combination


Takes a minidom parent node as input and returns a list of all child nodes

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.get_attributevalue_from_directchildnode(parentnode, childname, attribute)[source]

Takes a parent node element as input Searches for the first child with the provided name under the parent node If child is present returns the value for the requested child attribute (the returns None if the child does not have that attributte) Returns False if child is not found under the parent


Returns the list of children under to a provided parent node

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.get_child_with_matching_tag(parent, tag_name)[source]

Find whether Child node with tag = tag_name exists, if exists then return the child node

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.get_child_with_matching_tags(parent, tag_name)[source]

Gets the list of elements with matching tag_name


For a given parent object, return all children as a dictionary with the childs tag as key


Returns the root element of a xml document

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.get_element_by_attribute(xml_file, tag_name, attr_name, attr_value)[source]

Gets the element with matching tag_name, attribute name and attribute value

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.get_elements_by_tagname_ignore_ns(filename, element_tag)[source]

“Parses an xml using minidom and gets all the elements with matching tag names in the file, ignores namespaces in the tag names


Gets the first child of a given node Returns None if there is no child for the node.


Gets the last child of a given node Returns None if there is no child for the node.

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.get_last_level_children(node, tag)[source]

Find and return the last level children

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.get_matching_firstlevel_children_from_node(node, child_tag)[source]

Takes a xml file as input and returns a list of first child elements to the root that matches the provided tag

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.get_matching_firstlevel_children_from_root(filename, child_tag)[source]

Takes a xml file as input and returns a list of first child elements to the root that matches the provided tag

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.get_node(filename, node_name)[source]

Gets seraches for a node under the root and returns the node

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.get_node_list_iterative(filename, node_name)[source]

Find all matching subelements and returns iterable elements

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.get_text_from_direct_child(parentnode, childname)[source]

Takes a parent node element as input Searches for the first child with the the provided name under the parent node If child is present return the text of the child (returned text will be empty if the child has no text Returns False if child is not found under the parent


Get the tree from the xml file

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.list_path_responses_datafile(datafile, system_name)[source]

Returns the path_list and responses_list path_list contains list of response_path tags under the comparison_mode under the system with given system_name in the datafile responses_list contains list of response_value tags under the expected_api_response under the system with given system_name in datafile

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.nodeExists(filename, node)[source]

Find whether the Node exists in the xml file

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.recursive_delete_among_children(root, element)[source]
It performs a recursive operation among the children in the xml file
and finds the child that matches with the element and deletes it.
1.parent: It takes the root element in the xml file as input 2.element: It is the tag which we want to delete
It accepts the xml file path or string as input and remove
the name spaces.
xml: An input xml file path or xml string in which the name spaces
needs to be removed
Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.safe_subelement(parent, tagname, text='', **kwargs)[source]

create or overwrite a child element under the parent

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.verifyNodesValueMatch(datafile, pnode, cnode, cvalue, rnode, rvalue, bnode, bvalue, dnode=None, dvalue=None)[source]

Searches XML file for the parent node. Finds the 1st child node and checks its value if value is a match, then search for second child and check if its value matches datafile = xml file searched pnode = parent node cnode = child node cvalue = child node value rnode = reference node rvalue = refernce node value

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.verifyParentandChildrenMatch(datafile, pnode, cnode, cvalue, rnode, rvalue)[source]

Searches XML file for the parent node. Finds the 1st child node and checks its value if value is a match, then search for second child and check if its value matches datafile = xml file searched pnode = parent node cnode = child node cvalue = child node value rnode = reference node rvalue = refernce node value

Framework.Utils.xml_Utils.write_tree_to_file(root, file_path)[source]

Modify/Write to the xml file(filepath)

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