Source code for Framework.ClassUtils.json_utils_class

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"""API for json related operations """
import json
import re
from Framework.Utils.print_Utils import print_info, print_exception, print_error, print_warning
from Framework.Utils.testcase_Utils import pNote,pSubStep
import difflib

[docs]class JsonUtils(object): """class for json utils""" def __init__(self): """ constructor """ pass
[docs] def sort_json_object(self, json_object): """Recursively sort any lists/dictionaries in a json into (key, value) pairs so that they're sorted """ if isinstance(json_object, dict): return sorted((k, self.sort_json_object(v)) for k, v in json_object.items()) if isinstance(json_object, list): return sorted(self.sort_json_object(x) for x in json_object) else: return json_object
[docs] def nested_json_object(self,json_object): """ Param: Takes json_object as input json_object can be a dictionary or nested dictionary. Returns: It returns a frozenset which has a list and it contains tuples ((key,value) pairs in json_object) """ if isinstance(json_object,dict): return frozenset((key,self.nested_json_object(value)) for key,value in json_object.items()) elif isinstance(json_object,list): return tuple(self.nested_json_object(value) for value in json_object) return json_object
[docs] def case_conversion_json(self, json_object, convert_to_lower=False): """Takes json object and converts to upper by default and if user selects convert_to_lower as True, then converts json object to lower Returns: Returns json object by converting either to lower or upper case.""" if convert_to_lower == True: json_object = dict({str(k).lower(): str(v).lower() for k, v in json_object.iteritems()}) else: json_object = dict({str(k).upper(): str(v).upper() for k, v in json_object.iteritems()}) return json_object
[docs] def diff_json_objects(self, json_object1, json_object2,case_conversion=False): """ Takes two json objects as inputs and calculates the difference between them. :Returns: Returns a status and a comparison result(tuple or None) 1. No difference between two json objects. - status = True - comparison result = None. 2. Difference found between two json objects. - status=False - comparison result = a tuple of two lists list1= items in json1 but not json2 list2= items in json2 but not json1 3. If any exception encountered during comparison: - status=False - comaprison result = None """ result = False try: if case_conversion == True: json_object1 = self.case_conversion_json(json_object1) json_object2 = self.case_conversion_json(json_object2) json_object1 = self.nested_json_object(json_object1) json_object2 = self.nested_json_object(json_object2) list1 = list(json_object1.difference(json_object2)) list2 = list(json_object2.difference(json_object1)) if list1 or list2: print_info("Items in json 1 but not json 2: {0}".format(str(list1))) print_info("\nItems in json 2 but not json 1: {0} ".format(str(list2))) result_list = (list1, list2) else: result, result_list = (True, None) except Exception as exception: print_exception(exception) result_list = None return result, result_list
[docs] def diff_json_files(self, json_file1, json_file2): """ Takes two json files as inputs and calculates the difference between them. :Note: This method does an unsorted (or raw) comparison of the input json files For a sorted comparison use compare_json_files. :Returns: Returns a status and a comparison result(tuple or None) 1. No difference between two json objects. - status = True - comparison result = None. 2. Difference found between two json objects. - status=False - comparison result = a tuple of two lists list1= items in json1 but not json2 list2= items in json2 but not json1 3. If any exception encountered during comparison: - status=False - comaprison result = None """ try: json_object1 = json.load(open(json_file1, 'r')) json_object2 = json.load(open(json_file2, 'r')) result, result_list = self.diff_json_objects(json_object1, json_object2) except Exception as exception: print_exception(exception) result = False result_list = None return result, result_list
[docs] def compare_json_objects(self, json_object1, json_object2, case_conversion=False, write_diff_to_console=True, check_for_subset=False): """Compares two json objects and returns true or false This method recursively sorts all the lists and dictionaries in the json objects and then performs the comparison If user selects check_for_subset as True, then checks whether json_object2 is a subset of json_object1 or not by recursively sorting the json objects """ print_info("compare two json objects") result = False try: if case_conversion == True: json_object1 = self.case_conversion_json(json_object1) json_object2 = self.case_conversion_json(json_object2) if check_for_subset: json_object1 = self.sort_json_object(json_object1) json_object2 = self.sort_json_object(json_object2) result = all(item in json_object1.items() for item in json_object2.items()) else: result = self.sort_json_object(json_object1) == self.sort_json_object(json_object2) if not result and write_diff_to_console: self.diff_json_objects(json_object1, json_object2) except Exception as exception: print_exception(exception) return result
[docs] def compare_json_files(self, json_file1, json_file2): """Compares two json files and returns true or false This method recursively sorts all the lists and dictionaries in the json files into a sorted json object and then performs the comparison""" print_info("compare two json files") result = False try: json_object1 = json.load(open(json_file1, 'r')) json_object2 = json.load(open(json_file2, 'r')) result = self.sort_json_object(json_object1) == self.sort_json_object(json_object2) if not result: self.diff_json_objects(json_object1, json_object2) except Exception as exception: print_exception(exception) return result
[docs] def write_json_to_file(self, json_object, file_path): """Writes the given json object to the provided file """ with open(file_path, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(json_object, outfile, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
[docs] def pretty_print_json(self, json_object, indent=4): """ Prints the input json object in readable format to the terminal, default indent=4""" print_info(json.dumps(json_object, indent=indent))
[docs] def retrieve_data_from_json(self, json_file, search_pattern): """Retrieves and returns data from input json file which matches with search pattern""" json_object = json.load(open(json_file, 'r')) for k, v in json_object.items(): if search_pattern == k: print_info("Search pattern found in json") return v else: if not any(k == search_pattern for k in v.keys()): print_info("Search pattern not found") return None else: print_info("Search pattern found in json") for key, value in v.items(): if key == search_pattern: return value else: continue
[docs] def load_path_json(self, path_login_testdata): """ Retrieves data from json file. Returns None if exception occurs.""" result = False data = None try: with open(path_login_testdata) as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) result = True except Exception as exception: pNote(exception, "error") return result, data
[docs] def write_json_diff_to_file(self, json_object1, json_object2, output_file): """ Compares two json objects and if they does not match writes the difference into the output file """ result = self.compare_json_objects(json_object1, json_object2, write_diff_to_console=False) status = True if not result: status = False sorted_json1 = self.sort_json_object(json_object1) sorted_json2 = self.sort_json_object(json_object2) json_obj1 = json.dumps( sorted_json1, indent=4, separators=(',', ':'), encoding="utf-8") json_obj2 = json.dumps( sorted_json2, indent=4, separators=(',', ':'), encoding="utf-8") te = open(output_file, 'w') diff = ("\n".join( difflib.ndiff(json_obj1.splitlines(), json_obj2.splitlines()))) te.write(diff) te.close() return status
[docs] def compare_json_using_jsonpath(self, response, list_of_jsonpath, list_of_expected_api_responses): """ Will get each json_path in list of jsonpath and get the value of that jsonpath in json response Compares the value with the expected_api_response If all values matches returns True else False """ status = True json_response = json.loads(response) for index, jsonpath in enumerate(list_of_jsonpath): json_path = jsonpath.strip().replace("jsonpath=", "") value = self.get_value_for_nested_key(json_response, json_path) # Equality_match: Check if the expected response is equal to API response match = True if value == list_of_expected_api_responses[index] else False # Perform Regex_search if equality match fails if match is False: try: # Regex_search: Check if the expected response pattern is in API response match =[index], value) except Exception: print_warning("Python regex search failed, invalid " "expected_response_pattern '{}' is " "provided".format(list_of_expected_api_responses[index])) if not match: status = False print_error("For the given '{0}' the expected response value is '{1}'. " "It doesn't match or available in the actual response value " "'{2}'".format(jsonpath, list_of_expected_api_responses[index], value)) return status
[docs] def get_value_for_nested_key(self, json_response, json_path): """ Returns the value of the nested key in the dictionary Arguments: json_response = dictionary from which we get the value of the nested key json_path = nested key to which we need to get the value For example: json_response = {"1":{"2":{"3":{"4":"5"}}}} If we wish to get the value of key '4', you need to give the json_path as "" Returns: returns the value of the nested key """ keys = json_path.split(".") for index, key in enumerate(keys, 1): json_response = json_response.get(key) if index < len(keys) and isinstance(json_response, dict): continue else: break return json_response