Source code for Framework.ClassUtils.database_utils_class

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""" Module contains database related classes and its methods """
import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

import Tools
from Framework.Utils import xml_Utils
from Framework.Utils.print_Utils import print_warning, print_info

[docs]def create_database_connection(server_type="resultservers", dbsystem=None): """ To create object for the database class based on the dbsystem:dbtype value of server_type in Tools/database/database_config.xml """ db_config_fpath = 'database/database_config.xml' db_config_xml = os.path.join(Tools.__path__[0], db_config_fpath) db_type_list = get_database_details(db_config_xml, server_type, dbsystem, ['dbtype']) if db_type_list is False: db_type = False else: db_type = db_type_list['dbtype'] db_conn = False if db_type == "mongodb": details_dict = get_database_details(db_config_xml, server_type, dbsystem, ['host', 'port', 'uri', 'dbname']) if details_dict is not False: details_dict.update({'server_type': server_type, 'dbsystem': dbsystem}) db_conn = WMongodb(details_dict) db_conn = db_conn if db_conn.status is True else False return db_conn
[docs]def get_database_details(config_file, server_type, system_name, info_list): """ To get the database system details from database config file """ system = server_type + "/system" if system_name is not None: element = xml_Utils.getElementWithTagAttribValueMatch(config_file, system, 'name', system_name) else: element = xml_Utils.getElementWithTagAttribValueMatch(config_file, system, 'default', "true") if element is None: node_value = xml_Utils.getNodeValuebyAttribute(config_file, system, 'name') element = xml_Utils.getElementWithTagAttribValueMatch( config_file, system, 'name', node_value) if element is not None and element is not False: output_dict = {} for item in info_list: output_dict[item] = xml_Utils.get_text_from_direct_child( element, item) return output_dict else: if system_name is not None: msg = "There is no system with name: '{0}' under '{1}' in " \ "the database config file: '{2}'".format(system_name, server_type, config_file) print_warning(msg) elif server_type == "dataservers": msg = "Value for td_system/var_system tag is not provided in " \ "the datafile and there is no system listed in database " \ "config file under dataservers block to be used as default" print_warning(msg) return False
[docs]class WMongodb(object): """ Class to handle mongodb operations to add html results """ def __init__(self, details_dict=False): """ constructor """ self.status = False if details_dict is not False: try: self.pymongo = __import__('pymongo') self.conn = self.connect_mongodb(details_dict) self.dbname = details_dict['dbname'] if self.conn is not False: # no need to check the existence of database when the # purpose is to store results, new database will be # created if it is not there in the server if details_dict['server_type'] == 'resultservers': self.status = True else: if self.dbname in self.conn.database_names(): # print_info("database - '{}' is found in MongoDB " # "server".format(self.dbname)) self.status = True else: print_warning("database - '{}' is not in MongoDB " "server".format(self.dbname)) self.db = self.conn[self.dbname] except ImportError: print_warning("pymongo module is not installed and Warrior " "Framework uses it for establishing " "connection with MongoDB server")
[docs] def connect_mongodb(self, details_dict): """ Establish connection with the mongodb server. URI or IP/port combination is supported in mongodb config file, URI will have higher precedence over IP/Port """ conn = False try: if details_dict: if details_dict['uri'] is not False: conn = self.pymongo.MongoClient(details_dict['uri']) else: ip = details_dict['host'] if details_dict['host'] \ is not False else "localhost" port = details_dict['port'] if details_dict['port'] \ is not False else "27017" conn = self.pymongo.MongoClient(ip, port) # This will raise ServerSelectionTimeoutError when no server # is available for an operation conn.server_info() # print_info("Connection to MongoDB server - '{}' is " # "successful".format(details_dict['dbsystem'])) except Exception as e: conn = False print_warning("Unable to establish connection with MongoDB server " "- '{0}' : {1}".format(details_dict['dbsystem'], e)) return conn
[docs] def close_connection(self): """ To close database connection """ self.conn.close()
[docs] def get_file_type(self, root): """ To get the type of warrior execution file - case/suite/project """ proj_attrib = root.attrib # Project if proj_attrib['name'] != \ "customProject_independant_testcase_execution": file_type = "project" else: suite_elem = root.findall('testsuite') # Suite if suite_elem[0].attrib['name'] != \ "customTestsuite_independant_testcase_execution": file_type = "suite" # Case else: file_type = 'case' return file_type
[docs] def get_html_results(self, file_type, root): """ To get the results from the junit root element """ if file_type == 'case': case_elem = root.findall('testsuite')[0].\ findall('testcase')[0] results_dict = self.get_details_from_case_element(case_elem) elif file_type == 'suite': suite_elem = root.findall('testsuite')[0] results_dict = self.get_details_from_suite_element(suite_elem) elif file_type == 'project': results_dict = self.get_details_from_project_element(root) return results_dict
[docs] def get_details_from_case_element(self, case_elem): """ To get the details from JUnit case element(xml) """ case_dict = case_elem.attrib kw_list = case_elem.findall('keyword') case_dict['kw_results'] = {} for num, kw_element in enumerate(kw_list, 1): case_dict['kw_results'][str(num)] = kw_element.attrib return case_dict
[docs] def get_details_from_suite_element(self, suite_elem): """ To get the details from JUnit suite element(xml) """ suite_dict = suite_elem.attrib case_list = suite_elem.findall('testcase') suite_dict['case_results'] = {} for num, case_elem in enumerate(case_list, 1): suite_dict['case_results'][str(num)] = \ self.get_details_from_case_element(case_elem) return suite_dict
[docs] def get_details_from_project_element(self, proj_elem): """ To get the details from JUnit project element(xml) """ proj_dict = proj_elem.attrib suite_list = proj_elem.findall('testsuite') proj_dict['suite_results'] = {} for num, suite_elem in enumerate(suite_list, 1): proj_dict['suite_results'][str(num)] = \ self.get_details_from_suite_element(suite_elem) return proj_dict
[docs] def add_html_result_to_mongodb(self, input_xml): """ To add case/suite/project results as a document to MongoDB database collections, here collection names are case/suite/project """ root = xml_Utils.getRoot(input_xml) file_type = self.get_file_type(root) results_dict = self.get_html_results(file_type, root) coll_dict = {'case': 'case_html_results', 'suite': 'suite_html_results', 'project': 'project_html_results'} collection = self.db[coll_dict.get(file_type)] # create a new document with _id as case/suite/project name if collection.find({'_id': results_dict['name']}).count() == 0: collection.insert({'_id': results_dict['name']}) collection.update({'_id': results_dict['name']}, {'$push': {'results': results_dict}}) print_info("Successfully added html results in MongoDB database")
# ToDo - This method has to be modified after XML schema update # This will work only for the current testcase xml format - 25/01/2017
[docs] def get_details_from_case_xml_element(self, case_xml_elem): """ To get the details from testcase xml element """ child_list = xml_Utils.\ getChildElementsListWithSpecificXpath(case_xml_elem, "*") child_dict = {} for child in child_list: value = self.get_details_from_case_xml_element(child) if child.tag not in child_dict: if child.tag not in ['Note', 'SubStep', 'Requirement', 'argument']: child_dict[child.tag] = [value] if value != {} \ else child.text elif child.tag == "argument": child_dict[child.tag] = [value] if value != {} \ else {child.attrib['name']: child.attrib['value']} else: child_dict[child.tag] = [value] if value != {} \ else [child.text] else: if child.tag != 'argument': child_dict[child.tag].append(value if value != {} else child.text) else: child_dict[child.tag].update({child.attrib['name']: child.attrib['value']}) return child_dict
[docs] def add_xml_result_to_mongodb(self, input_xml): """ To add case xml results as a document to the MongoDB database collection - 'case' """ root = xml_Utils.getRoot(input_xml) collection = self.db['case_xml_results'] results_dict = self.get_details_from_case_xml_element(root) case_name = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(input_xml)[0]) # create a new document with _id as case_xml_results if collection.find({'_id': case_name}).count() == 0: collection.insert({'_id': case_name}) collection.update({'_id': case_name}, {'$push': {'results': results_dict}}) print_info("Successfully added case xml results in MongoDB database")
[docs] def get_doc_from_db(self, collection_name, document_name): """ To get the document from the database by matching document_name with '_id' field of each document. It will return False if the document doesn't exist """ tddoc = False if collection_name in self.db.collection_names(): # print_info("collection - '{}' is found in the MongoDB " # "server".format(collection_name)) collection = self.db[collection_name] testdata = collection.find({'_id': document_name}) if testdata.count() == 1: tddoc = testdata[0] # print_info("Document - '{}' is found in the MongoDB " # "server".format(document_name)) else: print_warning("Document - '{}' is not found in the MongoDB " "server".format(document_name)) else: print_warning("collection - '{}' is not found in the MongoDB " "server".format(collection_name)) return tddoc
[docs] def convert_tddict_to_xmlobj(self, root, tddict): """ To Convert the testdata dictionary into a xml object. Testdata dictionary can have following combinations : 1. dict within dict 2. list within dict 3. dict within list """ for element in tddict: if isinstance(tddict[element], dict): self.convert_tddict_to_xmlobj(ET.SubElement(root, element), tddict[element]) elif isinstance(tddict[element], list): for list_elem in tddict[element]: # here list can only have dictionary in it if isinstance(list_elem, dict): self.convert_tddict_to_xmlobj(ET.SubElement(root, element), list_elem) else: root.set(element, tddict[element])
[docs] def get_tdblock_as_xmlobj(self, db_details): """ To get the testdata blocks from the database as xml object """ rootobj = False td_collection = db_details.get('td_collection') td_document = db_details.get('td_document') if td_collection is not None and td_document is not None: tddoc = self.get_doc_from_db(td_collection, td_document) else: tddoc = False if tddoc is not False: root = ET.Element('data') self.convert_tddict_to_xmlobj(root, tddoc['data']) rootobj = root return rootobj
[docs] def get_globalblock_as_xmlobj(self, db_details): """ To get the global block from the database as xml object """ globalobj = False global_collection = db_details.get('global_collection') global_document = db_details.get('global_document') if global_collection is not None and global_document is not None: globaldoc = self.get_doc_from_db(global_collection, global_document) else: globaldoc = False if globaldoc is not False: global_root = ET.Element('global') self.convert_tddict_to_xmlobj(global_root, globaldoc['global']) globalobj = global_root return globalobj
[docs] def get_varblock_as_xmlobj(self, db_details): """ To get the variable config details from the database as xml object """ varobj = False var_collection = db_details.get('var_collection') var_document = db_details.get('var_document') if var_collection is not None and var_document is not None: vardoc = self.get_doc_from_db(var_collection, var_document) else: vardoc = False if vardoc is not False: var_root = ET.Element('configuration') self.convert_tddict_to_xmlobj(var_root, vardoc['configuration']) varobj = var_root return varobj