Source code for Framework.ClassUtils.WSelenium.element_operations

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""" Selenium element operations library """
from time import sleep
from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys

from Framework.Utils.print_Utils import print_error, print_info, print_exception
from Framework.Utils.data_Utils import get_object_from_datarepository
from Framework.ClassUtils.WSelenium.element_locator import ElementLocator

    from selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement import WebElement
    from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException
    from selenium.common.exceptions import StaleElementReferenceException
except ImportError as exception:

EL = ElementLocator()
ACTIONS = {'click': '_click_element',
           'double_click': '_double_click_element',
           'send_keys': '_send_keys',
           'type': '_type_keys',
           'fill': '_type_keys',
           'clear_text': '_clear_text',
           'get_text': '_get_text',
           'clear': '_clear_text',
           'drag_and_drop': '_drag_and_drop',
           'get_property': '_get_property',
           'check_property': '_check_property',
           'perform_keypress': '_perform_keypress'
        'DELETE': Keys.DELETE, 'DIVIDE': Keys.DIVIDE, 'DOWN': Keys.DOWN, 'END': Keys.END,
        'ENTER': Keys.RETURN, 'EQUALS': Keys.EQUALS, 'ESCAPE': Keys.ESCAPE, 'F1': Keys.F1,
        'F10': Keys.F10, 'F11': Keys.F11, 'F12': Keys.F12, 'F2': Keys.F2, 'F3': Keys.F3, 'F4': Keys.F4,
        'F5': Keys.F5, 'F6': Keys.F6, 'F7': Keys.F7, 'F8': Keys.F8, 'F9': Keys.F9,
        'HELP': Keys.HELP, 'HOME': Keys.HOME, 'INSERT': Keys.INSERT, 'LEFT': Keys.LEFT,
        'META': Keys.META, 'MULTIPLY': Keys.MULTIPLY, 'NULL': Keys.NULL, 'NUMPAD0': Keys.NUMPAD0,
        'NUMPAD1': Keys.NUMPAD1, 'NUMPAD2': Keys.NUMPAD2, 'NUMPAD3': Keys.NUMPAD3,
        'NUMPAD4': Keys.NUMPAD4, 'NUMPAD5': Keys.NUMPAD5, 'NUMPAD6': Keys.NUMPAD6,
        'NUMPAD7': Keys.NUMPAD7, 'NUMPAD8': Keys.NUMPAD8,  'NUMPAD9': Keys.NUMPAD9,
        'PAGE_DOWN': Keys.PAGE_DOWN, 'PAGE_UP': Keys.PAGE_UP, 'PAUSE': Keys.PAUSE,
        'SHIFT': Keys.SHIFT, 'SPACE': Keys.SPACE, 'SUBTRACT': Keys.SUBTRACT, 'TAB': Keys.TAB,
         'UP': Keys.UP

[docs]class ElementOperations(): """ Element operations """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ constructor """ pass
[docs] def perform_element_action(self, element_or_browser, locator=None, action=None, **kwargs): """Generic method to perform specific actions on an element :Currently supported actions and the values that they take if the user provided action is "get_text", it would return the value of the particular element and the status of it. If not it would return only the status""" browser = kwargs.get('browser') status = True if action != "perform_keypress": element = self._get_element(element_or_browser, locator) else: element = element_or_browser if element: action_function = self._get_action_function(action.lower()) if not action_function: print_error((action + " is not a supported " "a supported value.")) else: count = 0 while (count <= 3): try: if action == "get_text": status, value = action_function(element, **kwargs) if status is True: return status, value else: status, count = self.wait_time(count, browser, locator, action) if status is True: return status else: status = action_function(element, **kwargs) if status is True: return status else: status, count = self.wait_time(count, browser, locator, action) if status is True: return status except StaleElementReferenceException: status = False try: if action == "get_text": count = count + 1 print_info("waiting for 3 seconds " "before retrying") sleep(3) status, value = action_function(element, **kwargs) if status is True: return status, value else: status, count = self.wait_time(count, browser, locator, action) if status is True: return status except StaleElementReferenceException: status = False except Exception as exception: status = False print_exception(exception) return status else: print_error("StaleElementReferenceException occured." "Tried three times to locate the element") status = False else: status = False print_error("Provide a valid WebElement to perform " "a {0} operation got {1}".format(action, element)) return status
[docs] def wait_time(self, count, browser, locator, action): """ wait time to find the element again """ count = count + 1 print_info("waiting for 3 seconds before retrying") sleep(3) status = self._stale_element_exception(browser, locator, action) return status, count
[docs] def get_page_source(self, browser): ''' Get page source of the browser ''' return browser.getPageSource()
[docs] def verify_text(self, **kwargs): """stores the text from element in data repository with var variable and verifies if it is same as expected if expected is provided :Arguments: 1. var = variable in which to store the text 2. expected = value to compare with as a list separated by comma """ status = True value = get_object_from_datarepository(kwargs.get('var')) expected = kwargs.get('expected').split(',') if value not in expected: print_error("element text expected to be <<{}>> " "but found to be <<{}>>".format(', '.join(expected), value)) status = False return status
# Private methods def _stale_element_exception(self, browser, locator, action, **kwargs): element = EL.get_element(browser, locator) if element is not None: action_function = self._get_action_function(action.lower()) status = action_function(element, **kwargs) return status def _get_element(self, element_or_browser, locator): """Get the element based on the provided input""" value = None if isinstance(element_or_browser, WebElement): value = element_or_browser else: value = EL.get_element(element_or_browser, locator) return value def _mouse_over(self, element, **kwargs ): """Moving the mouse to the middle of an element """ status = False print_info("mouse over operation") browser_instance = kwargs.get('browser') if element is not None: ActionChains(browser_instance).move_to_element(element).perform() status = True return status def _get_action_function(self, action): """Gets the function call corresponding to the action to be performed""" action_function = ACTIONS.get(action.lower().replace(' ', ''), None) return getattr(self, action_function) if action_function else None def _click_element(self, element, **kwargs): """ Clicks on the provided element :Arguments: 1. element = a valid WebElement """ status = True print_info("Click on element") try: if element is not None: except Exception as e: print_error("An Exception Occurred {}".format(e)) status = False return status def _double_click_element(self, element, **kwargs): """ Double clicks on the provided element :Arguments: 1. element = a valid WebElement """ status = True print_info("Double click on element") try: browser_instance = kwargs.get('browser') ActionChains(browser_instance).double_click(element) except Exception as e: print_error("An Exception Occurred {}".format(e)) status = False return status def _type_keys(self, element, **kwargs): """Send values to a particular element, simulates typing into a element :Arguments: 1. element = a valid WebElement 2. value = a string that has to be typed into the element. """ status = True value = kwargs.get('value', '') print_info("Sending '{0}' to element".format(value)) try: element.send_keys(value) except Exception as e: print_error("An Exception Occurred {}".format(e)) status = False return status def _send_keys(self, element, **kwargs): """Send values to a particular element, simulates typing into a element :Arguments: 1. element = a valid WebElement 2. value = a Keys object that has to be sent to the element. """ status = True value = kwargs.get('value', '') try: KEYS[value.upper()] except KeyError: print_error("{0} is not supported by Selenium.".format(value)) status = False else: print_info("Type text='{0}' into element".format(value)) element.send_keys(KEYS[value.upper()]) return status def _drag_and_drop(self, source, **kwargs): """Send values to a particular element, simulates typing into a element :Arguments: 1. source = a valid WebElement 2. target = a valid WebElement """ status = True print_info("Simulate a drag and drop") try: browser_instance = kwargs.get('browser') target = self._get_element(browser_instance, kwargs.get('target_locator')) if source is not None and target is not None: ActionChains(browser_instance).drag_and_drop(source, target).perform() except Exception as e: print_error("An Exception Occurred {}".format(e)) status = False return status def _drag_and_drop_by_offset(self, source, **kwargs): """Holds down the left mouse button on the source element, then moves to the target offset and releases the mouse button :Arguments: 1. source = a valid WebElement 2. xoffset = X offset to move to 3. yoffset = Y offset to move to """ status = True print_info("drag and drop an element with offset") try: xoffset = kwargs.get('xoffset') yoffset = kwargs.get('yoffset') browser_instance = kwargs.get('browser') actions = ActionChains(browser_instance) actions.drag_and_drop_by_offset(source, xoffset, yoffset).perform() except NoSuchElementException as e: print_error("NoSuchElementException occurred") status = False except Exception as e: print_error("An Exception Occurred {}".format(e)) status = False return status def _clear_text(self, element, **kwargs): """Clears the text if it is a text element :Arguments: 1. element = a valid WebElement """ status = True print_info("Clear element") try: element.clear() except Exception as e: print_error("An Exception Occurred {}".format(e)) status = False return status def _get_text(self, element, **kwargs): """gets the text from element :Arguments: 1. element = a valid WebElement """ print_info("get element text") print_info("tag: "+element.tag_name) if element.tag_name == "input": value = element.get_attribute("value") else: value = element.text if value is not None: status = True print_info("The text for this element is {}".format(value)) return status, value def _get_property(self, element, **kwargs): status = True if element is not None: attribute_name = kwargs.get('attribute_name') attr_properties = element.get_attribute(attribute_name) if attr_properties is not None: print_info("The properties of the attribute '{0}' " "are {1}".format(attribute_name, attr_properties)) else: print_error("Could not find attribute '{0}', hence could not " "retrieve its properties.".format(attribute_name)) status = False else: status = False return status def _check_property(self, element, **kwargs): status = True if element is not None: attribute_name = kwargs.get('attribute_name') property_name = kwargs.get('property_name') attr_properties = element.get_attribute(attribute_name) if attr_properties is not None: if property_name in attr_properties: print_info("{0} has a property called {1}. Verification " "success!".format(attribute_name, property_name)) else: print_error("{0} does not have a property called {1}. " "Verification failed!".format(attribute_name, property_name)) status = False else: print_error("Could not find attribute '{0}', hence could not " "retrieve its properties.".format(attribute_name)) status = False else: status = False return status def _perform_keypress(self, element, **kwargs): """ This function expects to receive a browser instance through the "browser" argument and a key "keys" through the kwargs. The value for "keys" would be a list of keys tha need to pressed. """ status = True flag = False keys = kwargs.get('keys') actions = ActionChains(element) for key in keys: try: selenium_key = KEYS[key.upper()] except KeyError: print_error("{0} is not supported by Selenium.".format(key)) status = False else: flag = True actions.send_keys(selenium_key) if flag: actions.perform() sleep(2) return status