Source code for Framework.ClassUtils.WSelenium.browser_mgmt

Copyright 2017, Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import os
import re
import traceback
from time import sleep
import urllib2
import platform
from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from Framework.Utils.datetime_utils import get_current_timestamp
from Framework.Utils.testcase_Utils import pNote
from Framework.Utils.print_Utils import print_error, print_info, print_debug, print_exception,\
from Framework.Utils.data_Utils import get_object_from_datarepository
from Framework.Utils.file_Utils import fileExists

    from selenium import webdriver
    print_info("The Selenium Webdriver version is '{0}'".format(webdriver.__version__))
    from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains
    from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
    from selenium.webdriver.firefox.firefox_binary import FirefoxBinary
    from selenium.common.exceptions import WebDriverException

    KEYS = {1: Keys.NUMPAD1, 2: Keys.NUMPAD2, 3: Keys.NUMPAD3,
            4: Keys.NUMPAD4, 5: Keys.NUMPAD5, 6: Keys.NUMPAD6,
            7: Keys.NUMPAD7, 8: Keys.NUMPAD8, 9: Keys.NUMPAD9}
except ImportError as exception:

""" selenium browser management library"""

[docs]class BrowserManagement(object): """Browser management class""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Browser management constructor """ self.current_browser = None self.current_window = None self.ff_binary_object = FirefoxBinary()
[docs] def open_browser(self, browser_name='firefox', webdriver_remote_url=False, desired_capabilities=None, **kwargs): """Open a browser session""" profile_dir = kwargs.get('profile_dir', None) if 'profile_dir' in kwargs: kwargs.pop('profile_dir') if webdriver_remote_url: print_debug("Opening browser '{0}' through remote server at '{1}'"\ .format(browser_name, webdriver_remote_url)) else: print_debug("Opening browser '%s'" % (browser_name)) browser_name = browser_name browser = self._make_browser(browser_name, desired_capabilities, profile_dir, webdriver_remote_url, **kwargs) return browser
[docs] def close_browser(self, browser_instance=None): """closes a browser session """ status = True try: if browser_instance is not None: browser_instance.quit() else: self.current_browser.quit() except Exception as exception: print_exception(exception) status = False return status
# window management
[docs] def close_window(self, browser_instance=None): """close the current window """ status = True try: if browser_instance is not None: browser_instance.close() else: self.current_browser.close() except Exception as exception: print_exception(exception) status = False return status
[docs] def maximize_browser_window(self, browser_instance=None, headless_mode=False): """Maximizes current browser window.""" status = True try: if browser_instance is None: browser_instance = self.current_browser # Need to distinguish whether browser is in headless mode or not # as maximize_window doesn't work in headless mode if headless_mode: browser_instance.set_window_size(1920, 1080) else: browser_instance.maximize_window() except Exception as exception: print_exception(exception) status = False return status
[docs] def save_screenshot(self, browser_instance=None, filename=None, directory=None): """ Save screenshot of the specified/current browser """ status = True if browser_instance is None: browser_instance = self.current_browser if filename is None: current_datetime = str(get_current_timestamp()) current_datetime = current_datetime.replace(" ", "_") current_datetime = current_datetime.replace(":", "-") filename = "screenshot_" + current_datetime + ".png" else: filename += ".png" print_info("Screenshot will be saved by the name {0} in directory {1}".format(filename, directory)) directory = os.path.join(directory, filename) try: browser_instance.save_screenshot(directory) sleep(10) except Exception as e: print_error("Could not save screenshot {0}". format(e)) status = False return status
[docs] def get_window_size(self, browser_instance=None): """Returns current window size as `width` then `height`.""" if browser_instance is None: browser_instance = self.current_browser size = browser_instance.get_window_size() return size['width'], size['height']
[docs] def set_window_size(self, width, height, browser_instance=None): """Sets the `width` and `height` of the current window to the specified values.""" if browser_instance is not None: browser_instance.set_window_size(width, height) else: self.current_window.set_window_size(width, height)
[docs] def get_window_position(self, browser_instance=None): """Returns current window position as `x` then `y`.""" if browser_instance is None: browser_instance = self.current_browser position = browser_instance.get_window_position() return position['x'], position['y']
[docs] def set_window_position(self, x, y, browser_instance=None): """Sets the position `x` and `y` of the current window to the specified values.""" if browser_instance is not None: browser_instance.set_window_position(x, y) else: self.current_window.set_window_position(x, y) return
# navigation
[docs] def go_back(self, browser_instance=None): """Simulates the user clicking the "back" button on their browser.""" if browser_instance is not None: browser_instance.back() else: self.current_browser.back()
[docs] def go_forward(self, browser_instance=None): """Simulates the user clicking the "back" button on their browser.""" if browser_instance is not None: browser_instance.forward() else: self.current_browser.forward()
[docs] def check_url(self, url): """ To check whether the user provided url is valid or not. DISCLAIMER: This function internally opens the url to assert the validity of the url. Returns: 1. status(bool)= True / False.(Whether the url can be reached) 2. url : The actual url itself """ status = True try: url_open = urllib2.urlopen(url) get_status_code = url_open.code pattern = re.compile('^2[0-9][0-9]$') if not pattern.match(str(get_status_code)) and get_status_code is not None: print_info("The Status code for url : {} is {}".format(url, get_status_code)) status = False except urllib2.HTTPError as http_error: print_warning("URLError: {} reason: ({}) status code: {}".format (url, http_error.reason, http_error.code)) status = False except urllib2.URLError as url_err: status = False print_warning("URLError: {} reason: ({})".format(url, url_err.reason)) except Exception, err: print_warning("Exception: {0}".format(err)) status = False return status, url
[docs] def go_to(self, url, browser_instance=None): """Navigates the active browser instance to the provided URL.""" status = True try: print_info("Opening url '%s'" % url) if browser_instance is not None: browser_instance.get(url) else: self.current_browser.get(url) except WebDriverException as err: print_error(err) if "Reached error page" in str(err): print_error("Unable to Navigate to URL:{}"\ "possibly because of the url is not valid".format(url)) else: status = False except Exception, err: print_error(err) status = False print_error("Unable to Navigate to URL:'%s'" % url) traceback.print_exc() return status
[docs] def reload_page(self, browser_instance=None): """Simulates user reloading page.""" if browser_instance is not None: browser_instance.refresh() else: self.current_browser.refresh()
[docs] def hard_reload_page(self, browser_instance=None): """Simulates Refreshing/Reloading the page just as users using F5 """ if browser_instance is None: self.current_browser.refresh() element = browser_instance.find_element_by_tag_name("body") element.send_keys(Keys.LEFT_CONTROL, Keys.F5) sleep(1)
[docs] def open_tab(self, browser_instance=None, url=None, browser_type="firefox"): """Opens a new tab in the browser""" status = True if browser_instance is None: browser_instance = self.current_browser # only when firefox version < 47, open new window if browser_type == "firefox" and\ LooseVersion(self.get_browser_version(browser_instance)) < LooseVersion("47.0.0"): element = browser_instance.find_element_by_tag_name("body") element.send_keys(Keys.LEFT_CONTROL, 'n') elif browser_type == "firefox" or (browser_type == "chrome" and\ LooseVersion(self.get_browser_version(browser_instance)) > LooseVersion("60.0.0")): # If FF version > 47, this action is not supported print_error("Firefox (47 or above) and Chrome with chromedriver (2.32 or above)"\ "doesn't support opening new tab. Open tab may not function correctly") status = False else: # If it is chrome ver < 60, actually open a new tab element = browser_instance.find_element_by_tag_name("body") element.send_keys(Keys.LEFT_CONTROL, 't') sleep(1) browser_instance.switch_to.window(browser_instance.window_handles\ [len(browser_instance.window_handles) - 1]) if url is not None: self.go_to(url, browser_instance) sleep(1) return status
[docs] def switch_tab(self, browser_instance=None, tab_number=None, browser_type="firefox"): """Switching to different tabs in a browser with unique tab_number""" status = True if browser_instance is None: browser_instance = self.current_browser if tab_number is not None: try: tab_number = int(tab_number) except: print_error("{0} is not a valid tab number".format(tab_number)) status = False else: if tab_number > len(browser_instance.window_handles) or tab_number < 1: print_error("{0} is not a valid tab number".format(tab_number)) status = False else: tab_number -= 1 current_tab = 0 current_window_handle = browser_instance.current_window_handle for i in range(0, len(browser_instance.window_handles)): if browser_instance.window_handles[i] == current_window_handle: current_tab = i break if tab_number != current_tab: if current_tab < tab_number: times = tab_number - current_tab else: times = len(browser_instance.window_handles) - current_tab times += tab_number if browser_type == "firefox": action_chains = ActionChains(browser_instance) action_chains.key_down(Keys.ALT) for i in range(0, times): action_chains.send_keys('`') action_chains.perform() else: element = browser_instance.find_element_by_tag_name('body') for i in range(0, times): element.send_keys(Keys.LEFT_CONTROL, Keys.TAB) browser_instance.switch_to.window(browser_instance.window_handles[tab_number]) else: current_tab = 0 current_window_handle = browser_instance.current_window_handle for i in range(0, len(browser_instance.window_handles)): if browser_instance.window_handles[i] == current_window_handle: current_tab = i tab_number = current_tab + 1 if tab_number >= len(browser_instance.window_handles): tab_number = 0 if browser_type == "firefox": browser_instance.find_element_by_tag_name('body').send_keys(Keys.LEFT_ALT, '`') else: browser_instance.find_element_by_tag_name('body').send_keys(Keys.LEFT_CONTROL, Keys.TAB) browser_instance.switch_to.window(browser_instance.window_handles[tab_number]) return status
[docs] def close_tab(self, browser_instance=None, tab_number=None, browser_type="firefox"): """Closing tabs in a browser with unique tab_number""" if browser_instance is None: browser_instance = self.current_browser if len(browser_instance.window_handles) > 1: prior_current_tab = False current_window_handler = browser_instance.current_window_handle for i in range(0, len(browser_instance.window_handles)): if browser_instance.window_handles[i] == current_window_handler: prior_current_tab = i status = True if tab_number is not None: status = self.switch_tab(browser_instance, tab_number, browser_type) if status: tab_number = int(tab_number) - 1 browser_instance.find_element_by_tag_name('body').send_keys(Keys.LEFT_CONTROL, 'w') sleep(2) if tab_number == len(browser_instance.window_handles): tab_number -= 1 browser_instance.switch_to.window(browser_instance.window_handles[tab_number]) if prior_current_tab == len(browser_instance.window_handles): prior_current_tab -= 1 if prior_current_tab != tab_number: if tab_number < prior_current_tab: times = prior_current_tab - tab_number else: times = len(browser_instance.window_handles) - tab_number times += prior_current_tab if browser_type == "firefox": action_chains = ActionChains(browser_instance) action_chains.key_down(Keys.ALT) for i in range(0, times): action_chains.send_keys('`') action_chains.perform() else: element = browser_instance.find_element_by_tag_name('body') for i in range(0, times): element.send_keys(Keys.LEFT_CONTROL, Keys.TAB) browser_instance.switch_to.window(browser_instance.window_handles[prior_current_tab]) else: if browser_type == "firefox": print_info("The tab_number argument is None. Current window will be closed") else: print_info("The tab_number argument is None. Current tab will be closed") browser_instance.find_element_by_tag_name('body').send_keys(Keys.LEFT_CONTROL, 'w') if prior_current_tab == len(browser_instance.window_handles): prior_current_tab = 0 browser_instance.switch_to.window(browser_instance.window_handles[prior_current_tab]) else: status = self.close_browser(browser_instance) return status
[docs] def delete_all_cookies_in_browser(self, browser_instance=None): """Delete the cookies for a particular browser instance""" status = True if browser_instance is None: browser_instance = self.current_browser try: browser_instance.delete_all_cookies except Exception as e: print_error("Could not delete cookies! Message: {0}".format(e)) status = False return status
[docs] def get_firefox_version(self, binary): """ Use firefox binary to find out firefox version before launching firefox in selenium """ command = "" # If the platform is Linux, # If Binary - None: default binary is set as "firefox". # else the binary path passed through datafile is considered. # If the platform is Windows, # If Binary - None: default binary is set to Program Files path. # else the binary path passed through datafile is considered. if platform.system() in "Linux": if binary in [False, None]: binary = "firefox" command = [binary, "-v"] elif platform.system() in "Windows": if binary in [False, None]: binary = self.ff_binary_object._default_windows_location() command = "%s -v | more" % (binary) print_info("Platform: {0} Firefox binary path: {1}".format(platform.system(), binary)) version = False try: raw_version = check_output(command) match ="\d+\.\d+", raw_version) if match is not None: version = LooseVersion( else: print_info("Cannot parse Firefox version: {}".format(raw_version)) except CalledProcessError: print_error("Cannot find firefox version, will not launch browser") return version
[docs] def get_browser_version(self, browser): """ Get browser version from selenium """ # Return the browser version as string browser_version = browser.capabilities.get("version", None) if browser_version is None: browser_version = browser.capabilities.get("browserVersion", None) if browser_version is None: print_error("Unable to retrieve browser version, return False") browser_version = False return browser_version
[docs] def set_firefox_proxy(self, profile_dir, proxy_ip, proxy_port): """method to update the given preferences in Firefox profile""" # Create a default Firefox profile first and update proxy_ip and port ff_profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile(profile_dir) proxy_port = int(proxy_port) ff_profile.set_preference("network.proxy.type", 1) ff_profile.set_preference("network.proxy.http", proxy_ip) ff_profile.set_preference("network.proxy.http_port", proxy_port) ff_profile.set_preference("network.proxy.ssl", proxy_ip) ff_profile.set_preference("network.proxy.ssl_port", proxy_port) ff_profile.set_preference("network.proxy.ftp", proxy_ip) ff_profile.set_preference("network.proxy.ftp_port", proxy_port) ff_profile.update_preferences() return ff_profile
# private methods def _make_browser(self, browser_name, desired_capabilities=None, profile_dir=None, webdriver_remote_url=None, **kwargs): """method to open a browser, calls other sepcific/generic make browser methods to open a browser """ browser_methods = {'ff': self._make_ff, 'firefox': self._make_ff, 'chrome': self._make_chrome} creation_method = browser_methods.get(browser_name, None) if creation_method is None: print_error("{} is not a supported browser. Please use firefox or chrome".\ format(browser_name)) browser = None else: kwargs["browser_name"] = browser_name browser = creation_method(webdriver_remote_url, desired_capabilities, profile_dir, **kwargs) if browser is not None: print_info("The {} browser version is {}".format( browser_name, self.get_browser_version(browser))) else: print_error("Unable to create browser for: {}".format(browser_name)) return browser def _get_browser_creation_function(self, browser_name): """Gets the browser function for the supported browsers from the browser_methods dictionary """ def _make_ff(self, webdriver_remote_url, desired_capabilites, profile_dir, **kwargs): """Create an instance of firefox browser""" binary = kwargs.get("binary", None) gecko_path = kwargs.get("gecko_path", None) # gecko_log is the absolute path to save geckodriver log gecko_log = kwargs.get("gecko_log", None) proxy_ip = kwargs.get("proxy_ip", None) proxy_port = kwargs.get("proxy_port", None) ff_profile = None # if firefox is being used with proxy, set the profile here # if firefox_proxy details are not given, set profile_dir # as the ff_profile. if proxy_ip is not None and proxy_port is not None: ff_profile = self.set_firefox_proxy(profile_dir, proxy_ip, proxy_port) else: ff_profile = profile_dir log_dir = get_object_from_datarepository("wt_logsdir") if \ gecko_log in [None, False] else gecko_log log_dir = os.path.join(log_dir, "gecko_"+kwargs.get("browser_name", "default")+".log") browser = None try: if webdriver_remote_url: browser = self._create_remote_web_driver( webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX, webdriver_remote_url, desired_capabilites, ff_profile) else: optional_args = {} ff_capabilities = webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX # This is for internal testing needs...some https cert is not secure # And firefox will need to know how to handle it ff_capabilities['acceptInsecureCerts'] = True if binary not in [False, None]: if not fileExists(binary): print_warning("Given firefox binary '{}' does not exist, default " "firefox will be used for execution.".format(binary)) binary = None else: print_info("No value given for firefox binary, default " "firefox will be used for execution.") # Force disable marionette, only needs in Selenium 3 with FF ver < 47 # Without these lines, selenium may encounter capability not found issue # # if self.get_firefox_version(binary) < LooseVersion("47.0.0"): ff_capabilities["marionette"] = False else: # gecko_log will only get generate if there is failure/error # Need to specify log_path for geckodriver log # Gecko driver will only launch if FF version is 47 or above optional_args["log_path"] = log_dir ffbinary = FirefoxBinary(binary) if binary is not None else None if gecko_path is not None: optional_args["executable_path"] = gecko_path browser = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_binary=ffbinary, capabilities=ff_capabilities, firefox_profile=ff_profile, **optional_args) except WebDriverException as err: if "executable needs to be in PATH" in str(err): print_error("Please provide path for geckodriver executable") elif "Expected browser binary location" in str(err): print_error("Please provide path of firefox executable") print_error(err) traceback.print_exc() except Exception as err: print_error(err) traceback.print_exc() if browser is None and\ any((LooseVersion(webdriver.__version__) < LooseVersion("3.5.0"), gecko_path is None)): print_info("Unable to create Firefox browser, one possible reason is because"\ "Firefox version >= 47.0.1 and Selenium version < 3.5"\ "In order to launch Firefox ver 47 and up, Selenium needs to be updated to >= 3.5"\ "and needs geckodriver > 0.16") return browser def _make_chrome(self, webdriver_remote_url, desired_capabilities, profile_dir, **kwargs): """Creates an instance of chrome browser and returns it Need to have selenium chrome driver exe placed in the python path""" return self._generic_make_browser(webdriver.Chrome, webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.CHROME, webdriver_remote_url, desired_capabilities, **kwargs) def _generic_make_browser(self, webdriver_type, desired_cap_type, webdriver_remote_url, desired_caps, **kwargs): """most of the make browser functions just call this function which creates the appropriate web-driver""" if not webdriver_remote_url: browser = webdriver_type() else: browser = self._create_remote_web_driver(desired_cap_type, webdriver_remote_url, desired_caps) return browser def _create_remote_web_driver(self, capabilities_type, webdriver_remote_url, desired_capabilities=None, profile=None): """parses the string based desired_capabilities if neccessary and creates the associated remote web driver""" desired_capabilities_object = capabilities_type.copy() if isinstance(desired_capabilities, (str, unicode)): desired_capabilities = self._parse_capabilities_string(desired_capabilities) desired_capabilities_object.update(desired_capabilities or {}) return webdriver.Remote(desired_capabilities=desired_capabilities_object, command_executor=str(webdriver_remote_url), browser_profile=profile) @staticmethod def _parse_capabilities_string(capabilities_string): """parses the string based desired_capabilities which should be in the form key1:val1,key2:val2 """ desired_capabilities = {} if not capabilities_string: return desired_capabilities for cap in capabilities_string.split(","): (key, value) = cap.split(":", 1) desired_capabilities[key.strip()] = value.strip() return desired_capabilities