Source code for Framework.ClassUtils.configuration_element_class

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    This module create a tree of ConfigurationElements from xml documents or elements of

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
import re
import decimal
from Framework.Utils.print_Utils import print_error
import Framework.Utils as Utils

[docs]class ConfigurationElement(object): """ Configuration element to support arbitrary xml object depth """ def __init__(self, name='base', start_pat="${", end_pat="}"): """ Constructor """ = name self.attributes = {} self.children = {} self.start_pat = start_pat self.end_pat = end_pat def __find_match(self, string): """ Internal ufunction to match against a regular expression :param string: :return: """ # Create a regex search object which contains # a group object with the text within the start and end pattern # and another group object with the text and start/end pattern # if the regex pattern doesn't match with the string, it return None # .* matches everything # ? matches until the first occurence of the next pattern, in this case # it matches the first occurence of the end pattern text_between_pattern = r"(.*?)" return".*(" + re.escape(self.start_pat) + text_between_pattern +\ re.escape(self.end_pat) + r").*", string)
[docs] def expand_variables(self, string): """ Replaces embedded variables in the string with their values. Works with $(var) or ${var}. These can be nested to any level :param string: :return: """ new_string = self.__expand_variables(string) return new_string
def __expand_variables(self, string): """ Replaces embedded variables in the string with their values. Can handle multiple levels of such as ${${node.some_var}.node.${some_other_var}}. All occurrences of variables will be replaced :param string: :return: """ # The string that is currently being processed return_value = string # When end_pat_index == -1, which means end_pattern is not found in the return_value string # Get the regex match object of the substring # which looks for text between start and endpattern match = self.__find_match(return_value) # Only substitued the string when there is a match while match is not None: # contains the pre-sub value # substitued value is the actual value after parsing the pre-sub value substitued_value = self.get_value( # contains start_pattern, pre-sub value and end_pattern # for default pattern, it looks like ${PRESUB_VALUE} # this step replace the pre_sub value return_value = return_value.replace(, substitued_value, 1) # Call other substitute functions return_value = Utils.data_Utils.sub_from_env_var( return_value, self.start_pat, self.end_pat) return_value = Utils.data_Utils.sub_from_data_repo( return_value, self.start_pat, self.end_pat) # Doing another search for the next value to substitue match = self.__find_match(return_value) return return_value
[docs] def get_list_direct(self, string): """ entry function for __get_list :param string: :return: a dictionary if nothing wrong with list range return a dict with orignal list/range as key "1..4,5,6..7:0.5" parsed list as value [1,2,3,4,5,6,6.5,7] if invalid range found return a dict {'Error':False} if no list/range found return a dict {'False':False} """ return_value = string result = {} check = self.end_pat match = self.__find_match(return_value[:return_value.find(check) + len(check)]) while match is not None: try: parsed_value = self.__parse_list("{" + + "}") except (ValueError, TypeError, AttributeError): print_error("Invalid list range found") return {'Error':False} if parsed_value: result[] = parsed_value return_value = return_value.replace(return_value[:return_value.find(check) + len(check)], '') match = self.__find_match(return_value[:return_value.find(check) + len(check)]) if result == {}: return {'False':False} return result
[docs] def get_list(self, string): """ entry function for __get_list :param string: :return: a dictionary if nothing wrong with list range return a dict with orignal list/range as key "1..4,5,6..7:0.5" parsed list as value [1,2,3,4,5,6,6.5,7] if invalid range found return a dict {'Error':False} if no list/range found return a dict {'False':False} """ new_string = self.__get_list(string) return new_string
def __get_list(self, string): """ Get the list of variable from the string (can have multiple ${list} ) :param string: :return: a dictionary if nothing wrong with list range return a dict with orignal list/range as key "1..4,5,6..7:0.5" parsed list as value [1,2,3,4,5,6,6.5,7] if invalid range found return a dict {'Error':False} if no list/range found return a dict {'False':False} """ return_value = string result = {} check = self.end_pat match = self.__find_match(return_value[:return_value.find(check) + len(check)]) while match is not None: try: parsed_value = self.__parse_list(self.get_value( except (ValueError, TypeError, AttributeError): print_error("Invalid list range found") return {'Error':False} if parsed_value: result[] = parsed_value return_value = return_value.replace(return_value[:return_value.find(check) + len(check)], '') match = self.__find_match(return_value[:return_value.find(check) + len(check)]) if result == {}: return {'False':False} return result def __parse_list(self, string): """ Parsed a string of value list, extract values and put it in a list :param string: :return: a list of string - list of values that is extracted from original string or original string """ if string.startswith("{") and string.endswith("}"): result = [] parsed = string[1:-1].split(',') for var in parsed: if '..' in var and ':' in var: indexes = re.split('\.\.|:', var) x = self.__frange(indexes[0], indexes[1], indexes[2]) for index in x: result.append(str(index)) elif '..' in var and ':' not in var: indexes = re.split('\.\.', var) x = self.__frange(indexes[0], indexes[1]) for index in x: result.append(str(index)) else: result.append(var) return result else: return False def __frange(self, x, y, jump=None): """ Customized range function to support floating point step in/decrement :param x: :param y: :param jump: :return: a generator with each value in the range """ # Find the floating number that has the longest exponents part x_dec = abs(decimal.Decimal(x).as_tuple().exponent) y_dec = abs(decimal.Decimal(y).as_tuple().exponent) if jump is None: jump = 1 if float(x) < float(y) else -1 jump_dec = abs(decimal.Decimal(jump).as_tuple().exponent) dec_offset = max([x_dec, y_dec, jump_dec]) if dec_offset == 0: x, y, jump = (int(x), int(y), int(jump)) else: x, y, jump = (float(x), float(y), float(jump)) if jump == 0: raise ValueError("step value cannot be 0") if (x > y and jump > 0) or (x < y and jump < 0): raise ValueError("sign of step value must not be the same as difference between comparing values") if x < y: while x <= y: yield x x += jump if dec_offset > 0: x = round(x, int(dec_offset)) else: while x >= y: yield x x += jump if dec_offset > 0: x = round(x, int(dec_offset))
[docs] def get_list_of_values(self, *args): """ Looks up all values requested and returns a list in the order requested :param args: :return: """ values = [] for data in args: values.append(self.get_value(data)) return values
[docs] def get_dictionary_of_values(self, *args): """ Looks up all values requested and returns a dictionary of key value pairs :param args: :return: """ values = {} for data in args: values[data] = self.get_value(data) return values
[docs] def get_value(self, value): """ Returns requested value or None if not found and prints an error :param value: :return: """ try: if len(value.split('.')) > 1: child = value.split('.')[0].strip() return self.children[child].get_value(value.split('.', 1)[1].strip()) else: return self.attributes[value] except KeyError: print_error("Key error node " + + " does not have sub node " + value.split('.')[0] + ". Cannot complete remainder of search for " + value) return None
[docs] def set_value(self, key, value): """ Adds or changes the key value pair in the tree :param key: :param value: :return: """ try: if len(key.split('.')) > 1: child = key.split('.')[0] self.children[child].set_value(key.split('.', 1)[1], value) else: self.attributes[key] = value except KeyError: print_error("Key error node " + + " does not have sub node " + key.split('.')[0] + ". Cannot complete remainder of search for " + key)
[docs] def get_node(self, value): """ Returns a ConfigurationElement that is the tree rooted at the requested node :param value: :return: """ if len(value.split('.')) > 1: child = value.split('.')[0] return self.children[child].get_node(value.split('.', 1)[1]) else: return self.children[value]
[docs] def parse_data(self, *arg, **kwargs): """ parse_data constructs a tree of ConfigurationElements from a list of xml files or a list of ElementTrees. The name attribute is the primary key for each node, so if there is any repetition of names at the same tree level, the two nodes will be merged with the second occurrence over writing the first when there is conflict. This is also true across files if two files/ElementTrees passed in share the same node name structure second file will over write any shared values. The attribute xml_tag comes from the xml structure so any attribute named xml_tag will be over written by the xml structure tag name :param arg: :param kwargs: root is a bool default is True this drives filepath(True) or ElementTree(False) parsing :return: """ for xml in arg: # when the elem_type is xml_object(root xml object) if 'elem_type' in kwargs and kwargs['elem_type'] == "xml_object": config_tree = xml elif 'root' in kwargs and not kwargs['root']: config_tree = xml else: tree = ElementTree.parse(xml) config_tree = tree.getroot() self.parse_tree(config_tree)
[docs] def parse_tree(self, node): """ Method to parse ElementTree to ConfigurationElement Tree :param node: :return: """ for key in node.attrib: self.attributes[key] = node.attrib[key] self.attributes['xml_tag'] = node.tag # self.attributes['xml_element'] = node for child in node: try: if not child.attrib['name'] in self.children: child_config = ConfigurationElement(child.attrib['name']) child_config.parse_data(child, root=False) self.children[child.attrib['name']] = child_config else: self.children[child.attrib['name']].parse_tree(child) except KeyError: print_error("No name attribute for node " + child.tag + ". Tree with root " "at node " + child.tag + " not parsed.")
@staticmethod def __tabs(number): """ Supports str method :param number: :return: """ data = '' num = 0 while num < number: data += '\t' num += 1 return data
[docs] def print_me(self, depth=0): """ To String implementation :param depth: :return: """ data = "name: '" + + "' atributes: " data += str(self.attributes) + " children:" for child in self.children: data += '\n' + self.__tabs(depth + 1) + child + ": " data += self.children[child].print_me(depth + 1) if len(self.children) == 0: data += ' None' return data
def __str__(self): """ Prints the string representation of the object """ return self.print_me()