Source code for Framework.ClassUtils.rest_server_class

Copyright 2017, Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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from Framework.OSS.bottle import Bottle, run, request, response, ServerAdapter
from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
import threading
from time import sleep
from Framework.Utils import data_Utils, file_Utils
from Framework.Utils.file_Utils import getAbsPath, getDirName
import json
from ast import literal_eval
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from Framework.Utils.xml_Utils import getChildElementWithSpecificXpath, compare_xml

request_verify_list = ["request_verify_data", "request_param", "request_verify"]
on_fail_response_list = ["on_fail_response_value", "on_fail_response_status_code"]
response_list = ["response_status_code", "response_value", 
"async_response_value", "async_response_timer", "async_response_status_code"] + on_fail_response_list
data_tags = ["request_method"] + request_verify_list + response_list

[docs]class ServerHandler(ServerAdapter): """ A wsgiref server that can be shutdown manually so the bottle server can be terminated peacefully Once bottle is capable of terminating itself this can go away """ server = None
[docs] def run(self, app): self.server = make_server(, self.port, app) self.server.serve_forever()
[docs] def stop(self): self.server.shutdown()
[docs]class RestServer(object): """ A Rest server that is powered by the Python Bottle framework """ def __init__(self): self.server = None
[docs] def verify_param(self, incoming_params, respond_obj): """ Verify all request param matched with the expect param :param: incoming_params: the incoming params in a list of tuple form eg. [(key1, value1), (key2, value2)] respond_obj: contains the verification detail from datafile :return: True if all incoming params match the veri param False if any incoming params fail to match """ provided_param_dict = {} for param_pair in respond_obj["request_param"]: provided_param_dict.update({param_pair.split("=")[0]:param_pair.split("=")[1]}) for incoming_param_pair in incoming_params: if incoming_param_pair[0] not in provided_param_dict: return False elif incoming_param_pair[1] != provided_param_dict[incoming_param_pair[0]]: return False return True
[docs] def verify_forms(self, incoming_forms, respond_obj): """ Verify all items in form/dict match the expect param :param: incoming_forms: the incoming form in a list of tuple form eg. [(key1, value1), (key2, value2)] respond_obj: contains the verification detail from datafile :return: True if all items in form/dict match the veri param False if any of the items fail to match """ provided_form_dict = {} for form_pair in respond_obj["request_verify"]: provided_form_dict.update({form_pair.split(",")[0][4:]:form_pair.split(",")[1][6:]}) for incoming_pair in incoming_forms: if incoming_pair[0] not in provided_form_dict: return False elif incoming_pair[1] != provided_form_dict[incoming_pair[0]]: return False if incoming_forms == []: return False return True
[docs] def verify_xml(self, incoming_xml, respond_obj, file=False): """ Verify the incoming_xml data with either a. whole xml file b. tag text pairs :param: incoming_xml: an xml string respond_obj: contains the verification detail from datafile file: indicate if comparing whole file or just pairs :return: True if whole file match/all pairs match False if not match """ if file: status = False for expect_xml_file in respond_obj["request_verify_data"]: expect_xml_file = getAbsPath(expect_xml_file, getDirName(self.datafile)) status, _, _, _ = compare_xml(incoming_xml, expect_xml_file, output_file=False, sorted_json=False, remove_namespaces=True) return status else: incoming_xml = ET.fromstring(incoming_xml, parser=ET.XMLParser(encoding="utf-8")) for element_pair in respond_obj["request_verify"]: xpath = element_pair.split(",")[0][4:] value = element_pair.split(",")[1][6:] incoming_value = getChildElementWithSpecificXpath(incoming_xml, xpath) if incoming_value is None or value != incoming_value.text: return False return True
[docs] def verify_json(self, incoming_json, respond_obj, file=False): """ Verify the incoming_json data with either a. whole json file b. key value pairs :param: incoming_json: a json string/json obj respond_obj: contains the verification detail from datafile file: indicate if comparing whole file or just pairs :return: True if whole file match/all pairs match False if not match """ if isinstance(incoming_json, str): incoming_json = json.loads(incoming_json) if file: for expect_json_file in respond_obj["request_verify_data"]: expect_json_file = getAbsPath(expect_json_file, getDirName(self.datafile)) expect_json = json.load(open(expect_json_file)) if sorted(incoming_json.items()) == sorted(expect_json.items()): return True return False else: for json_pair in respond_obj["request_verify"]: json_keys = json_pair.split(",")[0][4:].split("[") # Since datafile is xml and it only have string # must have a way to process different object type in json json_value = literal_eval(json_pair.split(",")[1][6:]) # travesing to get the child element value incoming_json_index = incoming_json for json_key in json_keys: json_key = json_key.replace("]", "") if json_key not in incoming_json_index: return False else: incoming_json_index = incoming_json_index[json_key] if incoming_json_index != json_value: return False return True
[docs] def async_response(self, response_val, async, async_response_value, async_status): """ Bottle framework support async response using yield simulate a semi-async response :param: response_val: the original response value async: time between original response and 2nd response async_response_value: async response value async_status: the async status code """ if response_val.startswith("$PATH:"): yield open(response_val[6:], "r").readlines() else: yield response_val + "\n\r" sleep(async) response.status = int(async_status) if async_response_value.startswith("$PATH:"): yield open(async_response_value[6:], "r").readlines() else: yield async_response_value + "\n\r"
[docs] def form_response(self, res_obj, status=True): """ Take in a response object and generate response based on its status :param: res_obj: object that contains all the response info """ response.status = int(res_obj["response_status_code"][0]) if "response_status_code" in res_obj else 200 if status: response_val = res_obj["response_value"][0] if "response_value" in res_obj else "Default pass response" else: response_val = res_obj["response_value"][0] if "response_value" in res_obj else "Default fail response" response.status = int(res_obj["on_fail_response_status_code"][0]) if "on_fail_response_status_code" in res_obj else response.status response_val = res_obj["on_fail_response_value"][0] if "on_fail_response_value" in res_obj else response_val async = int(res_obj["async_response_timer"][0]) if "async_response_timer" in res_obj else 0 async_response_value = res_obj["async_response_value"][0] if "async_response_value" in res_obj else "Default async response" async_status = int(res_obj["async_response_status_code"][0]) if "async_response_status_code" in res_obj else 200 if not async: if response_val.startswith("$PATH:"): return open(response_val[6:], "r").readlines() else: return response_val else: return self.async_response(response_val, async, async_response_value, async_status)
[docs] def build_route(self, route, method, specific_res_list, general_res): """ Take in route, method and its request/response build a route with the corresponded method loaded with request/response condition return the route method :param: route: the route name, eg. /att /verizon method: the route method type, eg. GET POST specific_res_list: a list of tuple (verify info, response) general_res: the general response if no specific response is present """ if specific_res_list is not None: # Cond 1: special request def inner_method(): print "Content type: " + str(request.content_type) # This is paramaters print "Query: " + str(request.query.items()) # This is form data print "Forms: " + str(request.forms.items()) print "Body: " + str(request.body.getvalue()) print "Json: " + str(request.json) print "File: " + str(request.files.items()) # Extract request type and values # Look for specific type comparison for value status = False if request.query.items(): # request param comparison # All param must match for specific_res in specific_res_list: if "request_param" in specific_res: status = self.verify_param(request.query.items(), specific_res) if status: break elif "json" in request.content_type: # request body json comparison # compare whole file # search for all json path for specific_res in specific_res_list: if "request_verify_data" in specific_res: status = self.verify_json(request.json, specific_res, file=True) elif "request_verify" in specific_res: status = self.verify_json(request.json, specific_res, file=False) if status: break elif "xml" in request.content_type: # request body xml comparison # compare whole file # search for all xpath for specific_res in specific_res_list: if "request_verify_data" in specific_res: status = self.verify_xml(request.body.getvalue(), specific_res, file=True) elif "request_verify" in specific_res: status = self.verify_xml(request.body.getvalue(), specific_res, file=False) if status: break else: # request body form comparison # compare whole form # search for all provided key, value pair for specific_res in specific_res_list: if "request_verify" in specific_res: status = self.verify_forms(request.forms.items(), specific_res) if status: break if status: return self.form_response(specific_res) return self.form_response(general_res, False) elif general_res is not None: # Cond 2: general request # response with general response def inner_method(): print "Content type: " + str(request.content_type) # This is paramaters print "Query: " + str(request.query.items()) # This is form data print "Forms: " + str(request.forms.items()) print "Body: " + str(request.body.getvalue()) print "Json: " + str(request.json) print "File: " + str(request.files.items()) return self.form_response(general_res) else: # Default action def inner_method(): return "Not verifying anything, please check if datafile is correct" print "\nBuild a " + method + " route with this route: " + route import pprint print "Special request: " pprint.pprint(specific_res_list) print "General request: " pprint.pprint(general_res) inner_method.__doc__ = route + "_" + method + " is the method name" inner_method.__name__ = route + "_" + method return inner_method
[docs] def build_server(self, datafile, system_name): """ Take in a system and read all its routes Load the routes into Bottle server object Start a thread with the bottle server return the bottle server adapter and server thread """ app = Bottle() # Get system and routes system_data = data_Utils.get_credentials(datafile, system_name) self.datafile = datafile route_file = system_data['mapping_file'] if route_file: route_file = getAbsPath(route_file, getDirName(datafile)) # Loop through each route for route in data_Utils.get_all_system_or_subsystem(route_file): route_name = route.get('name') if route_name[0] != '/': route_name = '/' + route_name # Group request condition with the same method together route_methods = {} for request in route: request_method = request.find('request_method').text.upper() if request_method not in route_methods: route_methods[request_method] = [request] else: route_methods[request_method].append(request) # Build route with the grouped conditions for method_type, same_type_methods in route_methods.items(): # A route can have general response and conditional response specific_res = [] general_res = {} for method in same_type_methods: dict_of_info = {} method_req = {} method_res = {} # Get all info from the condition for info in iter(method): if info.tag in dict_of_info: dict_of_info[info.tag].append(info.text) else: dict_of_info[info.tag] = [info.text] # Extract request/response related info for key, value in dict_of_info.items(): if key in request_verify_list: method_req = {key:value} elif key in response_list: method_res[key] = value if any([key in request_verify_list for key in dict_of_info.keys()]): # this condition has request/response pair method_combine = method_req method_combine.update(method_res) specific_res.append(method_req) # this ensure when all verification fail and no general response given # there will be some responses if any([key in on_fail_response_list for key in dict_of_info.keys()]): general_res.update(method_res) else: # this condition only has general response general_res.update(method_res) app.route(route_name, method_type, self.build_route(route_name, method_type, specific_res, general_res)) # Build a class to hold the server so it can be closed easily port = 5000 if "port" not in system_data else int(system_data["port"]) server = ServerHandler(host="", port=port) server_thread = threading.Thread(target=run, kwargs={"app": app, "server": server, "debug": True}) server_thread.daemon = True server_thread.start() sleep(2) if server_thread.is_alive(): return True, {"server":server, "server_thread":server_thread} else: return False, {}