Source code for Actions.DemoActions.demo_actions

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"""This is demo_actions module that has all demo test case related keywords """
import base64
import json
import urllib2
import os

import Framework.Utils as Utils
from Framework.Utils.testcase_Utils import pNote, pSubStep
from Framework.Utils.data_Utils import getSystemData, get_credentials
from Framework.Utils.print_Utils import print_info, print_warning,\
print_error, print_debug, print_exception
from Framework.Utils import file_Utils as file_Utils

[docs]class DemoActions(object): """DemoActions class which has methods(keywords) related to actions used in demo KW """ def __init__(self): """ constructor """ self.resultfile = Utils.config_Utils.resultfile self.datafile = Utils.config_Utils.datafile self.logsdir = Utils.config_Utils.logsdir self.filename = Utils.config_Utils.filename self.logfile = Utils.config_Utils.logfile
[docs] def check_lab_equipment(self, system_name): """ Call the pc_replacement or testset_calibration KW to validate lab PC or test set calibration are up-to-date or not. """ wdesc = "Check lab PC replacement or test set calibration status" pNote(wdesc) #Resolve system_name and subsystem_list system_name, subsystem_list = Utils.data_Utils.resolve_system_subsystem_list(self.datafile, system_name) output_dict = {} status = True attempt = 1 if subsystem_list == None else len(subsystem_list) for i in range(attempt): result = False subsystem_name = subsystem_list[i] if subsystem_list != None else None #Put system_name in system_name[subsystem] format before calling #checking function call_system_name = system_name if subsystem_name is None \ else "{0}[{1}]".format(system_name, subsystem_name) eqpt_type = getSystemData(self.datafile, call_system_name, "eqpt_type") if eqpt_type is not False: if eqpt_type == "lab_pc": result, output_dict = self.pc_replacement(call_system_name) elif eqpt_type == "lab_testset": result, output_dict = self.testset_calibration(call_system_name) else: pNote("<eqpt_type>={0} provided for '{1}' is not "\ "supported".format(eqpt_type, call_system_name), "error") else: pNote("eqpt_type not provided for system={0}"\ .format(call_system_name), "warn") status = status and result return status, output_dict
[docs] def pc_replacement(self, system_name): """ Verify lab PC is current if less than 4 years old, otherwise a replacement is required. """ wdesc = "Check if lab PC is current or need replacement" #Resolve system_name and subsystem_list system_name, subsystem_list = Utils.data_Utils.resolve_system_subsystem_list(self.datafile, system_name) output_dict = {} status = True attempt = 1 if subsystem_list == None else len(subsystem_list) for i in range(attempt): Utils.testcase_Utils.pSubStep(wdesc) #Get name from the list when it's not 'None', otherwise, set it to 'None' subsystem_name = subsystem_list[i] if subsystem_list != None else None call_system_name = system_name if subsystem_name is None \ else "{0}[{1}]".format(system_name, subsystem_name) credentials = get_credentials(self.datafile, call_system_name, ['dom', 'user', 'os', 'testdata']) pNote("system={0}".format(call_system_name)) #Demo Framework testdata capability testdatafile = file_Utils.getAbsPath(credentials["testdata"], os.path.dirname(self.datafile)) add_info = Utils.xml_Utils.getElementWithTagAttribValueMatch(testdatafile, \ 'add_info', 'name', 'testdata') if add_info is not None: info_text = Utils.xml_Utils.get_text_from_direct_child(add_info, 'info') pNote(info_text) pNote(testdatafile) if credentials is not None and credentials is not False: num_of_year = 4 date_of_mfg = credentials["dom"] pass_msg = "Lab PC {0} is current, it's less than 4 years old."\ " A replacement is NOT required."\ .format(call_system_name) fail_msg = "Lab PC {0} is NOT current, it's more than than 4 "\ "years old. Please schedule for a replacement."\ .format(call_system_name) result = Utils.demo_utils.lab_eqpt_status(date_of_mfg, num_of_year, pass_msg, fail_msg) Utils.data_Utils.update_datarepository(output_dict) Utils.testcase_Utils.report_substep_status(result) status = status and result return status, output_dict
[docs] def testset_calibration(self, system_name): """ Check if the test set calibration is current if less than 1 year old, otherwise, re-calibration is required. """ wdesc = "Check if Lab Test set calibration is current." #Resolve system_name and subsystem_list system_name, subsystem_list = Utils.data_Utils.resolve_system_subsystem_list(self.datafile, system_name) output_dict = {} status = True attempt = 1 if subsystem_list == None else len(subsystem_list) for i in range(attempt): Utils.testcase_Utils.pSubStep(wdesc) #Get name from the list when it's not 'None', otherwise, set it to 'None' subsystem_name = subsystem_list[i] if subsystem_list != None else None call_system_name = system_name if subsystem_name is None \ else "{0}[{1}]".format(system_name, subsystem_name) credentials = get_credentials(self.datafile, call_system_name, \ ['calibration', 'user', 'location', 'testdata']) pNote("system={0}".format(call_system_name)) #Demo Framework testdata capability testdatafile = file_Utils.getAbsPath(credentials["testdata"], os.path.dirname(self.datafile)) add_info = Utils.xml_Utils.getElementWithTagAttribValueMatch(testdatafile, \ 'add_info', 'name', 'testdata') if add_info is not None: info_text = Utils.xml_Utils.get_text_from_direct_child(add_info, 'info') pNote(info_text) pNote(testdatafile) if credentials is not None and credentials is not False: calibrated_date = credentials["calibration"] num_of_year = 1 pass_msg = "Lab Test set {0} calibration is current, "\ "re-calibration is NOT required."\ .format(call_system_name) fail_msg = "Lab Test set {0} calibration is NOT current, it's "\ "more than than 1 year old. Re-calibration is "\ "required".format(call_system_name) result = Utils.demo_utils.lab_eqpt_status(calibrated_date, num_of_year, pass_msg, fail_msg) Utils.data_Utils.update_datarepository(output_dict) Utils.testcase_Utils.report_substep_status(result) status = status and result return status, output_dict
[docs] def local_data_test(self, desired_status): """For testing/demo/placeholder return true/false/exception based on input :Argument: desired_status = user desired status input pass->true, fail->false and everything else ->exception """ # print "desired_status: " + desired_status print_error("Please use the one in ci_regression_actions") if desired_status == "pass": return True elif desired_status == "fail": return False else: raise Exception("This is raised in demo_actions.local_data_test")
[docs] def create_jira_issue(self, server_url, username, password, issue_summary, issue_description, project_key, issue_type='Bug'): """ connect to jira server and create an issue under a specific project """ status = True output_dict = {} wdesc = "Creates a JIRA issue" pSubStep(wdesc) issue_summary = issue_summary.replace('"', " ") issue_description = issue_description.replace('"', "-") fetchuri = server_url postdata_url=fetchuri+'/rest/api/2/issue/' postdata = """ { "fields": { "project": { "key": \""""+project_key+"""\" }, "summary": \""""+issue_summary+"""\", "description": \""""+issue_description+"""\", "issuetype": { "name": \""""+issue_type+"""\" } } } """ credential_handler=urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() credential_handler.add_password(None, postdata_url, username, password) auth = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(credential_handler) userpassword = username + ":" + password password = base64.b64encode(userpassword) #Create an Authentication handler opener = urllib2.build_opener(auth) urllib2.install_opener(opener) opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPHandler(debuglevel=1)) #Create a POST request headers={"Authorization" : "Basic "+password,"Content-Type": "application/json"} request=urllib2.Request(str(postdata_url),postdata,headers) try: handler = urllib2.urlopen(request) extension = json.loads( issue_id = str(extension['key']) pNote("JIRA Issue Created. Issue-Id: {0}".format(issue_id)) output_dict["issue_id"] = issue_id except Exception as e: status = False pNote("Problem creating JIRA issue." , "error") pNote("JIRA Error Code: ({0})".format(e) , "error") Utils.data_Utils.update_datarepository(output_dict) Utils.testcase_Utils.report_substep_status(status) return status