Source code for Framework.ClassUtils.WNetwork.warrior_cli_class

Copyright 2017, Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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import os
import re
import sys
import time
import subprocess
import getpass
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import Tools
import ast
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from Framework import Utils
from Framework.Utils.print_Utils import print_info, print_debug,\
 print_warning, print_exception, print_error, print_without_logging
from Framework.Utils.testcase_Utils import pNote
from Framework.ClassUtils import database_utils_class
from Framework.ClassUtils.WNetwork.loging import ThreadedLog
from Framework.Utils.list_Utils import get_list_by_separating_strings
from Framework.Utils.data_Utils import get_object_from_datarepository
from WarriorCore.Classes.warmock_class import mocked
from timeit import itertools

""" Module for performing CLI operations """

[docs]class WarriorCli(object): """ Class to handle CLI operations. """ def __init__(self): """ Constructor """ self.conn_obj = None
[docs] def connect_ssh(self, ip, port="22", username="", password="", logfile=None, timeout=60, prompt=".*(%|#|\$)", conn_options="", custom_keystroke="", escape=""): """ - Initiates SSH connection via a specific port. Creates log file. :Arguments: 1. ip = destination ip 2. port(string) = telnet port 3. username(string) = username 4. password(string) = password 5. logfile(string) = logfile name 6. timeout(int) = timeout duration 7. prompt(string) = destination prompt 8. conn_options(string) = extra arguments that will be used when sending the ssh/telnet command 9. custom_keystroke(string) = keystroke(to be given after initial timeout) 10. escape(string) = true/false(to set TERM as dump) :Returns: 1. session_object(pexpect session object) 2. conn_string(pre and post login message) """ credentials = {} credentials['ip'] = ip credentials['port'] = port credentials['username'] = username credentials['password'] = password credentials['logfile'] = logfile credentials['timeout'] = timeout credentials['prompt'] = prompt credentials['conn_options'] = conn_options credentials['custom_keystroke'] = custom_keystroke credentials['escape'] = escape self.conn_obj = PexpectConnect(credentials) self.conn_obj.connect_ssh() return self.conn_obj.target_host, self.conn_obj.conn_string
[docs] def connect_telnet(self, ip, port="23", username="", password="", logfile=None, timeout=60, prompt=".*(%|#|\$)", conn_options="", custom_keystroke="", escape=""): """ Initiates Telnet connection via a specific port. Creates log file. :Arguments: 1. ip = destination ip 2. port(string) = telnet port 3. username(string) = username 4. password(string) = password 5. logfile(string) = logfile name 6. timeout(int) = timeout duration 7. prompt(string) = destination prompt 8. conn_options(string) = extra arguments that will be used when sending the ssh/telnet command 9. custom_keystroke(string) = keystroke(to be given after initial timeout) 10. escape(string) = true/false(to set TERM as dump) :Returns: 1. session_object(pexpect session object) 2. conn_string(pre and post login message) """ credentials = {} credentials['ip'] = ip credentials['port'] = port credentials['username'] = username credentials['password'] = password credentials['logfile'] = logfile credentials['timeout'] = timeout credentials['prompt'] = prompt credentials['conn_options'] = conn_options credentials['custom_keystroke'] = custom_keystroke credentials['escape'] = escape self.conn_obj = PexpectConnect(credentials) self.conn_obj.connect_telnet() return self.conn_obj.target_host, self.conn_obj.conn_string
[docs] def disconnect(self): """ Disconnects pexpect/paramiko session """ if self.conn_obj and self.conn_obj.target_host: self.conn_obj.disconnect()
[docs] def disconnect_telnet(self): """ Disconnects pexpect telnet session """ if self.conn_obj and self.conn_obj.target_host: self.conn_obj.disconnect_telnet()
@mocked def send_command(self, start_prompt, end_prompt, command, timeout=60): """ Sends the command to ssh/telnet session :Arguments: 1. start_prompt(string) = expected start prompt 2. end_prompt(string) = expected end prompt 3. command(string) = command to be executed 4. timeout(int) = timeout to wait for the end prompt 5. child = pexpect/paramiko object 6. childType = pexpect/paramiko :Returns: 1. status(boolean) 2. response - command execution response """ status = False response = "" if self.conn_obj and self.conn_obj.target_host: status, response = self.conn_obj.send_command( command=command, start_prompt=start_prompt, end_prompt=end_prompt, timeout=timeout) return status, response
[docs] def send_commands_from_testdata(self, testdatafile, **args): """ - Parses the testdata file and gets the command details for rows marked execute=yes and row=str_rownum. - Sends the obtained commands to the warrior_cli_class session object(obj_Session). - If the commands have verification attribute set, then verifies the verification text for presence/absence as defined in the respective found attribute in the testdatfile. :Arguments: 1. testdatafile = the xml file where command details are available 2. logfile = logfile of the pexpect session object. 3. varconfigfile = xml file from which the values will be taken for substitution 4. var_sub(string) = the pattern [var_sub] in the testdata commands, start_prompt, end_prompt, verification search will substituted with this value. 5. args = Optional filter to specify title/rownum :Returns: 1. finalresult = boolean """ responses_dict = {} resp_key_list = [] td_resp_dict = {} varconfigfile = args.get('varconfigfile', None) datafile = args.get("datafile", None) var_sub = args.get('var_sub', None) title = args.get('title', None) row = args.get('row', None) system_name = args.get("system_name") session_name = args.get("session_name") if session_name is not None: system_name = system_name + "." + session_name testdata_dict = Utils.data_Utils.get_command_details_from_testdata( testdatafile, varconfigfile, var_sub=var_sub, title=title, row=row, system_name=system_name, datafile=datafile) finalresult = True if len(testdata_dict) > 0 else False for key, details_dict in testdata_dict.iteritems(): responses_dict[key] = "" command_list = details_dict["command_list"] stepdesc = "Send the following commands: " pNote(stepdesc) n = 0 for commands in command_list: pNote("Command #{0}\t: {1}".format((n+1), commands)) n = n + 1 intsize = len(command_list) if intsize == 0: finalresult = False # Send Commands for i in range(0, intsize): print_info("") print_debug(">>>") command = details_dict["command_list"][i] pNote("Command #{0}\t: {1}".format(str(i+1), command)) new_obj_session, td_sys, details_dict, session_id = \ self._get_obj_session(details_dict, system_name, index=i, sess_id=True) if new_obj_session: result, response = new_obj_session._send_cmd_get_status( details_dict, index=i, system_name=td_sys) result, response = new_obj_session._send_command_retrials( details_dict, index=i, result=result, response=response, system_name=td_sys) rspRes, resp_key_list = new_obj_session._get_response_dict( details_dict, i, response, resp_key_list) resp_session_id = session_id + "_td_response" td_resp_dict = self.update_resp_ref_to_repo(details_dict, resp_key_list, i, key, td_resp_dict, resp_session_id) result = (result and rspRes) if "ERROR" not in (result, rspRes) else "ERROR" print_debug("<<<") else: finalresult = "ERROR" pNote("COMMAND STATUS:{0}".format(finalresult)) print_debug("<<<") continue if result == "ERROR" or finalresult == "ERROR": result = "ERROR" finalresult = "ERROR" finalresult = finalresult and result responses_dict[key] = {k: v for d in resp_key_list for k, v in d.iteritems()} return finalresult, td_resp_dict
[docs] def update_resp_ref_to_repo(self, details_dict, resp_key_list, i, title_row, td_resp_dict, session_id): """ Updates the response reference in appropriate session_id. There are two cases: 1. The user gives the system and session name only in testcase, then it updates on testcase's session id 2. The user gives the system and session name in both testcase and testdata file, then it takes testdata as priority and updates on testdata's session id """ try: for resp in resp_key_list[i].keys(): td_resp_dict = get_object_from_datarepository(str(session_id)) # checks if title_row value is not in td_resp_dict if title_row not in td_resp_dict: # if not available then it first updates the # title_row value to td_resp_dict td_resp_dict[title_row] = {} # updates td_resp_dict with the key and value temp_resp = {resp: resp_key_list[i][resp]} td_resp_dict[title_row].update(temp_resp) pNote("Portion of response saved to the data " "repository with key: '{0}.{1}.{2}' and value: '{3}'" .format(session_id, title_row, resp, temp_resp[resp])) except Exception as e: print_error("Found exception: {}".format(e)) print_error("Check if the key list below is not empty and the keys are proper") print_error(resp_key_list) return td_resp_dict
@mocked def _send_cmd(self, **kwargs): """method to send command based on the type of object """ result = False response = "" if self.conn_obj and self.conn_obj.target_host: command = kwargs.get('command') startprompt = kwargs.get('startprompt', ".*") endprompt = kwargs.get('endprompt', None) cmd_timeout = kwargs.get('cmd_timeout', None) result, response = self.conn_obj.send_command(command, startprompt, endprompt, cmd_timeout) return result, response @staticmethod def _get_response_dict(details_dict, index, response, resp_key_list): """Get the response dict for a command. """ def print_warn_msg(keyvars, numpats): """ print a warning message if the number of vars to be stored with the patterns does not match with the number of patterns """ warn_msg = ("The number of response reference keys to store is {0}" " than \nthe response reference patterns.\nThe number " "of response reference keys({1}) is {2}\nwhich is {0} " "than number of response reference patterns {3}") lessormore = "less" if len(keyvars) < numpats else "more" print_warning(warn_msg.format(lessormore, ", ".join(keyvars), len(keyvars), numpats)) resp_ref = details_dict["resp_ref_list"][index] resp_req = details_dict["resp_req_list"][index] resp_pat_req = details_dict["resp_pat_req_list"][index] resp_keys = details_dict["resp_key_list"][index] inorder = details_dict["inorder_resp_ref_list"][index] status = True if inorder is not None and inorder.lower().startswith("n"): inorder = False else: inorder = True resp_req = {None: 'y', '': 'y', 'no': 'n', 'n': 'n'}.get(str(resp_req).lower(), 'y') resp_ref = {None: str(index+1), '': str(index+1)}.get(resp_ref, str(resp_ref)) if not resp_req == "n": save_msg1 = "User has requested saving response" save_msg2 = "Response pattern required by user is : {0}" save_msg4 = "Cannot found response pattern: {0} in response" if resp_pat_req is not None: # if the requested pattern not found return empty string reobj =, response) if reobj is None: pNote(save_msg4.format(resp_pat_req)) response = if reobj is not None else "" temp_resp_dict = {resp_ref: response} resp_key_list.append(temp_resp_dict) pNote(save_msg1+'.') pNote(save_msg2.format(resp_pat_req)) elif resp_keys is not None: keys = resp_ref.split(',') # get the patterns from pattern entries in testdata file patterns = [] # error out if any of the key element can not be retrieved for key, resp_key in itertools.izip_longest(keys, resp_keys): if isinstance(resp_key, ET.Element): patterns.append(resp_key.get("resp_pattern_req")) elif isinstance(resp_key, basestring): print_error("There is no pattern element for key '{}' corresponding" " to '{}', please check".format(resp_key, key)) status = False else: if status is False: return status, resp_key_list # warn if number of patterns does not match number of resp_ref keys if len(keys) != len(patterns): print_warn_msg(keys, len(patterns)) if inorder: pNote(save_msg1+' inorder.') # since inorder pattern matching selected, join all the # patterns in order to create a single big pattern cpatterns = ["({})".format(pat) for pat in patterns] pattern = ".*".join(cpatterns) if pattern.endswith(".*(.*)"): # remove .* pattern from above pattern = pattern[:-6]+pattern[-4:] reobj =, response, re.DOTALL) if reobj: grps = reobj.groups() # update resp_key_list with resp_ref keys and # their corresponding matched patterns resp_key_list.append(dict(zip(keys, grps))) pNote(save_msg2.format(pattern)) else: print_error("inorder search of patterns in response " "failed") print_error("Expected: '{}'".format(pattern)) print_error("But Found: '{}'".format(response)) status = False else: temp_resp_key_list = [] pNote(save_msg1+' separately.') for key, pattern in zip(keys, patterns): reobj =, response) presponse = if reobj is not None else "" temp_resp_key_list.append(presponse) pNote(save_msg2.format(pattern)) resp_key_list.append(dict(zip(keys, temp_resp_key_list))) else: temp_resp_dict = {resp_ref: response} resp_key_list.append(temp_resp_dict) else: temp_resp_dict = {resp_ref: ""} resp_key_list.append(temp_resp_dict) return status, resp_key_list
[docs] @staticmethod def start_threads(started_thread_for_system, thread_instance_list, same_system, unique_log_verify_list, system_name): """This function iterates over unique_log_verify_list which consists of unique values gotten from monitor attributes and verify_on attributes If a system_name has a * against it, it indicates that the system is the same as the one on which the testcase is running. Thread would not be started for that system. :Returns: started_thread_for_system (list[str]) = Stores the system names for which threads were succesfully created thread_instance_list (list[str]) = stores the instances of thread created for corresponding system in the started_thread_for_system list, same_system (list[str]) = stores the system name which was the same as the system on which the TC is running without the trailing *, """ started_thread_for_system = [] thread_instance_list = [] same_system = [] for i in range(0, len(unique_log_verify_list)): if unique_log_verify_list[i] == system_name: temp_list = unique_log_verify_list[i].split(".") if len(temp_list) > 1: unique_log_verify_list[i] = \ Utils.data_Utils.get_session_id(temp_list[0], temp_list[1]) else: unique_log_verify_list[i] = \ Utils.data_Utils.get_session_id(temp_list[0]) same_system.append(unique_log_verify_list[i]) else: if unique_log_verify_list[i]: temp_list = unique_log_verify_list[i].split(".") if len(temp_list) > 1: unique_log_verify_list[i] = \ Utils.data_Utils.get_session_id(temp_list[0], temp_list[1]) else: unique_log_verify_list[i] = \ Utils.data_Utils.get_session_id(temp_list[0]) datarep_obj = \ Utils.data_Utils.get_object_from_datarepository( unique_log_verify_list[i]) if datarep_obj is False: print_info("{0} does not exist in data repository" .format(unique_log_verify_list[i])) else: try: new_thread = ThreadedLog() new_thread.start_thread(datarep_obj) print_info("Collecting response from: " "{0}".format(unique_log_verify_list[i])) started_thread_for_system.append( unique_log_verify_list[i]) thread_instance_list.append(new_thread) except: print_info("Unable to collect response from: " "{0}".format(unique_log_verify_list[i])) return started_thread_for_system, thread_instance_list, same_system
[docs] @staticmethod def get_response_dict(started_thread_for_system, thread_instance_list, same_system, response): """ This function iterates over thread_instance_list and gets the data that the threads have stored in its data variable. Updates remote_resp_dict with the system name and the corresponding data collected. The system names in same_system also get stored in the remote_resp_dict but their value is the same as the response that was obtained through the _send_cmd function :Returns: remote_resp_dict (dict) with collected logs as value to the system_name key """ remote_resp_dict = {} for i in range(0, len(same_system)): remote_resp_dict[same_system[i]] = response for i in range(0, len(started_thread_for_system)): data = thread_instance_list[i].data thread_instance_list[i].stop_thread() pNote("\n\n++++++++++++++++++++++++ RESPONSE FROM SYSTEM: {0} " "++++++++++++++++++++\n\n".format( started_thread_for_system[i])) pNote(data) pNote("\n\n++++++++++++++++++++++++ END OF DATA FROM SYSTEM: {0} " "++++++++++++++++++++\n\n".format( started_thread_for_system[i])) remote_resp_dict[started_thread_for_system[i]] = data if len(started_thread_for_system) > 0: print_info("Waiting for maximum of 30 seconds to stop collecting " "logs from verify_on system(s)") for i in range(0, len(started_thread_for_system)): thread_instance_list[i].join_thread(timeout=30, retry=3) if thread_instance_list[i].thread_status() is True: print_error("Unable to stop collecting logs from {0}." "Please check below message for all " "exception trace that occurred: " "\n{1}".format(started_thread_for_system[i], thread_instance_list[i]. stop_thread_err_msg)) return remote_resp_dict
[docs] @staticmethod def get_unique_log_and_verify_list(log_list, verify_on_list, system_name): """This function loops through the log_list and the verify_on_list and returns a unique list containing unique sustem names fromboth the lists """ final_list = [] if log_list is not None and log_list != "" and log_list is not False: comma_sep_log_names = log_list.split(",") for i in range(0, len(comma_sep_log_names)): comma_sep_log_names[i] = comma_sep_log_names[i].strip() else: comma_sep_log_names = [] comma_sep_verify_names = [] if verify_on_list is not None and verify_on_list != "" and \ verify_on_list is not False: for i in range(0, len(verify_on_list)): if verify_on_list[i] is not None and verify_on_list[i] != "" \ and verify_on_list[i] is not False: temp_list = verify_on_list[i].split(",") for j in range(0, len(temp_list)): comma_sep_verify_names.append(temp_list[j].strip()) else: comma_sep_verify_names.append([]) else: comma_sep_verify_names = [] for i in range(0, len(comma_sep_log_names)): if comma_sep_log_names[i] not in final_list: final_list.append(comma_sep_log_names[i]) for i in range(0, len(comma_sep_verify_names)): if comma_sep_verify_names[i] == "": comma_sep_verify_names[i] = system_name if comma_sep_verify_names[i] not in final_list: final_list.append(comma_sep_verify_names[i]) return final_list
def _send_cmd_get_status(self, details_dict, index, system_name=None): """Sends a command, verifies the response and returns status of the command """ command = details_dict["command_list"][index] startprompt = details_dict["startprompt_list"][index] endprompt = details_dict["endprompt_list"][index] verify_list = details_dict["verify_list"][index] cmd_timeout = details_dict["timeout_list"][index] verify_text_list = details_dict["verify_text_list"][index] verify_context_list = details_dict["verify_context_list"][index] sleeptime = details_dict["sleeptime_list"][index] resp_ref = details_dict["resp_ref_list"][index] resp_req = details_dict["resp_req_list"][index] resp_pat_req = details_dict["resp_pat_req_list"][index] verify_on_list = details_dict["verify_on_list"][index] log_list = details_dict["log_list"][index] inorder_search = details_dict["inorder_search_list"][index] varconfigfile = details_dict["vc_file_list"][index] operator = details_dict["operator_list"][index] cond_value = details_dict["cond_value_list"][index] cond_type = details_dict["cond_type_list"][index] unique_log_verify_list = self.get_unique_log_and_verify_list( log_list, verify_on_list, system_name) startprompt = {None: ".*", "": ".*"}.get(startprompt, str(startprompt)) resp_req = {None: 'y', '': 'y', 'no': 'n', 'n': 'n'}.get(str(resp_req).lower(), 'y') resp_ref = {None: index+1, '': index+1}.get(resp_ref, str(resp_ref)) resp_pat_req = {None: ""}.get(resp_pat_req, str(resp_pat_req)) sleeptime = {None: 0, "": 0, "none": 0, False: 0, "false": 0}.get( str(sleeptime).lower(), str(sleeptime)) sleeptime = int(sleeptime) if inorder_search is not None and \ inorder_search.lower().startswith("y"): inorder_search = True else: inorder_search = False pNote("Startprompt\t: {0}".format(startprompt)) pNote("Endprompt\t: {0}".format(endprompt)) pNote("Sleeptime\t: {0}".format(sleeptime)) pNote("Response required: {0}".format(resp_req)) pNote("Response reference: {0}".format(resp_ref)) pNote("Response pattern required: {0}".format(resp_pat_req)) if not command: pNote("Received a boolean False or None type instead of a string " "command, Command not provided or Variable substitution for " "the command could have gone wrong", "error") pNote("Skipping execution of this command, result will be marked " "as error", "debug") result = 'ERROR' response = '' else: started_thread_for_system, thread_instance_list, same_system = \ self.start_threads([], [], [], unique_log_verify_list, system_name) result, response = self._send_cmd(startprompt=startprompt, endprompt=endprompt, command=command, cmd_timeout=cmd_timeout) if sleeptime > 0: pNote("Sleep time of '{0} seconds' requested post command " "execution".format(sleeptime)) Utils.datetime_utils.wait_for_timeout(sleeptime) try: remote_resp_dict = self.get_response_dict( started_thread_for_system, thread_instance_list, same_system, response) except NameError: remote_resp_dict = self.get_response_dict([], [], [], response) verify_on_list_as_list = get_list_by_separating_strings( verify_on_list, ",", system_name) if result and result is not 'ERROR': if verify_text_list is not None and verify_list is not None: verify_group = (operator, cond_value, cond_type) if inorder_search is True and len(verify_text_list) > 1: result = Utils.data_Utils.verify_resp_inorder( verify_text_list, verify_context_list, command, response, varconfigfile, verify_on_list_as_list, verify_list, remote_resp_dict, verify_group) else: result = Utils.data_Utils.verify_resp_across_sys( verify_text_list, verify_context_list, command, response, varconfigfile, verify_on_list_as_list, verify_list, remote_resp_dict, endprompt, verify_group) command_status = {True: "PASS", False: "FAIL", "ERROR": "ERROR"}.get( result) pNote("COMMAND STATUS:{0}".format(command_status)) return result, response def _get_obj_session(self, details_dict, kw_system_name, index, sess_id=False): """If system name is provided in testdata file get the session of that system name and use it or use the current obj_session""" value = False kw_system_nameonly, _ = Utils.data_Utils.split_system_subsystem( kw_system_name) td_sys = details_dict["sys_list"][index] # To get the session name if it is provided as part of sys tag in td td_sys_split = td_sys.split('.') if isinstance(td_sys, str) else [] if len(td_sys_split) == 2: td_sys = td_sys_split[0] session = td_sys_split[1] else: session = details_dict["session_list"][index] td_sys = td_sys.strip() if isinstance(td_sys, str) else td_sys td_sys = {None: False, False: False, "": False}.get(td_sys, td_sys) session = session.strip() if isinstance(session, str) else session session = {None: None, False: None, "": None}.get(session, session) if td_sys: system_name = kw_system_nameonly + td_sys if \ td_sys.startswith("[") and td_sys.endswith("]") else td_sys session_id = Utils.data_Utils.get_session_id(system_name, session) obj_session = Utils.data_Utils.get_object_from_datarepository( session_id) if not obj_session: pNote("Could not find a valid connection for system_name={}, " "session_name={}".format(system_name, session), "error") value = False else: value = obj_session else: # print obj_session value = self tc_sys_split = kw_system_name.split('.') if isinstance(kw_system_name, str) else [] if len(tc_sys_split) == 2: system_name = tc_sys_split[0] session = tc_sys_split[1] else: system_name = kw_system_name session_id = Utils.data_Utils.get_session_id(system_name, session) pNote("System name\t: {0}".format(system_name)) if details_dict["sys_list"][index] is not None: kw_system_name = details_dict["sys_list"][index] if sess_id is True: return value, kw_system_name, details_dict, session_id return value, kw_system_name, details_dict def _send_command_retrials(self, details_dict, index, **kwargs): """ Sends a command to a session, if a user provided pattern is found in the command response then tries to resend the command multiple times. retry_timer = time interval between subsequent retries retry_onmatch = the pattern to be matched in the response in order to retry the command. retry_count = no of times to retry. """ retry = details_dict["retry_list"][index] retry = {None: 'n', '': 'n', 'none': 'n'}.get(str(retry).lower(), retry) result = kwargs.get('result') response = kwargs.get('response') if retry == 'y' and (result is False or result == 'ERROR'): retry_timer = details_dict["retry_timer_list"][index] retry_onmatch = details_dict["retry_onmatch_list"][index] retry_count = details_dict["retry_count_list"][index] retry_timer = {None: 60, "": 60, "none": 60}.get( str(retry_timer).lower(), retry_timer) retry_count = {None: 5, "": 5, "none": 5}.get( str(retry_count).lower(), retry_count) print_info("") pNote("Retry was requested for the command") pNote("Command re-trials will begin since the most recent " "command status was FAIL or ERROR") pNote("Retry count\t: {0}".format(retry_count)) pNote("Retry timer\t: {0}".format(retry_timer)) retry_onmatch = {None: False, "": False}.get(retry_onmatch, str(retry_onmatch)) print_onmatch = {False: ""}.get(retry_onmatch, str(retry_onmatch)) pNote("Retry onmatch: {0}".format(print_onmatch)) count = 0 while count < int(retry_count): if result is False or result == 'ERROR': match_status = self._get_match_status(retry_onmatch, response) if match_status: count = count + 1 print_info("") pNote("RETRIAL ATTEMPT:{0}".format(count)) pNote("Wait for {0}sec (retry_timer) before sending" " the command again".format(retry_timer)) time.sleep(int(retry_timer)) result, response = self._send_cmd_get_status( details_dict, index, system_name=kwargs.get("system_name")) command_status = {True: "PASS", False: "FAIL", "ERROR": "ERROR"}.get(result) pNote("RETRIAL ATTEMPT:{0} STATUS:{1}".format( count, command_status)) else: break elif result is True: break return result, response @staticmethod def _get_match_status(retry_onmatch, response): """ Searchs retry_onmatch value in response """ status = True if retry_onmatch: pNote("Command will be executed again if " "the pattern {0} is present in the " "response of the previous execution of the command" .format(retry_onmatch)) match_object =, response) if match_object: pNote("Found the pattern '{0}' " "in the response of the previous execution " "of the command".format(retry_onmatch)) else: pNote("Did not find the pattern '{0}' " "in the response of the previous execution " "of the command".format(retry_onmatch)) status = False return status
[docs] def isalive(self): """ Returns whether the paramiko/pexpect session is alive or not :Returns: True if alive else False """ if self.conn_obj: target_host = self.conn_obj.target_host else: target_host = False if target_host: # for paramiko if self.conn_obj.conn_type == "SSH_NESTED": if target_host.get_transport(): status = target_host.get_transport().is_active() else: status = False # for pexpect else: status = target_host.isalive() else: status = False return status
[docs] def read_nonblocking(self, size=1024, timeout=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Reads characters(size) from pexpect/paramiko session :Arguments: 1. size = maximum number of bytes to read :Returns: 1. read_string = Characters read from the pexpect/paramiko session """ try: if self.conn_obj and self.conn_obj.target_host: if self.conn_obj.conn_type == "SSH_NESTED": read_string = else: read_string = self.conn_obj.target_host.\ read_nonblocking(size, timeout) else: read_string = "" except Exception: read_string = "" return read_string
@property def timeout(self): """ Get session timeout(mins) value of pexpect/paramiko session """ timeout = None if self.conn_obj and self.conn_obj.target_host: if self.conn_obj.conn_type in ["SSH", "TELNET"]: timeout = self.conn_obj.target_host.timeout # elif self.conn_obj.conn_type == "SSH_NESTED": # timeout = self.conn_obj.timeout # # paramiko timeout value will be in seconds, # # convert it to mins # if timeout: # timeout = timeout/60 return timeout @timeout.setter def timeout(self, value): """ Set session timeout value(mins) for pexpect/paramiko session """ if self.conn_obj and self.conn_obj.target_host: if self.conn_obj.conn_type in ["SSH", "TELNET"]: self.conn_obj.target_host.timeout = value # elif self.conn_obj.conn_type == "SSH_NESTED": # # paramiko accepts timeout value in seconds # self.conn_obj.timeout = value * 60
[docs] @staticmethod def pexpect_spawn_with_env(pexpect_obj, command, timeout, escape=False, env=None, pty_dimensions=None): """ spawn a pexpect object with environment & pty_dimensions variables """ if env is None: env = {} kwargs = {'timeout': int(timeout)} if str(escape).lower() == "yes" or str(escape).lower() == "true": kwargs['env'] = env if pty_dimensions is not None: if LooseVersion(pexpect_obj.__version__) < LooseVersion('4.0'): print_warning("Setting pseudo-terminal dimensions is not supported in " "pexpect versions less than 4.0(installed pexpect " "version: {})".format(pexpect_obj.__version__)) else: kwargs['dimensions'] = pty_dimensions child = pexpect_obj.spawn(command, **kwargs) return child
@staticmethod def _send_cmd_by_type(session_object, command): """Determine the command type and send accordingly """ if command.startswith("wctrl:"): command = command.split("wctrl:")[1] session_object.sendcontrol(command) else: session_object.sendline(command)
[docs] @staticmethod def smart_analyze(prompt, testdatafile=None): """ retrieve the correspond smart testdata file for smart cmd from either Tools/connection or testcase testdata file :param prompt: The string that will be analyzed in order to find the device system :param testdatafile: optional arg to provide a pre-defined device system in the test datafile :return: the smart datafile that contains the smart cmd to be sent """ system_name = None if testdatafile is not None: # when the testdatafile is a dictionary - this happens only when # the testdatafile is taken from database server if isinstance(testdatafile, dict): db_td_obj = database_utils_class.\ create_database_connection('dataservers', testdatafile.get('td_system')) root = db_td_obj.get_tdblock_as_xmlobj(testdatafile) db_td_obj.close_connection() else: root = Utils.xml_Utils.getRoot(testdatafile) system_name = Utils.data_Utils._get_global_var(root, "system_name") con_settings_dir = Tools.__path__[0] + os.sep + 'connection' + os.sep con_settings = con_settings_dir + "connect_settings.xml" if system_name is not None: sys_elem = Utils.xml_Utils.getElementWithTagAttribValueMatch( con_settings, "system", "name", system_name.text) if sys_elem is None or sys_elem.find("testdata") is None: return None else: system_list = Utils.xml_Utils.getElementListWithSpecificXpath( con_settings, "system[search_string]") for sys_elem in system_list: if sys_elem.find("search_string").text in prompt and \ sys_elem.find("testdata") is not None: return con_settings_dir + sys_elem.find("testdata").text return None return con_settings_dir + sys_elem.find("testdata").text
[docs] def send_smart_cmd(self, connect_testdata, session_object, tag_value, call_system_name, pre_tag): """ The beacons of Gondor are lit send out the smart command :param connect_testdata: the smart testdata file that contains the smart cmd :param session_object: use this pexpect object to send out command :param tag_value: specify the testdata block of commands that get sent out :param call_system_name: in order to get passed the substitutions, a system name must be provided :param pre_tag: Distinguish if it is a connect smart action or disconnect smart action """ if Utils.xml_Utils.getElementWithTagAttribValueMatch(connect_testdata, "testdata", "title", tag_value) is not None: print_info("**********The following command are sent as part of " "the smart analysis**********") main_log = session_object.logfile if pre_tag: smart_log =".log", "pre_.log") else: smart_log =".log", "post_.log") session_object.logfile = open(smart_log, "a") self.send_commands_from_testdata(connect_testdata, session_object, title=tag_value, system_name=call_system_name) session_object.logfile = main_log print_info("**********smart analysis finished**********") else: print_error()
[docs] def smart_action(self, datafile, call_system_name, raw_prompt, session_object, tag_value, connect_testdata=None): """ entry function for sending smart command :param datafile: the testcase datafile :param call_system_name: in order to get passed the substitutions, a system name must be provided :param raw_prompt: The string that will be analyzed in order to find the device system :param session_object: use this pexpect object to send out command :param tag_value: specify the testdata block of commands that get sent out :param connect_testdata: the smart testdata file that contains the smart cmd, optional in here :return: the smart testdata file that contains the smart cmd """ testdata, _ = Utils.data_Utils.get_td_vc(datafile, call_system_name, None, None) pre_tag = False if connect_testdata is None: connect_testdata = self.smart_analyze(raw_prompt, testdata) pre_tag = True if connect_testdata is not None: self.send_smart_cmd(connect_testdata, session_object, tag_value, call_system_name, pre_tag) return connect_testdata return None
[docs] @staticmethod def get_connection_port(conn_type, inpdict): """Gets the port for ssh or telnet connections 1. ssh : - looks if ssh_port is present in inpdict. - if not checks for conn_port - if both not present returns None """ if inpdict: conn_string = "{0}_port".format(conn_type) if conn_string in inpdict and inpdict[conn_string] is not False\ and inpdict[conn_string] is not None: inpdict["port"] = inpdict["{0}_port".format(conn_type)] elif "conn_port" in inpdict and inpdict["conn_port"] is not False\ and inpdict["conn_port"] is not None: inpdict["port"] = inpdict["conn_port"] return inpdict
[docs] @staticmethod def sendPing(hostname, count, fname): """Sends a ping command :Arguments: 1. count(string) = no of pings to be sent 2. src_iface(string) = source interface from whihc ping messages are to be sent. 3. destip(string) = the destination ip address to ping. 4. fname = logfile to log ping response. :Returns: status = boolean """ status = False command = "ping -c " + count + " " + hostname + " >>" + fname print_debug("sendPing, cmd = '%s'" % command) response = os.system(command) if response == 0: print_debug("hostname : '%s' is up " % hostname) status = True print_debug("hostname : '%s' is down " % hostname) return status
[docs] @staticmethod def sendSourcePing(count, src_iface, destip, fname): """Sends a source based ping command i.e. if multiple interfaces are configured and available, sends pings from the src_iface provided :Arguments: 1. count(string) = no of pings to be sent 2. src_iface(string) = source interface from whihc ping messages are to be sent. 3. destip(string) = the destination ip address to ping. 4. fname = logfile to log ping response. :Returns: status = boolean """ status = False command = "ping -c " + count + " -I " + src_iface + " " + \ destip + " >>" + fname print_debug("command, cmd = '%s'" % command) response = os.system(command) if response == 0: print_debug("hostname : '%s' is up " % destip) status = True print_debug("hostname : '%s' is down " % destip) return status
[docs]class ParamikoConnect(object): """ Class to handle SSH operations using Paramiko module """ def __init__(self, credentials={}): """ Constructor :Arguments 1. credentials: 1. ip = target_system ip 2. port = target_system ssh port 3. username(string) = target_system username 4. password(string) = target_system password 5. logfile = logfile name 6. timeout = wait for response in target_system 7. via_ip = intermediate_system ip 8. via_port = intermediate_system ssh port 9. via_username(string) = intermediate_system username 10. via_password(string) = intermediate_system password 11. via_timeout = wait for response in intermediate_system 12. conn_type = session type(ssh/ssh_nested/telnet) """ self.paramiko = None self.__import_paramiko() self.conn_string = "" self.response = "" self.target_host = None = None self.conn_type = credentials.get('conn_type') if self.conn_type: self.conn_type = self.conn_type.upper() self.ip = credentials.get('ip') self.port = credentials.get('port') if self.port is not None: self.port = int(self.port) self.username = credentials.get('username', '') self.password = credentials.get('password', '') self.logfile = credentials.get('logfile') self.timeout = credentials.get('timeout', 60) if self.conn_type == "SSH_NESTED": self.via_ip = credentials.get('via_ip') self.via_port = credentials.get('via_port') if self.via_port is not None: self.via_port = int(self.via_port) self.via_username = credentials.get('via_username', '') self.via_password = credentials.get('via_password', '') self.via_timeout = credentials.get('via_timeout', 60) def __import_paramiko(self): """Import the paramiko module """ try: import paramiko except ImportError: print_info("{0}: paramiko module is not " "installed".format(os.path.abspath(__file__))) print_info("Warrior Framework uses paramiko module for " "cli(via nested SSH) related operations") else: self.paramiko = paramiko
[docs] def connect_ssh(self): """ Initiates SSH connection to target system using paramiko module. For nested SSH connections, session will be established via intermediate system. """ if self.paramiko is None: print_error("Paramiko is not installed, please install it") return self.port = self.port if self.port else "22" try: # for nested SSH session if self.conn_type == "SSH_NESTED": pNote("Nested SSH connection is requested, first connecting to" " intermediate system - {}".format(self.via_ip)) self.via_host = self.paramiko.SSHClient() self.via_host.set_missing_host_key_policy( self.paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) self.via_host.connect(self.via_ip, port=self.via_port, username=self.via_username, password=self.via_password, timeout=self.via_timeout) self.via_transport = self.via_host.get_transport() dest_addr = (self.ip, self.port) local_addr = ('', 22) self.via_channel = self.via_transport.open_channel( "direct-tcpip", dest_addr, local_addr) pNote("Connection to intermediate system - {} " "is successful".format(self.via_ip)) else: self.via_channel = None self.target_host = self.paramiko.SSHClient() self.target_host.set_missing_host_key_policy( self.paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) self.target_host.connect(self.ip, port=self.port, username=self.username, password=self.password, timeout=self.timeout, sock=self.via_channel) if self.logfile is not None: # paramiko logging level is DEBUG(default) self.paramiko.util.log_to_file(self.logfile) # self.conn_string = self.target_host.get_transport().get_banner() # Use invoke_shell option to get conn_string value = self.target_host.invoke_shell() self.conn_string ="utf-8") except Exception as exception: self.target_host = None print_exception(exception)
[docs] def disconnect(self): """ Disconnects nested paramiko session """ self.target_host.close() # for nested ssh session if self.conn_type == "NESTED_SSH": self.via_host.close()
@mocked def send_command(self, command, get_pty=False, *args, **kwargs): """ Execute the command on the remote host :Arguments: 1.command = command to be executed 2.get_pty = request a pseudo-terminal """ response = "" status = False try: start_time = Utils.datetime_utils.get_current_timestamp() pNote("[{0}] Sending Command: {1}".format(start_time, command)) stdin, stdout, stderr = self.target_host.\ exec_command(command, get_pty=get_pty) end_time = Utils.datetime_utils.get_current_timestamp() stdin.close() # If a linux command fails, corresponding response will be in # stderr, will give non-zero # value but stderr value is also a valid response in Warrior # execution.we can't fail the command execution based on # recv_exit_status value. if stdout: response = response + if stderr: response = response + pNote("[{0}] Command execution completed".format(end_time)) pNote("Response:\n{0}\n".format(response)) status = True except Exception as exception: print_exception(exception) return status, response
[docs]class PexpectConnect(object): """ Class to handle SSH operations using Pexpect module """ def __init__(self, credentials={}): """ Constructor :Arguments 1. credentials: 1. ip = destination ip 2. port = ssh/telnet port 3. username(string) = username 4. password(string) = password 5. logfile(string) = logfile name 6. timeout = timeout duration 7. prompt(string) = destination prompt 8. conn_options = connection options 9. custom_keystroke = keystroke(to be given after initial timeout) 10. escape(string) = true/false(to escape color codes by setting TERM as dump) 11. conn_type = session type(ssh/telnet) 12. pty_dimensions(tuple) = size of the pseudo-terminal specified as a two-entry tuple(rows, columns) """ self.pexpect = None self.__import_pexpect() self.conn_string = "" self.response = "" self.target_host = None = None self.conn_type = credentials.get('conn_type') if self.conn_type: self.conn_type = self.conn_type.upper() self.ip = credentials.get('ip') self.port = credentials.get('port') self.username = credentials.get('username', '') self.password = credentials.get('password', '') self.logfile = credentials.get('logfile') self.timeout = credentials.get('timeout', 60) self.prompt = credentials.get('prompt', '.*(%|#|\$)') self.conn_options = credentials.get('conn_options', '') self.custom_keystroke = credentials.get('custom_keystroke', '') self.escape = credentials.get('escape', False) self.pty_dimensions = credentials.get('pty_dimensions', None) # convert pty_dimensions value from string to tuple if self.pty_dimensions and isinstance(self.pty_dimensions, str): err_msg = ("Invalid value '{}' given for pty_dimensions " "argument, it only accepts tuple value" "(It will be default to None).") try: self.pty_dimensions = ast.literal_eval(self.pty_dimensions) except Exception: print_warning(err_msg.format(self.pty_dimensions)) else: if not isinstance(self.pty_dimensions, tuple): print_warning(err_msg.format(self.pty_dimensions)) self.pty_dimensions = None def __import_pexpect(self): """Import the pexpect module """ try: import pexpect except ImportError: print_info("{0}: pexpect module is not " "installed".format(os.path.abspath(__file__))) print_info("Warrior Framework uses pexpect module for " "cli(SSH & telent) related operations") else: self.pexpect = pexpect
[docs] def connect_ssh(self): """ Initiates SSH connection via a specific port. Creates log file. """ if self.pexpect is None: print_error("Pexpect is not installed, please install it") return self.target_host = None self.conn_string = "" self.port = self.port if self.port else "22" conn_options = "" if self.conn_options is False or \ self.conn_options is None else self.conn_options custom_keystroke = "wctrl:M" if not self.custom_keystroke else \ self.custom_keystroke # delete -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no and put them in conn_options if not conn_options or conn_options is None: conn_options = "" if not self.username: self.username = "" print_warning("Using '{0}' as username since it is not provided " "in data file".format(getpass.getuser())) else: self.username += '@' command = 'ssh -p {0} {1}{2} {3}'.format(self.port, self.username, self.ip, conn_options) # command = ('ssh -p '+ port + ' ' + username + '@' + ip) print_debug("connectSSH: cmd = %s" % command) child = WarriorCli.pexpect_spawn_with_env(self.pexpect, command, self.timeout, escape=self.escape, env={"TERM": "dumb"}, pty_dimensions=self.pty_dimensions) child.logfile = sys.stdout if self.logfile is not None: try: fdobj = open(self.logfile, "a") if fdobj: child.logfile = fdobj except Exception as exception: print_exception(exception) try: flag = True child.setecho(False) child.delaybeforesend = .5 while True: result = child.expect(["(yes/no)", self.prompt, '.*(?i)password:.*', ".*(?i)(user(name)?:|login:) *$", self.pexpect.EOF, self.pexpect.TIMEOUT, '.*(?i)remote host identification has ' 'changed.*']) if result == 0: child.sendline('yes') elif result == 1: self.target_host = child self.conn_string = self.conn_string + child.before + \ child.after break elif result == 2: child.sendline(self.password) self.conn_string = self.conn_string + child.before + \ child.after elif result == 3: child.sendline(self.username) elif result == 4: pNote("Connection failed: {0}, with the system response: " "{1}".format(command, child.before), "error") break elif result == 5: # Some terminal expect specific keystroke before showing # login prompt if flag is True: pNote("Initial timeout occur, " "sending custom_keystroke") WarriorCli._send_cmd_by_type(child, custom_keystroke) flag = False continue pNote("Connection timed out: {0}, expected prompt: {1} " "is not found in the system response: {2}" .format(command, self.prompt, child.before), "error") break elif result == 6: cmd = "ssh-keygen -R " + self.ip if self.port == '22' else\ "ssh-keygen -R " + "[" + self.ip + "]:" + self.port print_debug("SSH Host Key is changed - Remove it from " "known_hosts file : cmd = %s" % cmd), shell=True) child = WarriorCli.pexpect_spawn_with_env(self.pexpect, command, self.timeout, escape=self.escape, env={"TERM": "dumb"}, pty_dimensions=self.pty_dimensions) print_debug("ReconnectSSH: cmd = %s" % command) except Exception as exception: print_exception(exception)
[docs] def connect_telnet(self): """ Initiates Telnet connection via a specific port. Creates log file. """ self.target_host = None self.conn_string = "" self.port = self.port if self.port else "23" conn_options = "" if self.conn_options is False or \ self.conn_options is None else self.conn_options custom_keystroke = "wctrl:M" if not self.custom_keystroke else \ self.custom_keystroke print_debug("timeout is: %s" % self.timeout) print_debug("port num is: %s" % self.port) command = ('telnet ' + self.ip + ' ' + self.port) if not conn_options or conn_options is None: conn_options = "" command = command + str(conn_options) print_debug("connectTelnet cmd = %s" % command) child = WarriorCli.pexpect_spawn_with_env(self.pexpect, command, self.timeout, env={"TERM": "dumb"}, escape=self.escape, pty_dimensions=self.pty_dimensions) try: child.logfile = open(self.logfile, "a") except Exception: child.logfile = None try: flag = True child.setecho(False) child.delaybeforesend = .5 while True: result = child.expect([self.prompt, '.*(?i)password:.*', ".*(?i)(user(name)?:|login:) *$", self.pexpect.EOF, self.pexpect.TIMEOUT]) if result == 0: self.target_host = child self.conn_string = self.conn_string + child.before + \ child.after break elif result == 1: child.sendline(self.password) self.conn_string = self.conn_string + child.before + \ child.after elif result == 2: child.sendline(self.username) elif result == 3: pNote("Connection failed: {0}, with the system response: " "{1}".format(command, child.before), "error") break elif result == 4: # timed out tryonce with Enter has some terminal expects it if flag is True: pNote("Initial timeout occur, " "sending custom_keystroke") WarriorCli._send_cmd_by_type(child, custom_keystroke) flag = False continue pNote("Connection timed out: {0}, expected prompt: {1} " "is not found in the system response: {2}" .format(command, self.prompt, child.before), "error") break except Exception as exception: print_error(" ! could not connect to %s...check logs" % self.ip) print_exception(exception)
[docs] def disconnect(self): """ Disconnects a pexpect session """ if self.target_host.isalive(): if self.target_host.ignore_sighup: self.target_host.ignore_sighup = False self.target_host.close()
[docs] def disconnect_telnet(self): """ Disconnects a telnet session """ if self.target_host.isalive(): time.sleep(2) self.target_host.sendcontrol(']') time.sleep(2) self.target_host.expect('telnet> ') time.sleep(2) self.target_host.sendline('q') time.sleep(2) self.target_host.close()
@mocked def send_command(self, command, start_prompt, end_prompt, timeout=60, *args, **kwargs): """ Send an command to pexpect session object and returns the status of the command sent - Checks for the availability of the start_prompt. - if start prompt was available sends the command - if failure response is not None and failure response found in response then returns False. - else if failure response was not found and end prompt also not found returns False. - else if failure response was not found and end prompt found, then returns true. """ tmout = {None: 60, "": 60, "none": 60}.get(timeout, str(timeout).lower()) self.target_host.timeout = int(tmout) pNote("Command timeout: {0}".format(self.target_host.timeout)) response = "" msg = "" end_time = False status = False cmd_timedout = False # time_format = "%Y-%b-%d %H:%M:%S" try: boolprompt = self.target_host.expect(start_prompt) except Exception as exception: pNote("Could not find the start_prompt '{0}'!! exiting!!". format(str(start_prompt)), "error") boolprompt = -1 if boolprompt == 0: start_time = Utils.datetime_utils.get_current_timestamp() pNote("[{0}] Sending Command: {1}".format(start_time, command)) WarriorCli._send_cmd_by_type(self.target_host, command) try: while True: result = self.target_host.expect([end_prompt, self.pexpect.EOF, self.pexpect.TIMEOUT]) \ if end_prompt else -1 end_time = Utils.datetime_utils.get_current_timestamp() if result == 0: curr_time = Utils.datetime_utils.\ get_current_timestamp() msg1 = "[{0}] Command completed successfully". \ format(end_time) msg2 = "[{0}] Found end prompt '{1}' after command" \ "had timed out".format(curr_time, end_prompt) status = {True: "ERROR", False: True}.get(cmd_timedout) msg = {True: msg2, False: msg1}.get(cmd_timedout) break elif result == -1: pNote("[{0}] end prompt not provided".format(end_time), "error") status = "ERROR" break elif result == 1: msg = "[{0}] EOF encountered".format(end_time) status = "ERROR" break elif result == 2: tmsg1 = "[{0}] Command timed out with {1} seconds, command will be " \ "marked as error".format(end_time, timeout) tmsg2 = "As a best effort, warrior will wait 60 more seconds to get end " \ "prompt '{0}'".format(end_prompt) tmsg3 = "Irrespective of whether end prompt is " \ "received or not command will be marked as error" \ " because command had timed out once." if not cmd_timedout: self.target_host.timeout = 1 pNote(tmsg1, "debug") pNote(tmsg2, "debug") pNote(tmsg3, "debug") tstamp = Utils.datetime_utils.\ get_current_timestamp() cmd_timedout = True status = "ERROR" tdelta = Utils.datetime_utils.get_time_delta(tstamp) if int(tdelta) >= 60: msg = "[{0}] Did not find end prompt '{1}' even " \ "after 60 seconds post command time out". \ format(Utils.datetime_utils. get_current_timestamp(), end_prompt) break else: continue except Exception as exception: print_exception(exception) else: response = str(self.target_host.before) # When the command gets timed out, the pexpect.TIMEOUT exception # will be raised and it is set to the after property of spawn object if self.target_host.after == self.pexpect.TIMEOUT: pNote("EXCEPTION !! Command Timed Out", 'error') else: response = response + str(self.target_host.after) pNote("Response:\n{0}\n".format(response)) pNote(msg, "debug") if status is True: duration = Utils.datetime_utils.get_time_delta(start_time, end_time) pNote("Command Duration: {0} sec".format(duration)) return status, response