Source code for Actions.FileActions.file_actions

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import Framework.Utils as Utils
import re
from Framework.Utils.testcase_Utils import pNote, pStep
from Framework.Utils import file_Utils
"""This is file_actions module that has all file related keywords """

[docs]class FileActions(object): """FileActions class which has methods(keywords) related to actions used in file KW """ def __init__(self): """Constructor for FileActions Class""" self.resultfile = Utils.config_Utils.resultfile self.datafile = Utils.config_Utils.datafile self.logsdir = Utils.config_Utils.logsdir self.filename = Utils.config_Utils.filename self.logfile = Utils.config_Utils.logfile
[docs] def write(self, filename, string, index=None): """write string in the filename at index location :Arguments: filename - filename path in which to write the string string - the string to be written index - the index in the filename at which to write. writes at the end of file if not provided :Returns: True if successful otherwise False """ wdesc = "write string in the filename at index location" pNote(wdesc) status = True fd = file_Utils.open_file(filename, "a") if index and file_Utils.move_to_position(fd, index) == -1: msg = "Could not move file position to index {}".format(index) pNote(msg, "error") status = False if status: status = file_Utils.write(fd, string+"\n") pStep('Writing {!r} in {!r}'.format(string, filename)) file_Utils.close(fd) file_Utils.log_result("write", status) return status
[docs] def findreplace(self, filename, regex, newstring, occurrence="", int_startidx=0, int_endidx=-1): """find regex/string in the filename and replace it with newstring :Arguments: filename - file path in which to do the operation regex - regex or string to be replaced newstring - the new string to replace the regex occurrence - list of comma separated lines index to find/replace, empty to replace all occurrences startidx - starting line from which to do find/replace, first line if not given endidx - ending line to do the find/replace, last line if not given :Returns: True if successfully replaced else False """ wdesc = ("find regex/string in the filename and replace it with " "newstring") pNote(wdesc) lines_to_replace = occurrence.split(',') if occurrence else [] rec = re.compile(regex) status = True lines_replaced = 0 try: fd = file_Utils.open_file(filename, "r") lines = file_Utils.readlines(fd) newlines = lines[:int_startidx] if int_startidx > 0 else [] if int_endidx < 0: int_endidx += len(lines) if int_endidx >= len(lines): pNote("indices of lines to replace are more than the length of" " the file", "error") return False for (idx, line) in enumerate(lines[int_startidx:int_endidx+1]): if (lines_to_replace and str(int_startidx+idx+1) not in lines_to_replace): newlines.append(line) else: newlines.append(rec.sub(newstring, line)) lines_replaced += 1 else: if int_endidx+1 != len(lines): newlines.extend(lines[int_endidx:]) linenos = occurrence if occurrence else "all" pStep('replacing {!r} with {!r} in file {!r} on {!r} lines'.format( \ regex, newstring, filename, linenos)) file_Utils.close(fd) except Exception as e: exc_msg = "findreplace returned exception {}".format(str(e)) pNote(exc_msg, "exception") status = False else: if lines_replaced: fd = file_Utils.open_file(filename, "w") file_Utils.writelines(fd, newlines) file_Utils.close(fd) else: pNote("no lines were replaced as no lines were selected", "warning") file_Utils.log_result("findreplace", status) return status
[docs] def check_text_occurrence(self, filename, regex, occurrence="", int_startidx=0, int_endidx=-1): """find regex/string in the filename :Arguments: filename - file path in which to do the operation regex - regex or string to be checked occurrence - list of comma separated lines index to check, empty to check all lines startidx - starting line from which to do check, first line if not given endidx - ending line to do the check, last line if not given :Returns: True if successfully checked for all occurrences else False """ wdesc = "find regex/string in the filename in the desired location" pNote(wdesc) lines_to_check = occurrence.split(',') if occurrence else [] rec = re.compile(regex) status = True try: fd = file_Utils.open_file(filename, "r") lines = file_Utils.readlines(fd) if int_endidx < 0: int_endidx += len(lines) if int_endidx >= len(lines): pNote("indices of lines to check are more than the length of " "the file", "error") return False for (idx, line) in enumerate(lines[int_startidx:int_endidx+1]): if not lines_to_check or str(int_startidx+idx+1) in lines_to_check: if is None: status = status and False linenos = occurrence if occurrence else "all" pStep('Checking {!r} in file {!r} on {!r} lines'.format(\ regex, filename, linenos)) file_Utils.close(fd) except Exception as e: exc_msg = "check_text_occurrence returned exception {}".format(str(e)) pNote(exc_msg, "exception") status = False file_Utils.log_result("check_text_occurrence", status) return status
[docs] def remove(self, filename): """remove the filename from the system :Arguments: filename - filename path to be removed from system :Returns: True if successful otherwise False """ wdesc = "remove the filename from the system" pNote(wdesc) status = file_Utils.remove(filename) pStep('removing {!r}'.format(filename)) file_Utils.log_result("remove", status) return status
[docs] def rename(self, filename, newname): """rename or move filename to newname :Arguments: filename - filename path to be renamed or moved newname - new file name or path to which the file has to be moved :Returns: True if successful otherwise False """ wdesc = "rename or move a file" pNote(wdesc) status = file_Utils.move(filename, newname) pStep('renaming {!r} to {!r}'.format(filename, newname)) file_Utils.log_result("rename", status) return status
[docs] def copy(self, filename, newname): """copy filename to newname :Arguments: filename - filename path to be copied newname - new file name or path to which the file has to be copied :Returns: True if successful otherwise False """ wdesc = "copy filename to newname" pNote(wdesc) status = file_Utils.copy(filename, newname) pStep('Copying {!r} to {!r}'.format(filename, newname)) file_Utils.log_result("copy", status) return status
[docs] def copystat(self, filename, newname): """copy only stats of filename to newname and not its contents :Arguments: filename - stats of the filename path to be copied newname - new file name or path to which the stats has to be copied :Returns: True if successful otherwise False """ wdesc = "copy stats of filename to newname" pNote(wdesc) status = file_Utils.copystat(filename, newname) pStep('Copying stat of {!r} to {!r}'.format(filename, newname)) file_Utils.log_result("copystat", status) return status
[docs] def copy2(self, filename, newname): """copy filename to newname along with stats :Arguments: filename - filename path to be copied along with stats newname - new file name or path to which the file and stats has to be moved :Returns: True if successful otherwise False """ wdesc = "copy filename to newname along with stats" pNote(wdesc) status = file_Utils.copy2(filename, newname) pStep('Copying contents with stats of {!r} to {!r}'.format(filename, newname)) file_Utils.log_result("copy2", status) return status