Source code for Framework.ClassUtils.netconf_utils_class

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"""API for operations related to NetConf Interfaces
Packages used = Requests (documentation available at
modified by ymizugaki 2017/07/11

from ast import literal_eval

import traceback
import netconf

[docs]class WNetConf(object): """WNetConf class has methods required to interact with NetConf interfaces""" def __init__(self): '''Constructor for WNetConf''' self.nc_manager = None
[docs] def open(self, session_kwds): """ Opens a SSH connection to a Netconf system :Arguments: The following keywords are allowed in session_kwds: <ip> = IP address of the system (Required) <nc_port> = use this tag to provide ssh port to connect to (default = 830) <username> = username for the ssh session (default = None) <password> = password for the ssh session (default = None) <hostkey_verify> = enables hostkey verification from ~/.ssh/known_hosts (default = True) belows are not used. <timeout> = use if you want to set timeout while connecting (default = None) <allow_agent> = enables querying SSH agent (default = True) <look_for_keys> = enables looking in the usual locations for ssh keys (default = True) <unknown_host_cb> = called when the server host key is not recognized (default = None) <key_filename> = where the private key can be found (default = None) <ssh_config> = enables parsing of OpenSSH configuration file (default = None) <device_params> = ncclient device name (default = 'default') :Returns: 1. connected(bool)= True / False """ nc_session = {'host': session_kwds.get('ip'), 'port': int(session_kwds.get('nc_port', 830)), 'username': session_kwds.get('username', None), 'password': session_kwds.get('password', None), 'hostkey_verify': literal_eval(session_kwds.get('hostkey_verify')), 'protocol_version': session_kwds.get('protocol_version', 'None') } try: self.nc_manager = netconf.connect(nc_session['host'], nc_session['port'], nc_session['username'], nc_session['password'], nc_session['hostkey_verify'], nc_session['protocol_version']) # If connection fails return False if self.nc_manager is None: return False except: traceback.print_exc() return False return self.nc_manager.isOpen
[docs] def close(self): '''Closes Netconf SSH session :Arguments: None :Returns: rpc_reply ''' return self.nc_manager.close_session()
[docs] def request_rpc(self, request): '''Send RPC command :Arguments: 1. request = command to be sent as xml string :Returns: rpc_reply ''' return self.nc_manager.rpc(request)
[docs] def get_config(self, datastore, filter_string=None, filter_type='subtree'): '''Get configuration data from datastore :Arguments: 1. datastore = name of datastore being queried 2. filter_string = portion of the configuration to retrieve. None = Everything :Returns: rpc_reply ''' return self.nc_manager.get_config(datastore, filter_string, filter_type)
[docs] def edit_config(self, datastore, config, default_operation=None, test_option=None, error_option=None): '''Load config to the datastore :Arguments: 1. datastore = Name of datastore being edited 2. config = The configuration data. 3. default_operation = [merger | replace | none (default)] 4. test_option = [test_then_set | set | none (default)] 5. error_option = [stop-on-error | continue-on-error | rollback-on-error | none (default)] rollback-on-error depends on :rollback-on-error capability :Returns: rpc_reply ''' return self.nc_manager.edit_config(target=datastore, config_string=config, default_operation=default_operation, test_option=test_option, error_option=error_option)
[docs] def copy_config(self, source, target): """Create or replace an entire configuration datastore with the contents of another complete configuration datastore :Arguments: 1. source = name of the configuration datastore to use as the source of the copy operation or config element containing the configuration subtree to copy. 2. target = name of the configuration datastore to use as the destination of the copy operation :Returns: rpc_reply """ return self.nc_manager.copy_config(target, source)
[docs] def delete_config(self, datastore): """Delete a configuration datastore :Arguments: 1. datastore = name of the configuration datastore to be deleted :Returns: rpc_reply """ return self.nc_manager.delete_config(datastore)
[docs] def commit(self, confirmed=False, timeout=None, persist=None, persist_id=None): """Commit the candidate datastore as the device's new current configuration :Arguments: 1. confirmed(bool) = Commit is reverted if there is no followup commit within the timeout interval. 2. timeout(int seconds) = The confirm timeout (Default=600 seconds) 3. persist = string to persistance 4. persist-id = persist string when if specified in previous commit :Returns: rpc_reply """ return self.nc_manager.commit(confirmed, timeout, persist, persist_id)
[docs] def lock(self, datastore): """Lock the configuration system :Arguments: 1. datastore = name of the configuration datastore to be locked :Returns: rpc_reply """ return self.nc_manager.lock(datastore)
[docs] def unlock(self, datastore): """Release the configuration lock :Arguments: 1. datastore = name of the configuration datastore to be unlocked :Returns: rpc_reply """ return self.nc_manager.unlock(datastore)
[docs] def get(self, filter_string=None, filter_type=None): """Retrieve running configuration and device state information. :Arguments: 1. filter = specifies the portion of the configuration to retrieve (by default entire configuration is retrieved) xpath string or xml string :Returns: rpc_reply """ return self.nc_manager.get(filter_string, filter_type)
[docs] def kill_session(self, session_id): """Force the termination of a NETCONF session (not the current one!) :Arguments: 1. session_id = is the session identifier of the NETCONF session to be terminated as a string :Returns: rpc_reply """ return self.nc_manager.kill_session(session_id)
[docs] def validate(self, datastore): """Validate the contents of the specified configuration. :Arguments: 1. datastore = the name of the configuration datastore being validated :Returns: rpc_reply """ return self.nc_manager.validate(datastore)
[docs] def cancel_commit(self, persist_id=None): ''' cancel commit :Arguments: 1. persist_id = persist-id which specifed in confirmed commit operation :Returns: rpc_reply ''' return self.nc_manager.cancel_commit(persist_id)
[docs] def discard_changes(self): ''' discard current modify to candidate datasotre :Arguments: None :Returns: rpc_reply ''' return self.nc_manager.discard_changes()
[docs] def create_subscription(self, stream_from="NETCONF", filter_type=None, filter_string=None, start_time=None, stop_time=None): ''' create subscription to receive event notification :Arguments: 1. stream_from = NETCONF/SNMP/syslog etc. 2. filter_type = filter type xpath or subtree 3. filter_string = filter string, xml string or xpath string 4. start_time = start time 5. stop_time = stop time :Returns: rpc_reply ''' return self.nc_manager.create_subscription(stream_from, filter_type, filter_string, start_time, stop_time)
[docs] def waitfor_subscription(self, wait_string, timeout=600): ''' wait for specified notification event :Arguments: 1. waitString(tuple) = tuple of xpath string and namespace dict prefix and namespace string). e.g. wait_string = ("//ns:event[./ns:eventClass/text()='fault']", {'ns':'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:notification:1.0'}) *xpath string must include namespace prefix 2. timeout(integer) = timeout value in second :Returns: result(bool) ''' return self.nc_manager.waitfor_subscription(wait_string, timeout)
[docs] def clear_notification_buffer(self): ''' clear notification buffer :Arguments: None :Returns: always true ''' return self.nc_manager.clear_notification_buffer()
[docs] def get_schema(self, identifier, version_number=None, format_type=None): ''' get-schema rpc :Arguments: 1. identifier(string) = schema id (name of yang module) 2. version_number(string) = schema version (e.g. 1.0) 3. format_type(string) = format name (e.g. yang) :Returns: rpc reply ''' return self.nc_manager.get_schema(identifier, version_number, format_type)
[docs] def get_notification_buffer(self, notification_type=None): """get specified notification type from buffer notification_type = Event | Alarm | DB-Change | any product specific notification type och-notif, dhcpv6-client-event etc.. """ templist = [] if notification_type is not None and \ not notification_type.lower() == "all": if notification_type.lower() == "event": notification_type = "event-notification" elif notification_type.lower() == "alarm": notification_type = "alarm-notification" elif notification_type.lower() == "db-change": notification_type = "netconf-config-change" for notif in self.notification_data: if notification_type in notif: templist.append(notif) else: templist = self.notification_data return templist
[docs] def clear_notification_buffer_for_print(self): """clear the notification print buffer """ return self.nc_manager.clear_notification_print_buffer()
@property def session_id(self): ''' netconf session-id which is in hello message ''' return self.nc_manager.session_id @property def isCOMPLD(self): ''' indicates whether rpc-reply = ok (True/False) ''' return self.nc_manager.isCOMPLD @property def ErrorMessage(self): ''' error message when rpc command gets rpc-error ''' return self.nc_manager.error_message @property def send_data(self): ''' previous send data ''' return self.nc_manager.send_data @property def response_data(self): ''' rpc-reply data ''' return self.nc_manager.response_data @property def notification_data(self): ''' received event notification data ''' return self.nc_manager.notification_data