Source code for Actions.SeleniumActions.wait_actions

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""" Selenium keywords for Wait Actions """
from Framework.ClassUtils.WSelenium.element_locator import ElementLocator
from Framework.ClassUtils.WSelenium.wait_operations import WaitOperations
from Framework.ClassUtils.json_utils_class import JsonUtils
    import json
    import os
    import sys
    import re
    import getopt
    import datetime
    import Framework.Utils as Utils
except ImportWarning:
     raise ImportError

from Framework.Utils import data_Utils
from Framework.Utils.testcase_Utils import pNote, pSubStep
from Framework.Utils import xml_Utils
from Framework.Utils import selenium_Utils

[docs]class wait_actions(object): """This class has the functionality to wait till an event has happened on the webpage - such as the browser will wait till an element is clickable, visible, or present on a webpage. Implicit wait can also be set for a webpage with this class """ def __init__(self): """This is a constructor for the wait_actions class""" self.resultfile = Utils.config_Utils.resultfile self.datafile = Utils.config_Utils.datafile self.logsdir = Utils.config_Utils.logsdir self.filename = Utils.config_Utils.filename self.logfile = Utils.config_Utils.logfile self.jsonobj = JsonUtils() self.wait_oper_object = WaitOperations() self.element_locator_obj = ElementLocator()
[docs] def set_implicit_wait(self, system_name, timeout, browser_name="all", element_config_file=None, element_tag=None): """ This keyword would permanently set the implicit wait time for given browser instance(s) :Datafile Usage: Tags or attributes to be used in input datafile for the system or subsystem. If both tag and attribute is provided the attribute will be used. 1. system_name = This attribute can be specified in the datafile as a <system> tag directly under the <credentials> tag. An attribute "name" has to be added to this tag and the value of that attribute would be taken in as value to this keyword attribute. <system name="name_of_thy_system"/> 2. browser_name = This <browser_name> tag is a child of the <browser> tag in the data file. Each browser instance should have a unique name. This name can be added here Eg: <browser_name>Unique_name_1</browser_name> 3. timeout = This contains the information of how much time the browser needs to wait for any action to be performed on it Eg: <timeout>15</timeout> 4. element_config_file = This <element_config_file> tag is a child of the <browser> tag in the data file. This stores the location of the element configuration file that contains all element locators. Eg: <element_config_file> ../Config_files/selenium_config.json </element_config_file> 5. element_tag = This element_tag refers to a particular element in the json fie which contains relevant information to that element. If you want to use this one element through out the testcase for a particular browser, you can include it in the data file. If this not the case, then you should create an argument tag in the relevant testcase step and add the value directly in the testcase step. FOR DATA FILE Eg: <element_tag>json_name_1</element_tag> FOR TEST CASE Eg: <argument name="element_tag" value="json_name_1"> :Arguments: 1. system_name(str) = the system name. 2. browser_name(str) = Unique name for this particular browser 3. timeout(str) = amount of time the browser should wait 4. element_config_file (str) = location of the element configuration file that contains all element locators 5. element_tag (str) = particular element in the json fie which contains relevant information to that element :Returns: 1. status(bool)= True / False. """ arguments = locals() arguments.pop('self') status = True wdesc = "This would permanently set the implicit wait time for " \ "given browser instance(s)" pNote(wdesc) pSubStep(wdesc) browser_details = {} system = xml_Utils.getElementWithTagAttribValueMatch(self.datafile, "system", "name", system_name) browser_list = system.findall("browser") try: browser_list.extend(system.find("browsers").findall("browser")) except AttributeError: pass if not browser_list: browser_list.append(1) browser_details = arguments for browser in browser_list: arguments = Utils.data_Utils.get_default_ecf_and_et(arguments, self.datafile, browser) if browser_details == {}: browser_details = selenium_Utils. \ get_browser_details(browser, datafile=self.datafile, **arguments) if browser_details is not None: current_browser = Utils.data_Utils.get_object_from_datarepository(system_name + "_" + browser_details["browser_name"]) if not current_browser: pNote("Browser of system {0} and name {1} not found in the " "datarepository" .format(system_name, browser_details["browser_name"]), "Exception") status = False else: self.wait_oper_object.\ implicit_wait(current_browser, browser_details["timeout"]) browser_details = {} Utils.testcase_Utils.report_substep_status(status) if current_browser: selenium_Utils.save_screenshot_onerror(status, current_browser) return status
[docs] def wait_until_element_is_clickable(self, system_name, timeout=5, locator=None, locator_type=None, browser_name="all", element_tag=None, element_config_file=None): """ This keyword would check whether an element is visible and enabled such that we can click on the element :Datafile Usage: Tags or attributes to be used in input datafile for the system or subsystem. If both tag and attribute is provided the attribute will be used. 1. system_name = This attribute can be specified in the datafile as a <system> tag directly under the <credentials> tag. An attribute "name" has to be added to this tag and the value of that attribute would be taken in as value to this keyword attribute. <system name="name_of_thy_system"/> 2. browser_name = This <browser_name> tag is a child of the <browser> tag in the data file. Each browser instance should have a unique name. This name can be added here Eg: <browser_name>Unique_name_1</browser_name> 3. timeout = This contains the information of how much time the browser needs to wait for the element to become clickable Eg: <timeout>15</timeout> 4. locator_type = This contains information about the type of locator that you want to use. Can be 'xpath', 'id', 'css', 'link', 'tag','class', 'name' 5. locator = This contains the value of the locator. Something like "form", "nav-tags", "//[dh./dhh[yby]" 6. element_config_file = This contains the location of the json file that contains information about all the elements that you require for the testcase execution 7. element_tag = This contains the name of the element in that element_config_file which you want to use USING LOCATOR_TYPE, LOCATOR, ELEMENT_CONFIG_FILE, AND ELEMENT_TAG ================================================================= None of these arguments are mandatory BUT to search an element, you need to provide Warrior with some way to do it. a. You can either directly give values for the locator_type and locator. So if locator_type = name and locator = navigation-bar, then Warrior can search for an element with name "navigation-bar" b. You can give location of the element_config_file and a tag inside it so that Warrior can search for that tag and get the required information from there. - Now, if the locator type is given, Warrior will search for that locator_type in the children of that element in the element_config_file - You can also set defaults in the element_config_file, and now, even if the locator_type is not given, Warrior will know which element to find. If locator_type is given, the default will be overridden - If locator_type is not f=given, and the defaults are not specified, then the first element in the child list of the element tag would be picked. NOTES: For these four arguments to be given correctly, ONE of the following conditions must be satisfied. 1. locator_type and locator must be given 2. locator_type, element_config_file, and element_tag must be given 3. element_config_file, and element_tag must be given The datafile has the first priority, then the json file, and then finally the testcase. If all arguments are passed from the same place, then, if locator and locator_type are given, then they would have priority. Otherwise, the element_config_file would be searched The locator_type locator, element_tag can be given the datafile as children of the <browser> tag, but these values would remain constant for that browser. It is recommended that these values be passed from the testcase step. The element_config_file typically would not change from step to step, so it can be passed from the data file :Arguments: 1. system_name(str) = the system name. 2. browser_name(str) = Unique name for this particular browser 3. timeout(str) = amount of time the browser should wait 4. locator_type(str) = type of the locator - xpath, id, etc. 5. locator(str) = locator by which the element should be located. 6. element_config_file(str) = location of the element config file 7. element_tag(str) = json id of the locator that you want to use from the element config file :Returns: 1. status(bool)= True / False. """ arguments = locals() arguments.pop('self') status = True wdesc = "Browser would wait until element is clickable" pNote(wdesc) pSubStep(wdesc) browser_details = {} system = xml_Utils.getElementWithTagAttribValueMatch(self.datafile, "system", "name", system_name) browser_list = system.findall("browser") try: browser_list.extend(system.find("browsers").findall("browser")) except AttributeError: pass if not browser_list: browser_list.append(1) browser_details = arguments for browser in browser_list: arguments = Utils.data_Utils.get_default_ecf_and_et(arguments, self.datafile, browser) if browser_details == {}: browser_details = selenium_Utils. \ get_browser_details(browser, datafile=self.datafile, **arguments) if browser_details is not None: current_browser = Utils.data_Utils.get_object_from_datarepository(system_name + "_" + browser_details["browser_name"]) if not current_browser: pNote("Browser of system {0} and name {1} not found in the " "datarepository" .format(system_name, browser_details["browser_name"]), "Exception") status = False else: status = self.wait_oper_object.\ wait_until_element_is_clickable(current_browser, browser_details["locator_type"], browser_details["locator"], browser_details["timeout"]) browser_details = {} Utils.testcase_Utils.report_substep_status(status) if current_browser: selenium_Utils.save_screenshot_onerror(status, current_browser) return status
[docs] def wait_until_presence_of_element_located(self, system_name, timeout=5, locator=None, locator_type=None, browser_name="all", element_tag=None, element_config_file=None): """ This keyword would check whether an element is present on the DOM of a page :Datafile Usage: Tags or attributes to be used in input datafile for the system or subsystem. If both tag and attribute is provided the attribute will be used. 1. system_name = This attribute can be specified in the datafile as a <system> tag directly under the <credentials> tag. An attribute "name" has to be added to this tag and the value of that attribute would be taken in as value to this keyword attribute. <system name="name_of_thy_system"/> 2. browser_name = This <browser_name> tag is a child of the <browser> tag in the data file. Each browser instance should have a unique name. This name can be added here Eg: <browser_name>Unique_name_1</browser_name> 3. timeout = This contains the information of how much time the browser needs to wait for the element to be located Eg: <timeout>15</timeout> 4. locator_type = This contains information about the type of locator that you want to use. Can be 'xpath', 'id', 'css', 'link', 'tag','class', 'name' 5. locator = This contains the value of the locator. Something like "form", "nav-tags", "//[dh./dhh[yby]" 6. element_config_file = This contains the location of the json file that contains information about all the elements that you require for the testcase execution 7. element_tag = This contains the name of the element in that element_config_file which you want to use USING LOCATOR_TYPE, LOCATOR, ELEMENT_CONFIG_FILE, AND ELEMENT_TAG ================================================================= None of these arguments are mandatory BUT to search an element, you need to provide Warrior with some way to do it. a. You can either directly give values for the locator_type and locator. So if locator_type = name and locator = navigation-bar, then Warrior can search for an element with name "navigation-bar" b. You can give location of the element_config_file and a tag inside it so that Warrior can search for that tag and get the required information from there. - Now, if the locator type is given, Warrior will search for that locator_type in the children of that element in the element_config_file - You can also set defaults in the element_config_file, and now, even if the locator_type is not given, Warrior will know which element to find. If locator_type is given, the default will be overridden - If locator_type is not f=given, and the defaults are not specified, then the first element in the child list of the element tag would be picked. NOTES: For these four arguments to be given correctly, ONE of the following conditions must be satisfied. 1. locator_type and locator must be given 2. locator_type, element_config_file, and element_tag must be given 3. element_config_file, and element_tag must be given The datafile has the first priority, then the json file, and then finally the testcase. If all arguments are passed from the same place, then, if locator and locator_type are given, then they would have priority. Otherwise, the element_config_file would be searched The locator_type locator, element_tag can be given the datafile as children of the <browser> tag, but these values would remain constant for that browser. It is recommended that these values be passed from the testcase step. The element_config_file typically would not change from step to step, so it can be passed from the data file :Arguments: 1. system_name(str) = the system name. 2. browser_name(str) = Unique name for this particular browser 3. timeout(str) = amount of time the browser should wait 4. locator_type(str) = type of the locator - xpath, id, etc. 5. locator(str) = locator by which the element should be located. 6. element_config_file(str) = location of the element config file 7. element_tag(str) = json id of the locator that you want to use from the element config file :Returns: 1. status(bool)= True / False. """ arguments = locals() arguments.pop('self') status = True wdesc = "Browser would wait until presence of element is detected" pNote(wdesc) pSubStep(wdesc) browser_details = {} system = xml_Utils.getElementWithTagAttribValueMatch(self.datafile, "system", "name", system_name) browser_list = system.findall("browser") try: browser_list.extend(system.find("browsers").findall("browser")) except AttributeError: pass if not browser_list: browser_list.append(1) browser_details = arguments for browser in browser_list: arguments = Utils.data_Utils.get_default_ecf_and_et(arguments, self.datafile, browser) if browser_details == {}: browser_details = selenium_Utils. \ get_browser_details(browser, datafile=self.datafile, **arguments) if browser_details is not None: current_browser = Utils.data_Utils.get_object_from_datarepository(system_name + "_" + browser_details["browser_name"]) if not current_browser: pNote("Browser of system {0} and name {1} not found in the " "datarepository" .format(system_name, browser_details["browser_name"]), "Exception") status = False else: status = self.wait_oper_object.\ wait_until_presence_of_element_located(current_browser, browser_details["locator_type"], browser_details["locator"], browser_details["timeout"]) browser_details = {} Utils.testcase_Utils.report_substep_status(status) if current_browser: selenium_Utils.save_screenshot_onerror(status, current_browser) return status
[docs] def wait_until_presence_of_all_elements_located(self, system_name, timeout=5, locator=None, locator_type=None, browser_name="all", element_tag=None, element_config_file=None): """ This keyword would check whether all the elements is present on the DOM of a page :Datafile Usage: Tags or attributes to be used in input datafile for the system or subsystem. If both tag and attribute is provided the attribute will be used. 1. system_name = This attribute can be specified in the datafile as a <system> tag directly under the <credentials> tag. An attribute "name" has to be added to this tag and the value of that attribute would be taken in as value to this keyword attribute. <system name="name_of_thy_system"/> 2. browser_name = This <browser_name> tag is a child of the <browser> tag in the data file. Each browser instance should have a unique name. This name can be added here Eg: <browser_name>Unique_name_1</browser_name> 3. timeout = This contains the information of how much time the browser needs to wait for all the elemnts to be located Eg: <timeout>15</timeout> 4. locator_type = This contains information about the type of locator that you want to use. Can be 'xpath', 'id', 'css', 'link', 'tag','class', 'name' 5. locator = This contains the value of the locator. Something like "form", "nav-tags", "//[dh./dhh[yby]" 6. element_config_file = This contains the location of the json file that contains information about all the elements that you require for the testcase execution 7. element_tag = This contains the name of the element in that element_config_file which you want to use USING LOCATOR_TYPE, LOCATOR, ELEMENT_CONFIG_FILE, AND ELEMENT_TAG ================================================================= None of these arguments are mandatory BUT to search an element, you need to provide Warrior with some way to do it. a. You can either directly give values for the locator_type and locator. So if locator_type = name and locator = navigation-bar, then Warrior can search for an element with name "navigation-bar" b. You can give location of the element_config_file and a tag inside it so that Warrior can search for that tag and get the required information from there. - Now, if the locator type is given, Warrior will search for that locator_type in the children of that element in the element_config_file - You can also set defaults in the element_config_file, and now, even if the locator_type is not given, Warrior will know which element to find. If locator_type is given, the default will be overridden - If locator_type is not f=given, and the defaults are not specified, then the first element in the child list of the element tag would be picked. NOTES: For these four arguments to be given correctly, ONE of the following conditions must be satisfied. 1. locator_type and locator must be given 2. locator_type, element_config_file, and element_tag must be given 3. element_config_file, and element_tag must be given The datafile has the first priority, then the json file, and then finally the testcase. If all arguments are passed from the same place, then, if locator and locator_type are given, then they would have priority. Otherwise, the element_config_file would be searched The locator_type locator, element_tag can be given the datafile as children of the <browser> tag, but these values would remain constant for that browser. It is recommended that these values be passed from the testcase step. The element_config_file typically would not change from step to step, so it can be passed from the data file :Arguments: 1. system_name(str) = the system name. 2. browser_name(str) = Unique name for this particular browser 3. timeout(str) = amount of time the browser should wait 4. locator_type(str) = type of the locator - xpath, id, etc. 5. locator(str) = locator by which the element should be located. 6. element_config_file(str) = location of the element config file 7. element_tag(str) = json id of the locator that you want to use from the element config file :Returns: 1. status(bool)= True / False. """ arguments = locals() arguments.pop('self') status = True wdesc = "Browser would wait until presence of elements is detected" pNote(wdesc) pSubStep(wdesc) browser_details = {} system = xml_Utils.getElementWithTagAttribValueMatch(self.datafile, "system", "name", system_name) browser_list = system.findall("browser") try: browser_list.extend(system.find("browsers").findall("browser")) except AttributeError: pass if not browser_list: browser_list.append(1) browser_details = arguments for browser in browser_list: arguments = Utils.data_Utils.get_default_ecf_and_et(arguments, self.datafile, browser) if browser_details == {}: browser_details = selenium_Utils. \ get_browser_details(browser, datafile=self.datafile, **arguments) if browser_details is not None: current_browser = Utils.data_Utils.get_object_from_datarepository(system_name + "_" + browser_details["browser_name"]) if not current_browser: pNote("Browser of system {0} and name {1} not found in the " "datarepository" .format(system_name, browser_details["browser_name"]), "Exception") status = False else: status = self.wait_oper_object.\ wait_until_presence_of_all_elements_located(current_browser, browser_details["locator_type"], browser_details["locator"], browser_details["timeout"]) browser_details = {} Utils.testcase_Utils.report_substep_status(status) if current_browser: selenium_Utils.save_screenshot_onerror(status, current_browser) return status
[docs] def wait_until_visibility_is_determined(self, system_name, timeout="5", locator=None, locator_type=None, browser_name="all", element_tag=None, element_config_file=None): """ This keyword would check whether an element, known to be present on the DOM of a page, is visible :Datafile Usage: Tags or attributes to be used in input datafile for the system or subsystem. If both tag and attribute is provided the attribute will be used. 1. system_name = This attribute can be specified in the datafile as a <system> tag directly under the <credentials> tag. An attribute "name" has to be added to this tag and the value of that attribute would be taken in as value to this keyword attribute. <system name="name_of_thy_system"/> 2. browser_name = This <browser_name> tag is a child of the <browser> tag in the data file. Each browser instance should have a unique name. This name can be added here Eg: <browser_name>Unique_name_1</browser_name> 3. timeout = This contains the information of how much time the browser needs to wait for an element known to exist in the DOM to become visible Eg: <timeout>15</timeout> 4. locator_type = This contains information about the type of locator that you want to use. Can be 'xpath', 'id', 'css', 'link', 'tag','class', 'name' 5. locator = This contains the value of the locator. Something like "form", "nav-tags", "//[dh./dhh[yby]" 6. element_config_file = This contains the location of the json file that contains information about all the elements that you require for the testcase execution 7. element_tag = This contains the name of the element in that element_config_file which you want to use USING LOCATOR_TYPE, LOCATOR, ELEMENT_CONFIG_FILE, AND ELEMENT_TAG ================================================================= None of these arguments are mandatory BUT to search an element, you need to provide Warrior with some way to do it. a. You can either directly give values for the locator_type and locator. So if locator_type = name and locator = navigation-bar, then Warrior can search for an element with name "navigation-bar" b. You can give location of the element_config_file and a tag inside it so that Warrior can search for that tag and get the required information from there. - Now, if the locator type is given, Warrior will search for that locator_type in the children of that element in the element_config_file - You can also set defaults in the element_config_file, and now, even if the locator_type is not given, Warrior will know which element to find. If locator_type is given, the default will be overridden - If locator_type is not f=given, and the defaults are not specified, then the first element in the child list of the element tag would be picked. NOTES: For these four arguments to be given correctly, ONE of the following conditions must be satisfied. 1. locator_type and locator must be given 2. locator_type, element_config_file, and element_tag must be given 3. element_config_file, and element_tag must be given The datafile has the first priority, then the json file, and then finally the testcase. If all arguments are passed from the same place, then, if locator and locator_type are given, then they would have priority. Otherwise, the element_config_file would be searched The locator_type locator, element_tag can be given the datafile as children of the <browser> tag, but these values would remain constant for that browser. It is recommended that these values be passed from the testcase step. The element_config_file typically would not change from step to step, so it can be passed from the data file :Arguments: 1. system_name(str) = the system name. 2. browser_name(str) = Unique name for this particular browser 3. timeout(str) = amount of time the browser should wait 4. locator_type(str) = type of the locator - xpath, id, etc. 5. locator(str) = locator by which the element should be located. 6. element_config_file(str) = location of the element config file 7. element_tag(str) = json id of the locator that you want to use from the element config file :Returns: 1. status(bool)= True / False. """ arguments = locals() arguments.pop('self') status = True wdesc = "Browser would wait until visibility of an element known to " \ "be present in the DOM is determined" pNote(wdesc) pSubStep(wdesc) browser_details = {} system = xml_Utils.getElementWithTagAttribValueMatch(self.datafile, "system", "name", system_name) browser_list = system.findall("browser") try: browser_list.extend(system.find("browsers").findall("browser")) except AttributeError: pass if not browser_list: browser_list.append(1) browser_details = arguments for browser in browser_list: arguments = Utils.data_Utils.get_default_ecf_and_et(arguments, self.datafile, browser) if browser_details == {}: browser_details = selenium_Utils. \ get_browser_details(browser, datafile=self.datafile, **arguments) if browser_details is not None: current_browser = Utils.data_Utils.get_object_from_datarepository(system_name + "_" + browser_details["browser_name"]) if not current_browser: pNote("Browser of system {0} and name {1} not found in the " "datarepository" .format(system_name, browser_details["browser_name"]), "Exception") status = False else: element = Utils.data_Utils.\ get_object_from_datarepository(system_name + "_" + browser_details["browser_name"] + "_" + browser_details["locator_type"] + "=" + browser_details["locator"]) if element: status = self.wait_oper_object.\ wait_until_visibilty_is_confirmed(current_browser, element, browser_details["timeout"]) else: element = self.element_locator_obj.\ get_element(current_browser, browser_details["locator_type"] + "=" + browser_details["locator"]) status = self.wait_oper_object.\ wait_until_visibilty_is_confirmed(current_browser, element, browser_details["timeout"]) browser_details = {} Utils.testcase_Utils.report_substep_status(status) if current_browser: selenium_Utils.save_screenshot_onerror(status, current_browser) return status
[docs] def wait_until_visibility_of_element_located(self, system_name, timeout="5", locator=None, locator_type=None, browser_name="all", element_tag=None, element_config_file=None): """ This keyword would check whether an element is present on the DOM of a page and visible. :Datafile Usage: Tags or attributes to be used in input datafile for the system or subsystem. If both tag and attribute is provided the attribute will be used. 1. system_name = This attribute can be specified in the datafile as a <system> tag directly under the <credentials> tag. An attribute "name" has to be added to this tag and the value of that attribute would be taken in as value to this keyword attribute. <system name="name_of_thy_system"/> 2. browser_name = This <browser_name> tag is a child of the <browser> tag in the data file. Each browser instance should have a unique name. This name can be added here Eg: <browser_name>Unique_name_1</browser_name> 3. timeout = This contains the information of how much time the browser needs to wait for an element whose existence in the DOM is unknown to become visible Eg: <timeout>15</timeout> 4. locator_type = This contains information about the type of locator that you want to use. Can be 'xpath', 'id', 'css', 'link', 'tag','class', 'name' 5. locator = This contains the value of the locator. Something like "form", "nav-tags", "//[dh./dhh[yby]" 6. element_config_file = This contains the location of the json file that contains information about all the elements that you require for the testcase execution 7. element_tag = This contains the name of the element in that element_config_file which you want to use USING LOCATOR_TYPE, LOCATOR, ELEMENT_CONFIG_FILE, AND ELEMENT_TAG ================================================================= None of these arguments are mandatory BUT to search an element, you need to provide Warrior with some way to do it. a. You can either directly give values for the locator_type and locator. So if locator_type = name and locator = navigation-bar, then Warrior can search for an element with name "navigation-bar" b. You can give location of the element_config_file and a tag inside it so that Warrior can search for that tag and get the required information from there. - Now, if the locator type is given, Warrior will search for that locator_type in the children of that element in the element_config_file - You can also set defaults in the element_config_file, and now, even if the locator_type is not given, Warrior will know which element to find. If locator_type is given, the default will be overridden - If locator_type is not f=given, and the defaults are not specified, then the first element in the child list of the element tag would be picked. NOTES: For these four arguments to be given correctly, ONE of the following conditions must be satisfied. 1. locator_type and locator must be given 2. locator_type, element_config_file, and element_tag must be given 3. element_config_file, and element_tag must be given The datafile has the first priority, then the json file, and then finally the testcase. If all arguments are passed from the same place, then, if locator and locator_type are given, then they would have priority. Otherwise, the element_config_file would be searched The locator_type locator, element_tag can be given the datafile as children of the <browser> tag, but these values would remain constant for that browser. It is recommended that these values be passed from the testcase step. The element_config_file typically would not change from step to step, so it can be passed from the data file :Arguments: 1. system_name(str) = the system name. 2. browser_name(str) = Unique name for this particular browser 3. timeout(str) = amount of time the browser should wait 4. locator_type(str) = type of the locator - xpath, id, etc. 5. locator(str) = locator by which the element should be located. 6. element_config_file(str) = location of the element config file 7. element_tag(str) = json id of the locator that you want to use from the element config file :Returns: 1. status(bool)= True / False. """ arguments = locals() arguments.pop('self') status = True wdesc = "Browser would wait until visibility of an element known to " \ "be is determined" pNote(wdesc) pSubStep(wdesc) browser_details = {} system = xml_Utils.getElementWithTagAttribValueMatch(self.datafile, "system", "name", system_name) browser_list = system.findall("browser") try: browser_list.extend(system.find("browsers").findall("browser")) except AttributeError: pass if not browser_list: browser_list.append(1) browser_details = arguments for browser in browser_list: arguments = Utils.data_Utils.get_default_ecf_and_et(arguments, self.datafile, browser) if browser_details == {}: browser_details = selenium_Utils. \ get_browser_details(browser, datafile=self.datafile, **arguments) if browser_details is not None: current_browser = Utils.data_Utils.get_object_from_datarepository(system_name + "_" + browser_details["browser_name"]) if not current_browser: pNote("Browser of system {0} and name {1} not found in the " "datarepository" .format(system_name, browser_details["browser_name"]), "Exception") status = False else: status = self.wait_oper_object.\ wait_until_visibility_of_element_located(current_browser, browser_details["locator_type"], browser_details["locator"], browser_details["timeout"]) browser_details = {} Utils.testcase_Utils.report_substep_status(status) if current_browser: selenium_Utils.save_screenshot_onerror(status, current_browser) return status