Source code for Actions.SnmpActions.common_snmp_actions

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Implementation of the standard SNMP protocol commands for SNMP v1 and v2c and V3
and IPv6 support added.
SNMP v3 Trap and Inform support added. 
import os, re, ast
import Framework.Utils as Utils
from Framework.Utils.print_Utils import print_exception
from Framework.ClassUtils.snmp_utlity_class import WSnmp as ws
from Framework.Utils import testcase_Utils, config_Utils, data_Utils, snmp_utils
from threading import Thread
from time import sleep
import Queue
    from pysnmp.entity.rfc3413 import ntfrcv
    from pysnmp.smi import builder, view, compiler, rfc1902, error
except ImportError:
    testcase_Utils.pNote("Please Install PYSNMP 4.3.8 or Above", "error")

[docs]class CommonSnmpActions(object): """ Class for standard SNMP protocol commands """ def __init__(self): self.resultfile = Utils.config_Utils.resultfile self.datafile = Utils.config_Utils.datafile self.logsdir = Utils.config_Utils.logsdir self.filename = Utils.config_Utils.filename self.logfile = Utils.config_Utils.logfile self.snmpver = {'1':'0', '2':'1', '2c':'1', '3':'2'}
[docs] def snmp_get(self, snmp_ver, system_name, mib_name=None, mib_index=None, mib_value=None, oid_string=None, communityname=None, snmp_timeout=60, userName=None, authKey=None, privKey=None,authProtocol=None, privProtocol=None, custom_mib_paths=None, load_mib_modules=None): """ snmp_get uses the SNMP GET request to query for information on a network entity :Datafile usage: 1.(string) Agents IP address. address="" 2.(string) SNMP UDP port. port="161" :Arguments: 1.communityname : SNMP v1/v2c community string. e.g. 'public' 2. snmp_ver: Support for v1 and V2 and V3 1 for v1, 2 for V2, 3 for V3 3.mib_name : Name of the Management Information Base e.g. 'IF-MIB' 4.mib_index: MIB index name e.g. 'ipAdEntAddr' 5.mib_value: e.g. '' 6.oid_string: object identifiers (OIDs) that are available on the managed device. e.g. '' which is, ifPhysAddress The physical address of the interface. User can provide either MIB or oid_string. 7.system_name(string) = Name of the system from the input datafile 8.snmp_timeout: Number of seconds the SNMP manager will wait for a responce from SNMP Agent. In case of SNMP walk the may need to set to higher. #arguments 9-13 are only for SNMPv3 or mpModel = 2 and in that # case communityname will be None 9.userName(string) = A human readable string representing the name of the SNMP USM user. e.g. 'usr1' 10.authKey(string) = Initial value of the secret authentication key. e.g. 'authkey1' 11.privKey(string) = Initial value of the secret encryption key. e.g. 'privkey1' 12.authProtocol(string) = An indication of whether messages sent on behalf of this USM user can be authenticated, and if so, the type of authentication protocol which is used. supported protocols: usmNoAuthProtocol, usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol, usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol authProtocol="1,3,6,1,6,3,10,1,1,2" 13.privProtocol(string) = An indication of whether messages sent on behalf of this USM user be encrypted, and if so, the type of encryption protocol which is used. supported usmNoPrivProtocol(default), usmDESPrivProtocol, usm3DESEDEPrivProtocol, usmAesCfb128Protocol e.g. privProtocol="1,3,6,1,6,3,10,1,2,2" 14.custom_mib_paths: User can provide multiple MIB source path seperated by comma (',') Source path can be url or just absolute directory path. Refer bellow example. e.g. 'http://<URL>/@mib@, /data/users/MIBS/'. For URL it supports http, file, https, ftp and sftp. Use @mib@ placeholder token in URL location to refer. 15.load_mib_modules: User can provide the MIBS(name) need to be loaded from the path "custom_mib_path". It is a string of MIB names separated by comma(',') :Return: status(bool)= True / False. output_dict = consists of following key value: 1.errindication: If this string is not empty, it indicates the SNMP engine error. 2.errstatus: If this element evaluates to True, it indicates an error in the SNMP communication.Object that generated the error is indicated by the errindex element. 3.errindex: If the errstatus indicates that an error has occurred, this field can be used to find the SNMP object that caused the error. The object position in the result array is errindex-1. 4.result: This element contains a list of all returned SNMP object elements. Each element is a tuple that contains the name of the object and the object value. """ wdesc = "Executing SNMP GET command" Utils.testcase_Utils.pSubStep(wdesc) status = False snmp_parameters = ['ip', 'snmp_port'] snmp_param_dic = Utils.data_Utils.get_credentials(self.datafile, system_name, snmp_parameters) ipaddr = snmp_param_dic.get('ip') port = snmp_param_dic.get('snmp_port') output_dict = {} temp_custom_mib_paths = None wsnmp = ws(communityname, self.snmpver.get(snmp_ver), ipaddr, port, snmp_timeout, userName, authKey, privKey,authProtocol, privProtocol) cmdgen = wsnmp.commandgenerator() if self.snmpver.get(snmp_ver) is '2':# for ssnmp v3 auth_data = wsnmp.usmuserdata() else: #for snmp v1 or v2c auth_data = wsnmp.communitydata() if ':' in ipaddr:#for ipv6 transport = wsnmp.udp6transporttarget() else: #for ipv4 transport = wsnmp.udptransporttarget() if custom_mib_paths: temp_custom_mib_paths = snmp_utils.split_mib_path(custom_mib_paths) if oid_string == None and mib_name == None: testcase_Utils.pNote("Please provide OID or MIB Information!", "error") if oid_string: oid = tuple([int(e) if e.isdigit() else e for e in oid_string.split('.')]) else: if custom_mib_paths: oid = wsnmp.mibvariable(mib_name, mib_index, mib_value).addAsn1MibSource(*temp_custom_mib_paths) else: oid = wsnmp.mibvariable(mib_name, mib_index, mib_value) try: errindication, errstatus,\ errindex, result = cmdgen.getCmd(auth_data, transport, oid) output_dict = { '{0}_errindication'.format(system_name):errindication, '{0}_errstatus'.format(system_name):errstatus, '{0}_errindex'.format(system_name):errindex, '{0}_result'.format(system_name):result, '{0}_custom_mib_paths'.format(system_name):temp_custom_mib_paths, '{0}_load_mib_modules'.format(system_name):load_mib_modules } if result != []: status = True testcase_Utils.pNote("Successfully executed SNMP GET command {}".format(result), "info") else: testcase_Utils.pNote("Failure SNMP Command Return Null Value! {}".format(result), "error") except wsnmp.exception as excep: status = False testcase_Utils.pNote("SNMP GET command Failed!\n{}".format(excep), "error") Utils.testcase_Utils.report_substep_status(status) return status, output_dict
[docs] def snmp_getnext(self, snmp_ver, system_name, mib_name=None, mib_index=None, mib_value=None, oid_string=None, communityname=None, snmp_timeout=60, max_rows=1, userName=None, authKey=None, privKey=None,authProtocol=None, privProtocol=None, custom_mib_paths=None, load_mib_modules=None): """ snmp_get_next uses the SNMP GETNEXT request to query for information on a network entity :Datafile usage: 1.(string) Agents IP address. address="" 2.(string) SNMP UDP port. port="161" :Arguments: 1.communityname : SNMP v1/v2c community string. e.g. 'public' 2. snmp_ver: Support for v1 and V2 and V3 1 for v1, 2 for V2, 3 for V3 3.mib_name : Name of the Management Information Base e.g. 'IF-MIB' 4.mib_index: MIB index name e.g. 'ipAdEntAddr' 5.mib_value: e.g. '' 6.oid_string: object identifiers (OIDs) that are available on the managed device. e.g. '' which is, ifPhysAddress The physical address of the interface. User can provide either MIB or oid_string. 7. system_name(string) = Name of the system from the input datafile 8. snmp_timeout: Number of seconds the SNMP manager will wait for a responce from SNMP Agent. In case of SNMP walk the may need to set to higher. 9.max_rows = By default its value is one if user wants to change the no of get next message from the given OID or MIB value they can change it with different no. #arguments 9-13 are only for SNMPv3 or mpModel = 2 and in that # case communityname will be None 10.userName(string) = A human readable string representing the name of the SNMP USM user. e.g. 'usr1' 11.authKey(string) = Initial value of the secret authentication key. e.g. 'authkey1' 12.privKey(string) = Initial value of the secret encryption key. e.g. 'privkey1' 13.authProtocol(string) = An indication of whether messages sent on behalf of this USM user can be authenticated, and if so, the type of authentication protocol which is used. supported protocols: usmNoAuthProtocol, usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol, usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol authProtocol='1,3,6,1,6,3,10,1,1,2' 14.privProtocols(string) = An indication of whether messages sent on behalf of this USM user be encrypted, and if so, the type of encryption protocol which is used. supported usmNoPrivProtocol(default), usmDESPrivProtocol, usm3DESEDEPrivProtocol, usmAesCfb128Protocol e.g. privProtocol='1,3,6,1,6,3,10,1,2,2)' 15.custom_mib_paths: User can provide multiple MIB source path seperated by comma (',') Source path can be url or just absolute directory path. Refer bellow example. e.g. 'http://<URL>/@mib@, /data/users/MIBS/'. For URL it supports http, file, https, ftp and sftp. Use @mib@ placeholder token in URL location to refer. 16.load_mib_module: User can provide the MIBS(name) need to be loaded from the path "custom_mib_path". It is a string of MIB names separated by comma(',') :Return: status(bool)= True / False. output_dict = consists of following key value: 1.errindication: If this string is not empty, it indicates the SNMP engine error. 2.errstatus: If this element evaluates to True,it indicates an error in the SNMP communication.Object that generated the error is indicated by the errindex element. 3.errindex: If the errstatus indicates that an error has occurred, this field can be used to find the SNMP object that caused the error. The object position in the result array is errindex-1. 4.result: This element contains a list of all returned SNMP object elements. Each element is a tuple that contains the name of the object and the object value. """ wdesc = "Executing SNMP GETNEXT command" Utils.testcase_Utils.pSubStep(wdesc) status = False snmp_parameters = ['ip', 'snmp_port'] snmp_param_dic = Utils.data_Utils.get_credentials(self.datafile, system_name, snmp_parameters) ipaddr = snmp_param_dic.get('ip') port = snmp_param_dic.get('snmp_port') output_dict = {} temp_custom_mib_paths = None wsnmp = ws(communityname, self.snmpver.get(snmp_ver), ipaddr, port, snmp_timeout, userName, authKey, privKey,authProtocol, privProtocol) cmdgen = wsnmp.commandgenerator() if self.snmpver.get(snmp_ver) is '2':# for ssnmp v3 auth_data = wsnmp.usmuserdata() else: #for snmp v1 or v2c auth_data = wsnmp.communitydata() if ':' in ipaddr:#for ipv6 transport = wsnmp.udp6transporttarget() else: #for ipv4 transport = wsnmp.udptransporttarget() if custom_mib_paths: temp_custom_mib_paths = snmp_utils.split_mib_path(custom_mib_paths) if oid_string == None and mib_name == None: testcase_Utils.pNote("Please provide OID or MIB Information!", "error") if oid_string: oid = tuple([int(e) if e.isdigit() else e for e in oid_string.split('.')]) else: if custom_mib_paths: oid = wsnmp.mibvariable(mib_name, mib_index, mib_value).addAsn1MibSource(*temp_custom_mib_paths) else: oid = wsnmp.mibvariable(mib_name, mib_index, mib_value) try: errindication, errstatus, errindex, \ result = cmdgen.nextCmd(auth_data, transport, oid, ignoreNonIncreasingOid=True, maxRows=int(max_rows), lookupNames=True, lookupValues=True, lexicographicMode=True) # maxRows=1 will control the mib walk output_dict = { '{0}_errindication'.format(system_name):errindication, '{0}_errstatus'.format(system_name):errstatus, '{0}_errindex'.format(system_name):errindex, '{0}_result'.format(system_name):result, '{0}_custom_mib_paths'.format(system_name):temp_custom_mib_paths, '{0}_load_mib_modules'.format(system_name):load_mib_modules} if result != []: status = True testcase_Utils.pNote("Successfully executed SNMP GET-NEXT " "command {}".format(result), "info") else: testcase_Utils.pNote("Failure SNMP Command Return Null Value! {}".format(result), "error") except wsnmp.exception as excep: status = False testcase_Utils.pNote("SNMP GET-Next command Failed! \n{}".format(excep), "error") Utils.testcase_Utils.report_substep_status(status) return status, output_dict
[docs] def snmp_walk(self, snmp_ver, system_name, mib_name=None, mib_index=None, mib_value=None, oid_string=None, communityname=None, snmp_timeout=60, userName=None, authKey=None, privKey=None,authProtocol=None, privProtocol=None, custom_mib_paths=None, load_mib_modules=None, lexicographicMode="False"): """ snmp_walk uses the SNMP WALK request to query for information on a network entity :Datafile usage: 1.(string) Agents IP address. address="" 2.(string) SNMP UDP port. port="161" :Arguments: 1.communityname : SNMP v1/v2c community string. e.g. 'public' 2. snmp_ver: Support for v1 and V2 and V3 1 for v1, 2 for V2, 3 for V3 3.mib_name : Name of the Management Information Base e.g. 'IF-MIB' 4.mib_index: MIB index name e.g. 'ipAdEntAddr' 5.mib_value: e.g. '' 6.oid_string: object identifiers (OIDs) that are available on the managed device. e.g. '' which is, ifPhysAddress The physical address of the interface. User can provide either MIB or oid_string. 7. system_name(string) = Name of the system from the input datafile 8. snmp_timeout: Number of seconds the SNMP manager will wait for a responce from SNMP Agent. In case of SNMP walk the may need to set to higher. #arguments 9-13 are only for SNMPv3 or mpModel = 2 and in that # case communityname will be None 9.userName(string) = A human readable string representing the name of the SNMP USM user. e.g. 'usr1' 10.authKey(string) = Initial value of the secret authentication key. e.g. 'authkey1' 11.privKey(string) = Initial value of the secret encryption key. e.g. 'privkey1' 12.authProtocol(string) = An indication of whether messages sent on behalf of this USM user can be authenticated, and if so, the type of authentication protocol which is used. supported protocols: usmNoAuthProtocol, usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol, usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol authProtocol='1,3,6,1,6,3,10,1,1,2' 13.privProtocol(string) = An indication of whether messages sent on behalf of this USM user be encrypted, and if so, the type of encryption protocol which is used. supported usmNoPrivProtocol(default), usmDESPrivProtocol, usm3DESEDEPrivProtocol, usmAesCfb128Protocol e.g. privProtocol='1,3,6,1,6,3,10,1,2,2' 14.custom_mib_paths: User can provide multiple MIB source path seperated by comma (',') Source path can be url or just absolute directory path. Refer bellow example. e.g. 'http://<URL>/@mib@, /data/users/MIBS/'. For URL it supports http, file, https, ftp and sftp. Use @mib@ placeholder token in URL location to refer. 15.load_mib_modules: User can provide the MIBS(name) need to be loaded from the path "custom_mib_path". It is a string of MIB names separated by comma(',') 16.lexicographicMode : "True" will return everything under given prefix plus the next table also e.g. if request will also provide$ "False" will return only under given prefix. Default its False. :Return: status(bool)= True / False. output_dict = consists of following key value: 1.errindication: If this string is not empty, it indicates the SNMP engine error. 2.errstatus: If this element evaluates to True,it indicates an error in the SNMP communication.Object that generated the error is indicated by the errindex element. 3.errindex: If the errstatus indicates that an error has occurred, this field can be used to find the SNMP object that caused the error. The object position in the result array is errindex-1. 4.result: This element contains a list of all returned SNMP object elements. Each element is a tuple that contains the name of the object and the object value. """ wdesc = "Executing SNMP WALK command" Utils.testcase_Utils.pSubStep(wdesc) status = False snmp_parameters = ['ip', 'snmp_port'] snmp_param_dic = Utils.data_Utils.get_credentials(self.datafile, system_name, snmp_parameters) ipaddr = snmp_param_dic.get('ip') port = snmp_param_dic.get('snmp_port') output_dict = {} temp_custom_mib_paths = None wsnmp = ws(communityname, self.snmpver.get(snmp_ver), ipaddr, port, snmp_timeout, userName, authKey, privKey,authProtocol, privProtocol) cmdgen = wsnmp.commandgenerator() if self.snmpver.get(snmp_ver) is '2':# for snmp v3 auth_data = wsnmp.usmuserdata() else: #for snmp v1 or v2c auth_data = wsnmp.communitydata() if ':' in ipaddr:#for ipv6 transport = wsnmp.udp6transporttarget() else: #for ipv4 transport = wsnmp.udptransporttarget() if oid_string == None and mib_name == None: testcase_Utils.pNote("Please provide OID or MIB Information!", "error") if custom_mib_paths: temp_custom_mib_paths = snmp_utils.split_mib_path(custom_mib_paths) if oid_string: #OID String is optional oid = tuple([int(e) if e.isdigit() else e for e in oid_string.split('.')]) else: if custom_mib_paths: oid = wsnmp.mibvariable(mib_name, mib_index).addAsn1MibSource(*temp_custom_mib_paths) else: oid = wsnmp.mibvariable(mib_name, mib_index) try: errindication, errstatus, errindex,\ result = cmdgen.nextCmd(auth_data, transport, oid, lexicographicMode=ast.literal_eval(lexicographicMode.capitalize()), ignoreNonIncreasingOid=True, maxRows=50000, lookupNames=True, lookupValues=True) output_dict = { '{0}_errindication'.format(system_name):errindication, '{0}_errstatus'.format(system_name):errstatus, '{0}_errindex'.format(system_name):errindex, '{0}_result'.format(system_name):result, '{0}_custom_mib_paths'.format(system_name):temp_custom_mib_paths, '{0}_load_mib_modules'.format(system_name):load_mib_modules } if result != []: status = True testcase_Utils.pNote("Successfully executed SNMP WALK command {}".format(result), "info") else: testcase_Utils.pNote("Failure SNMP Command Return Null Value! {}".format(result), "error") except wsnmp.exception as excep: status = False testcase_Utils.pNote("SNMP Walk command Failed!\n{}".format(excep), "error") Utils.testcase_Utils.report_substep_status(status) return status, output_dict
[docs] def snmp_bulkget(self, snmp_ver, system_name, mib_name=None, mib_index=None, mib_value=None, oid_string=None, communityname=None, snmp_timeout=60, nonrepeaters='0', maxrepetitions='10', userName=None, authKey=None, privKey=None,authProtocol=None, privProtocol=None, custom_mib_paths=None, load_mib_modules=None, lexicographicMode="False"): """ snmp_bulkget uses the SNMP BULKGET request to query for information on a network entity :Datafile usage: 1.(string) Agents IP address. address="" 2.(string) SNMP UDP port. port="161" :Arguments: 1.communityname : SNMP v1/v2c community string. e.g. 'public' 2. snmp_ver: Support for v1 and V2 and V3 1 for v1, 2 for V2, 3 for V3 3.mib_name : Name of the Management Information Base e.g. 'IF-MIB' 4.mib_index: MIB index name e.g. 'ipAdEntAddr' 5.mib_value: e.g. '' 6.oid_string: object identifiers (OIDs) that are available on the managed device. e.g. '' which is, ifPhysAddress The physical address of the interface. User can provide either MIB or oid_string. 7. system_name(string) = Name of the system from the input datafile 9. snmp_timeout: Number of seconds the SNMP manager will wait for a responce from SNMP Agent. In case of SNMP walk the may need to set to higher. #arguments 9-13 are only for SNMPv3 or mpModel = 2 and in that # case communityname will be None 10.userName(string) = A human readable string representing the name of the SNMP USM user. e.g. 'usr1' 11.authKey(string) = Initial value of the secret authentication key. e.g. 'authkey1' 12.privKey(string) = Initial value of the secret encryption key. e.g. 'privkey1' 13.authProtocol(string) = An indication of whether messages sent on behalf of this USM user can be authenticated, and if so, the type of authentication protocol which is used. supported protocols: usmNoAuthProtocol, usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol, usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol authProtocol='1,3,6,1,6,3,10,1,1,2' 14.privProtocol(string) = An indication of whether messages sent on behalf of this USM user be encrypted, and if so, the type of encryption protocol which is used. supported usmNoPrivProtocol(default), usmDESPrivProtocol, usm3DESEDEPrivProtocol, usmAesCfb128Protocol e.g. privProtocol='1,3,6,1,6,3,10,1,2,2' 15.custom_mib_paths: User can provide multiple MIB source path seperated by comma (',') Source path can be url or just absolute directory path. Refer bellow example. e.g. 'http://<URL>/@mib@, /data/users/MIBS/'. For URL it supports http, file, https, ftp and sftp. Use @mib@ placeholder token in URL location to refer. 16.load_mib_modules: User can provide the MIBS(name) need to be loaded from the path "custom_mib_path". It is a string of MIB names separated by comma(',') 17.lexicographicMode : "True" will return everything under given prefix plus the next table also e.g. if request will also provide "False" will return only under given prefix. Default its False. 18. maxrepetitions: This specifies the maximum number of iterations over the repeating variables. The default is 10. 19. nonrepeaters : This specifies the number of supplied variables that should not be iterated over. default is 0 :Return: status(bool)= True / False. output_dict = consists of following key value: 1.errindication: If this string is not empty, it indicates the SNMP engine error. 2.errstatus: If this element evaluates to True,it indicates an error in the SNMP communication.Object that generated the error is indicated by the errindex element. 3.errindex: If the errstatus indicates that an error has occurred, this field can be used to find the SNMP object that caused the error. The object position in the result array is errindex-1. 4.result: This element contains a list of all returned SNMP object elements. Each element is a tuple that contains the name of the object and the object value. """ wdesc = "Executing SNMP BULKGET command" Utils.testcase_Utils.pSubStep(wdesc) status = False snmp_parameters = ['ip', 'snmp_port'] snmp_param_dic = Utils.data_Utils.get_credentials(self.datafile, system_name, snmp_parameters) ipaddr = snmp_param_dic.get('ip') port = snmp_param_dic.get('snmp_port') output_dict = {} temp_custom_mib_paths = None wsnmp = ws(communityname, self.snmpver.get(snmp_ver), ipaddr, port, snmp_timeout, userName, authKey, privKey,authProtocol, privProtocol) cmdgen = wsnmp.commandgenerator() if self.snmpver.get(snmp_ver) is '2':# for ssnmp v3 auth_data = wsnmp.usmuserdata() else: #for snmp v1 or v2c auth_data = wsnmp.communitydata() if ':' in ipaddr:#for ipv6 transport = wsnmp.udp6transporttarget() else: #for ipv4 transport = wsnmp.udptransporttarget() if custom_mib_paths: temp_custom_mib_paths = snmp_utils.split_mib_path(custom_mib_paths) if oid_string == None and mib_name == None: testcase_Utils.pNote("Please provide OID or MIB Information!", "error") if oid_string: oid = tuple([int(e) if e.isdigit() else e for e in oid_string.split('.')]) else: if custom_mib_paths: oid = wsnmp.mibvariable(mib_name, mib_index, mib_value).addAsn1MibSource(*temp_custom_mib_paths) else: oid = wsnmp.mibvariable(mib_name, mib_index, mib_value) try: errindication, errstatus, errindex, \ result = cmdgen.bulkCmd(auth_data, transport, int(nonrepeaters), int(maxrepetitions), oid, lookupNames=True, lookupValues=True, lexicographicMode=ast.literal_eval(lexicographicMode.capitalize()), maxRows=int(maxrepetitions) ) # nonrepeaters(1)(int): One MIB variable is requested in response # for the first nonRepeaters MIB variables in request. # maxRepetitions(25)(int): maxRepetitions MIB variables are # requested in response for each of the remaining MIB variables in # the request (e.g. excluding nonRepeaters). Remote SNMP engine may # choose lesser value than requested. output_dict = { '{0}_errindication'.format(system_name):errindication, '{0}_errstatus'.format(system_name):errstatus, '{0}_errindex'.format(system_name):errindex, '{0}_result'.format(system_name):result, '{0}_custom_mib_paths'.format(system_name):temp_custom_mib_paths, '{0}_load_mib_modules'.format(system_name):load_mib_modules} if result != []: status = True testcase_Utils.pNote("Successfully executed SNMP BULK GET " "command {}".format(result), "info") else: testcase_Utils.pNote("Failure SNMP Command Return Null Value! {}".format(result), "error") except wsnmp.exception as excep: status = False testcase_Utils.pNote("SNMP BULK GET command Failed!\n{}".format(excep), "error") Utils.testcase_Utils.report_substep_status(status) return status, output_dict
[docs] def verify_snmp_action(self, system_name, snmp_result, mib_string=None ): """ Will Verify SNMP get/getnext/walk/getbulk actions. :Datafile usage: NA :Arguments: 1. system_name(string) = Name of the system from the input datafile 2. mib_string(string) = MIB string, in regex format e.g. if searching for 'SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3861.' ('' not included) the mib_string can be SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises\.3861\.3\.2\.100\.1\.2\.0 or if the number will be different, the mib_string can be SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises[\.\d+]+ 3. result(string) = SNMP Output string, in regex format e.g. '1Finity-T100' :Returns: 1. status(bool) """ wdesc = "Verify the SNMP Action Results" Utils.testcase_Utils.pSubStep(wdesc) errindication = Utils.data_Utils.get_object_from_datarepository(str(system_name)+"_errindication") varBindTable = Utils.data_Utils.get_object_from_datarepository(str(system_name)+"_result") errorstatus = Utils.data_Utils.get_object_from_datarepository(str(system_name)+"_errstatus") errindex = Utils.data_Utils.get_object_from_datarepository(str(system_name)+"_errindex") custom_mib_paths = Utils.data_Utils.get_object_from_datarepository(str(system_name)+"_custom_mib_paths") load_mib_modules = Utils.data_Utils.get_object_from_datarepository(str(system_name)+"_load_mib_modules") #Non-empty errorIndication string indicates SNMP engine-level error. #The pair of errorStatus and errorIndex variables determines SNMP #PDU-level error. If errorStatus evaluates to true, this indicates SNMP #PDU error caused by Managed Object at position errorIndex-1 in \ #varBinds. Doing errorStatus.prettyPrint() would return an # explanatory text error message. result_list = [] status = False if errindication: testcase_Utils.pNote("%s" % errindication) else: if errorstatus: testcase_Utils.pNote('%s at %s' % (errorstatus.prettyPrint(), errindex and varBindTable[-1][int(errindex)-1][0]or '?')) else: if varBindTable: if type(varBindTable[0]) is not list: # for SNMP Get/Get-Next output only for name, val in varBindTable: result_list.append(snmp_utils.translate_mib(custom_mib_paths, load_mib_modules, name, val)) else: # for SNMP Getbulk/walk output only for varBindTableRow in varBindTable: for name, val in varBindTableRow: result_list.append(snmp_utils.translate_mib(custom_mib_paths, load_mib_modules, name, val)) else: testcase_Utils.pNote("No SNMP Result Present!", 'error') for element in result_list: if mib_string: if, element[0]) and, element[-1]): status = True testcase_Utils.pNote('%s and %s found in SNMP Output' %( mib_string, snmp_result)) break else: if, element[-1]): status = True testcase_Utils.pNote('%s Found! in SNMP Output' %( snmp_result)) break if status == False: if mib_string: testcase_Utils.pNote('{} and {} NOT Found in SNMP Output'.format(mib_string, snmp_result)) else: testcase_Utils.pNote('{} NOT Found in SNMP Output'.format(snmp_result)) Utils.testcase_Utils.report_substep_status(status) return status
[docs] def add_snmp_v3_user(self, port, username, securityEngineId, authkey=None, privkey=None, authProtocol=None, privProtocol=None): """ Add SNMP V3 User for TRAP and Inform Argument: 1. port: SNMP trap or inform port. 2. username(string) = snmp v3 username. 3. securityEngineId(string) = SNMP v3 secure engine id which is a mandatory argument for any V3 user. both sender and reciver should know this id. refer: 4.authKey(string) = Initial value of the secret authentication key. e.g. 'authkey1' 5.privKey(string) = Initial value of the secret encryption key. e.g. 'privkey1' 6.authProtocol(string) = An indication of whether messages sent on behalf of this USM user can be authenticated, and if so, the type of authentication protocol which is used. supported protocols: usmNoAuthProtocol, usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol, usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol authProtocol="1,3,6,1,6,3,10,1,1,2" 7.privProtocol(string) = An indication of whether messages sent on behalf of this USM user be encrypted, and if so, the type of encryption protocol which is used. supported usmNoPrivProtocol(default), usmDESPrivProtocol, usm3DESEDEPrivProtocol, usmAesCfb128Protocol e.g. privProtocol="1,3,6,1,6,3,10,1,2,2" Return: True or False """ status = True wdesc = "Add SNMP V3 User for TRAP and Inform" Utils.testcase_Utils.pSubStep(wdesc) status = ws.add_user(port, username, securityEngineId, authkey, privkey, authProtocol, privProtocol) Utils.testcase_Utils.report_substep_status(status) return status
[docs] def add_snmp_community(self, port, community_string): """ Add the SNMP community string :param port: SNMP TRAP or Inform PORT :param community_string: SNMP community String :return: """ status = True status = ws.add_community(port, community_string) Utils.testcase_Utils.report_substep_status(status) return status
[docs] def start_trap_listener(self, system_name, custom_mib_path=None, load_mib_module='SNMPv2-MIB,SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB' ): """ Start trap listener on Given port and IP address. It creates a socket with given port and ip.The Trap listner is only for SNMP v1 and v2c and v3. Arguments: system_name: SNMP Agents system name from the data file. custom_mib_path: User can provide multiple MIB source path seperated by comma (',') Source path can be url or just absolute directory path. Refer bellow example. e.g. 'http://<URL>/@mib@, /data/users/MIBS/'. For URL it supports http, file, https, ftp and sftp. Use @mib@ placeholder token in URL location to refer. load_mib_module: User can provide the MIBS(name) need to be loaded from the path "custom_mib_path". It is a string of MIB names separated by comma(',') e.g. "FSS-COMMON-TC,FSS-COMMON-LOG,FSS-COMMON-SMI" Data File Usage: <ip> : Ip of the agent. It has to be IP not a hostname. <snmp_port>: SNMP Port. UDP port e.g. 161 or 1036. <snmp_trap_port> : SNMP trap port. UDP port e.g. 162 or any othe custom port.1036 if NESNMP or any other SNMP protocol is using the 162 port please use any other port other than 162. <community>: form this release community string is mandatory for v2 and v1 SNMP trap. you can add multiple community like 'public,testing' or single like 'public' <snmp_username>: For SNMP v3 this and engine id are mandatory argument. e.g. 'user_snmp1234' <securityEngineId>: One mandatory argument for V3 trap and inform.e.g. '80000F150000000000000000'. For noAuthNoPriv none of the bellow attributes are required. <authkey>: Auth password. e.g. 'authkey123' <authProtocol>: authProtocol e.g. 'usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol' authProtocol(string) = An indication of whether messages sent on behalf of this USM user can be authenticated, and if so, the type of authentication protocol which is used. supported protocols: usmNoAuthProtocol, usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol, usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol <privkey>: private key e.g. 'privkey1' <privProtocol>: privProtocol e.g. 'usmDESPrivProtocol' privProtocol(string) = An indication of whether messages sent on behalf of this USM user be encrypted, and if so, the type of encryption protocol which is used. supported usmNoPrivProtocol(default), usmDESPrivProtocol, usm3DESEDEPrivProtocol, usmAesCfb128Protocol Return: True or False """ status = True wdesc = "Starting Trap listener" Utils.testcase_Utils.pSubStep(wdesc) snmp_parameters = ['ip', 'snmp_trap_port', 'community', 'snmp_username', 'securityEngineId', 'authkey', 'privkey', 'authProtocol', 'privProtocol'] snmp_param_dic = Utils.data_Utils.get_credentials(self.datafile, system_name, snmp_parameters) ip = snmp_param_dic.get('ip') port = snmp_param_dic.get('snmp_trap_port') community = snmp_param_dic.get('community', None) username = snmp_param_dic.get('snmp_username', None) securityEngineId = snmp_param_dic.get('securityEngineId', None) privkey = snmp_param_dic.get('privkey', None) authkey = snmp_param_dic.get('authkey', None) authProtocol = snmp_param_dic.get('authProtocol', None) privProtocol = snmp_param_dic.get('privProtocol', None) engine = ws.get_asyncoredispatcher(port) ntfrcv.NotificationReceiver(engine, ws.trap_decoder) ws.data_repo.update({"custom_mib_path":custom_mib_path, "load_mib_module":load_mib_module}) trap_listner_job = Thread(target=ws.create_trap_listner_job, args=(port, )) trap_listner_job_start = Thread(target=ws.start_trap_listner_job, args=(port,)) trap_listner_job.daemon = True trap_listner_job_start.daemon = True trap_listner_job.start() if community: stats = ws.add_community(port, community) status = status and stats if username and securityEngineId: stats = self.add_snmp_v3_user(port, username, securityEngineId, authkey, privkey, authProtocol, privProtocol) status = status and stats sleep(1) trap_listner_job_start.start() sleep(2) Utils.testcase_Utils.report_substep_status(status) return status
[docs] def stop_trap_listener(self, system_name): """ Stop Trap listener job Argument: system_name: Agent system name given in the data file. :return: Binary True or False """ status = True wdesc = "Stop Trap listener" Utils.testcase_Utils.pSubStep(wdesc) snmp_parameters = ['ip', 'snmp_trap_port'] snmp_param_dic = Utils.data_Utils.get_credentials(self.datafile, system_name, snmp_parameters) ip = snmp_param_dic.get('ip') port = snmp_param_dic.get('snmp_trap_port') stop_list = Thread(target=ws.close_trap_listner_job, args=(port,)) stop_list.daemon = True stop_list.start() stop_list.join() Utils.testcase_Utils.report_substep_status(status) return status
[docs] def validate_trap(self, system_name, value, oid_string=None, match_oid_op_value_pair="no"): """ This method will validate the Received traps from a agent. Argument: 1. system_name: Agent System name from the data file 2. value: The tarp infromation e.g. 'Administrative State Down' 3. oid_string: MIB string e.g. 'FSS-COMMON-LOG::fssTrapDescription.0' 3. match_oid_op_value_pair: if set as 'yes' it will match both oid_string and value as a pair. Default value 'no' :return: Binary True or False """ stats = [] status = False wdesc = "Validate the Received Trap Messages from {}".format(system_name) Utils.testcase_Utils.pSubStep(wdesc) snmp_parameters = ['ip', 'snmp_trap_port'] snmp_param_dic = Utils.data_Utils.get_credentials(self.datafile, system_name, snmp_parameters) agent_ip = snmp_param_dic.get('ip') port = snmp_param_dic.get('snmp_trap_port') op_trap = ws.data_repo.get("snmp_trap_messages_{}".format(agent_ip)) if op_trap: testcase_Utils.pNote("Total No# {} of Trap message(s) Received from {}".format(len(op_trap), agent_ip)) for temp_list in op_trap: for items in temp_list[4:]: if match_oid_op_value_pair.lower() == "no": if value and value in items[1]: testcase_Utils.pNote("Value# {} is present in: \n# {} = {}".format(value, items[0], items[1])) stats.append(True) break elif oid_string and value: if oid_string in items[0] and value in items[1]: testcase_Utils.pNote("OID #{} and Value #{} is present in: \n# {} = {}".format(oid_string, value, items[0], items[1])) stats.append(True) break if True in stats: break if True in stats: break else: testcase_Utils.pNote("No Trap Received!", "error") if True in stats: status = True else: if value and oid_string: testcase_Utils.pNote("OID #{} and Value #{} is NOT Present!".format(oid_string, value), "error") else: testcase_Utils.pNote("Value #{} is NOT present!".format(oid_string, value), "error") Utils.testcase_Utils.report_substep_status(status) return status
[docs] def show_received_traps(self, system_name): """ Retrieve the captured SNMP Trap messages and show them in the console. Argument: system_name: Agent system name from data file. Return: Binary- True or False """ status = True wdesc = "List out the trap messages from {}".format(system_name) Utils.testcase_Utils.pSubStep(wdesc) snmp_parameters = ['ip', 'snmp_trap_port'] snmp_param_dic = Utils.data_Utils.get_credentials(self.datafile, system_name, snmp_parameters) agent_ip = snmp_param_dic.get('ip') port = snmp_param_dic.get('snmp_trap_port') sleep(5) op_trap = ws.data_repo.get("snmp_trap_messages_{}".format(agent_ip)) if op_trap: testcase_Utils.pNote("Total No# {} of Trap message(s) Received from {}".format(len(op_trap), agent_ip)) for temp_list in op_trap: ticks = temp_list[0].get("time_stamp") contextengineid = temp_list[1].get("contextEngineId") snmpver = temp_list[2].get("SNMPVER") securityname = temp_list[3].get("securityName") testcase_Utils.pNote(" --------->>Notification message(Time Stamp:{})<<------- \n From: {}:\n " "contextEngineId :{}\n SNMPVER :{}\n securityName: {}" .format(ticks, agent_ip, contextengineid, snmpver, securityname)) testcase_Utils.pNote("--------------") for items in temp_list[4:]: testcase_Utils.pNote("{} = {}".format(items[0], items[1])) else: testcase_Utils.pNote("No Trap Received from {}!".format(agent_ip), "error") status = False Utils.testcase_Utils.report_substep_status(status) return status
[docs] def browse_mib(self, mib_filepath, mib_filename, browse='yes'): """ Browse the MIB File/single or multiple :param mib_filepath: Mib file path of the git url or abs file path :param mib_filename: MIB file name :param browse: Default value is 'yes' were only browse the mentioned MIBS mib_filename argument, if set 'no' will browse all the Mibs in the given Path :return: True or False """ status = True wdesc = "Browse the MIB File" Utils.testcase_Utils.pSubStep(wdesc) oid, label, suffix, mibView, mibBuilder = ws.get_first_node_name(mib_filepath, mib_filename) temp_modName, nodeDesc, suffix = mibView.getNodeLocation(oid) while 1: try: modName, nodeDesc, suffix = mibView.getNodeLocation(oid) mibNode, = mibBuilder.importSymbols(modName, nodeDesc) nodetype ="([\w]+)\(", str(mibNode)).group(1) if browse.lower() == 'yes': if modName in mib_filename: if nodetype == 'MibScalar': testcase_Utils.pNote('%s %s -> %s == %s' % ('$$', nodetype, modName+'::'+nodeDesc+'.0', '.'.join(map(str,(oid)))+'.0')) else: testcase_Utils.pNote('** %s -> %s == %s' % (nodetype, modName+'::'+nodeDesc, '.'.join(map(str,(oid))))) elif browse.lower() == 'no' : if nodetype == 'MibScalar': testcase_Utils.pNote('%s %s -> %s == %s' % ('$$', nodetype, modName+'::'+nodeDesc+'.0', '.'.join(map(str,(oid)))+'.0')) else: testcase_Utils.pNote('** %s -> %s == %s' % (nodetype, modName+'::'+nodeDesc, '.'.join(map(str,(oid))))) oid, label, suffix = mibView.getNextNodeName(oid) except error.SmiError: break Utils.testcase_Utils.report_substep_status(status) return status