Source code for Framework.ClassUtils.rest_utils_class

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"""API for operations related to REST Interfaces
Packages used = Requests (documentation available at """
import re
import time
import os
import os.path
from Framework.Utils.testcase_Utils import pNote
import json as JSON
import Framework.Utils as Utils
from Framework.ClassUtils.json_utils_class import JsonUtils
from Framework.Utils.print_Utils import print_exception, print_info, print_error
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString

[docs]class WRest(object): """WRest class has methods required to interact with REST interfaces""" def __init__(self): """constructor for WRest """ self.req = None self.import_requests() self.json_utils = JsonUtils()
[docs] def import_requests(self): """Import the requests module """ try: import requests except ImportError: pNote("Requests module is not installed"\ "Please install requests module to"\ "perform any activities related to REST interfaces", "error") else: self.req = requests
[docs] def post(self, url, expected_response=None, data=None, auth=None, **kwargs): """ performs a http post method Please refer to the python-requests docs for parameter type support. api reference: expected_response is an additional parameter that accepts a string as an input and also a list of strings Eg: "204" ["201", "202", "404", "302"] """ pNote("Perform a http post", "info") try: response =, data=data, auth=auth, **kwargs) except Exception as e: status, response = self.catch_expection_return_error(e, url) else: status = self.report_response_status(response.status_code, expected_response, 'post') return status, response
[docs] def get(self, url, expected_response=None, params=None, auth=None, **kwargs): """performs a http get method Please refer to the python-requests docs for parameter type support. api reference: expected_response is an additional parameter that accepts a string as an input and also a list of strings Eg: "204" ["201", "202", "404", "302"] """ pNote("Perform a http get", "info") try: response = self.req.get(url, params=params, auth=auth, **kwargs) except Exception as e: status, response = self.catch_expection_return_error(e, url) else: status = self.report_response_status(response.status_code, expected_response, 'get') return status, response
[docs] def put(self, url, expected_response=None, data=None, auth=None, **kwargs): """ performs a http put method Please refer to the python-requests docs for parameter type support. api reference: expected_response is an additional parameter that accepts a string as an input and also a list of strings Eg: "204" ["201", "202", "404", "302"] """ pNote("Perform a http put", "info") try: response = self.req.put(url, data=data, auth=auth, **kwargs) except Exception as e: status, response = self.catch_expection_return_error(e, url) else: status = self.report_response_status(response.status_code, expected_response, 'put') return status, response
[docs] def patch(self, url, expected_response=None, data=None, auth=None, **kwargs): """ performs a http patch method Please refer to the python-requests docs for parameter type support. api reference: expected_response is an additional parameter that accepts a string as an input and also a list of strings Eg: "204" ["201", "202", "404", "302"] """ pNote("Perform a http patch", "info") try: response = self.req.patch(url, data=data, auth=auth, **kwargs) except Exception as e: status, response = self.catch_expection_return_error(e, url) else: status = self.report_response_status(response.status_code, expected_response, 'patch') return status, response
[docs] def delete(self, url, expected_response=None, auth=None, **kwargs): """ performs a http delete method Please refer to the python-requests docs for parameter type support. api reference: expected_response is an additional parameter that accepts a string as an input and also a list of strings Eg: "204" ["201", "202", "404", "302"] """ pNote("Perform a http delete", "info") try: response = self.req.delete(url, auth=auth, **kwargs) except Exception as e: status, response = self.catch_expection_return_error(e, url) else: status = self.report_response_status(response.status_code, expected_response, 'delete') return status, response
[docs] def options(self, url, expected_response=None, auth=None, **kwargs): """ performs a http options method Please refer to the python-requests docs for parameter type support. api reference: expected_response is an additional parameter that accepts a string as an input and also a list of strings Eg: "204" ["201", "202", "404", "302"] """ pNote("Perform a http options", "info") try: response = self.req.options(url, auth=auth, **kwargs) except Exception as e: status, response = self.catch_expection_return_error(e, url) else: status = self.report_response_status(response.status_code, expected_response, 'options') return status, response
[docs] def head(self, url, expected_response=None, auth=None, **kwargs): """ performs a http head method Please refer to the python-requests docs for parameter type support. api reference: expected_response is an additional parameter that accepts a string as an input and also a list of strings Eg: "204" ["201", "202", "404", "302"] """ pNote("Perform a http head", "info") try: response = self.req.head(url, auth=auth, **kwargs) except Exception as e: status, response = self.catch_expection_return_error(e, url) else: status = self.report_response_status(response.status_code, expected_response, 'head') return status, response
[docs] def cmp_response(self, response, expected_api_response, expected_response_type, output_file, generate_output_diff_file=True): """ Performs the comparison between api response and expected_api_response arguments: 1.response: API response getting from the data repository 2.expected_api_response : expected response which needs to be compared given by the user. 3.expected_response_type: The type of the expected response. It can be xml or json or text. 4.output_file: The file in which the difference will be written if the responses are not equal. 5.generate_output_diff_file: If the responses does not match, then generates an output file by writing the difference to the file by default and if it set to False then doesnot generate any file. returns: Returns True if the response matches with the expected response else False. """ if response is not None and expected_api_response is not None: if expected_response_type in response.headers['Content-Type']: extracted_response = response.content extension = Utils.rest_Utils.get_extension_from_path( expected_api_response) if 'xml' in response.headers['Content-Type']: try: f = open(expected_api_response, 'r') except IOError as exception: if ".xml" == extension: pNote("File does not exist in the" " provided file path", "error") return False status, sorted_file1, sorted_file2, output_file = \ Utils.xml_Utils.compare_xml(extracted_response, expected_api_response, output_file, sorted_json=False) elif 'json' in response.headers['Content-Type']: try: expected_api_response = JSON.load(open( expected_api_response, 'r')) except IOError as exception: if ".json" == extension: pNote("File does not exist in the" " provided file path", "error") return False expected_api_response = JSON.loads( expected_api_response) extracted_response = JSON.loads(extracted_response) status = self.json_utils.write_json_diff_to_file( extracted_response, expected_api_response, output_file) elif 'text' in response.headers['Content-Type']: try: f = open(expected_api_response, 'r') expected_api_response = f.close() except IOError as exception: if ".txt" == extension: pNote("File does not exist in the" " provided file path", "error") return False status = Utils.string_Utils.text_compare( extracted_response, expected_api_response, output_file) if not status: if not generate_output_diff_file: os.remove(output_file) else: pNote("api_response and expected_api_response" " do not match", "error") pNote("The difference between the responses is" " saved here:{0}".format(output_file), "info") return status else: type_of_response = Utils.rest_Utils.\ get_type_of_api_response(response) pNote("Expected response type is {0}". format(expected_response_type), "info") pNote("API response type is {0}". format(type_of_response), "info") pNote("api_response and expected_api_response" " types do not match", "error") return False else: return False
[docs] def cmp_content_response(self, datafile, system_name, response, expected_api_response, expected_response_type, comparison_mode): """ Performs the comparison between api response and expected_api_response arguments: 1. datafile: Datafile of the test case 2. system_name: Name of the system from the datafile Pattern: String Pattern Multiple Values: No Max Numbers of Values Accepted: 1 Characters Accepted: All Characters Other Restrictions: Should be valid system name from the datafile eg: http_system_1 3. response: API response getting from the data repository 4. expected_api_response : expected response which needs to be compared given by the user. 5. expected_response_type: The type of the expected response. It can be xml or json or text. 6. comparison_mode: This is the mode in which you wish to compare The supported comparison modes are file, string, regex=expression, jsonpath=path, xpath=path If you have given comparison_mode as file or string then whole comparison will take place If you wish to check content of expected response and if it is only one value_check pass it in either data file or test case file If it is more than one value_check then pass it in data file in comparison_mode and expected_api_response tags under system If it is xml response then you need to give xpath=path to it If it is string response then you can pass regex=expressions and you can leave expected_api_response empty Ex for passing values in data file if it is json response <comparison_mode> <response_path>jsonpath=1.2.3</response_path> <response_path>jsonpath=1.2</response_path> </comparison_mode> <expected_api_response> <response_value>4</response_value> <response_value>5</response_value> </expected_api_response> returns: Returns True if the response matches with the expected response else False. """ if expected_response_type in response.headers['Content-Type']: extracted_response = response.content if comparison_mode: path_list = [comparison_mode] responses_list = [expected_api_response] else: path_list, responses_list = Utils.xml_Utils.\ list_path_responses_datafile(datafile, system_name) if path_list: if "xml" in response.headers['Content-Type']: status = Utils.xml_Utils.compare_xml_using_xpath(extracted_response, path_list, responses_list) elif "json" in response.headers['Content-Type']: status = self.json_utils.compare_json_using_jsonpath(extracted_response, path_list, responses_list) else: status = Utils.string_Utils.compare_string_using_regex(extracted_response, path_list) else: print_error("Please provide the values for comparison_mode and expected_api_response") status = False else: type_of_response = Utils.rest_Utils.\ get_type_of_api_response(response) pNote("Expected response type is {0}". format(expected_response_type), "info") pNote("API response type is {0}". format(type_of_response), "info") pNote("api_response and expected_api_response" " types do not match", "error") status = False return status
[docs] @classmethod def report_response_status(cls, status, expected_response, action): """Reports the response status of http actions with a print message to the user""" result = False if expected_response is None or expected_response is False or expected_response == [] or expected_response == "": pattern = re.compile('^2[0-9][0-9]$') if pattern.match(str(status)) is not None: pNote("http {0} successful".format(action), "info") result = True elif isinstance(expected_response, list): for i in range(0, len(expected_response)): if str(status) == expected_response[i]: pNote("http {0} successful".format(action), "info") result = True elif str(status) == expected_response: pNote("http {0} successful".format(action), "info") result = True if not result: pNote("http {0} failed".format(action), "error") return result
[docs] def catch_expection_return_error(self, exception_name, url): """ Function for catching expections thrown by REST operations """ if exception_name.__class__.__name__ == self.req.exceptions.ConnectionError.__name__: pNote("Max retries exceeded with URL {0}. Failed to establish a new connection.".format(url), "error") status = False response = None elif exception_name.__class__.__name__ == self.req.exceptions.InvalidURL.__name__: pNote("Could not process the request. {0} is somehow invalid.".format(url), "error") status = "ERROR" response = None elif exception_name.__class__.__name__ == self.req.exceptions.URLRequired.__name__: pNote("Could not process the request. A valid URL is required to make a request.".format(url), "error") status = "ERROR" response = None elif exception_name.__class__.__name__ == self.req.exceptions.MissingSchema.__name__: pNote("Could not process the request. The URL schema (e.g. http or https) is missing.".format(url), "error") status = "ERROR" response = None elif exception_name.__class__.__name__ == ValueError.__name__: pNote("Could not process the request. May be the value provided for timeout is invalid or the schema is invalid.", "error") status = "ERROR" response = None elif exception_name.__class__.__name__ == self.req.exceptions.ConnectTimeout.__name__: pNote("The request timed out while trying to connect to the remote server.", "error") status = False response = None elif exception_name.__class__.__name__ == self.req.exceptions.ReadTimeout.__name__: pNote("The server did not send any data in the allotted amount of time.", "error") status = False response = None else: pNote("An Error Occurred: {0}".format(exception_name), "error") status = False response = None return status, response
[docs] def check_connection(self, url, auth=None, **kwargs): """Internally uses the http options to check connection status. i.e. - If connection is successfull return a true - if any ConnectionError is detected returns a False.""" try: status = False api_response = self.req.options(url, auth=auth, **kwargs) if not str(api_response).startswith('2') or \ str(api_response).startswith('1'): pNote("Connection was successful, but there was"\ "problem accessing the resource: {0}".format(url), "info") status = False except self.req.ConnectionError: pNote("Connection to url is down: {0}".format(url), "debug") except self.req.HTTPError: pNote("Problem accessing resource: {0}".format(url), "debug") else: pNote("Connection to resource successfull: {0}".format(url), "debug") status = True return status
[docs] def update_output_dict(self, system_name, api_response, request_id, status, i): """ updates the output dictionary with status code and response object and text response and placing another dictionary inside output dict and updating it with status code and content type and extracted content from object and response object """ output_dict = {} pNote("Total number of requests in this step: {0}".format(i)) pNote("This is request number: {0}".format(i)) pNote("status: {0}".format(status), "debug") pNote("api_response: {0}".format(api_response), "debug") output_dict["{0}_api_response".format(system_name)] = api_response output_dict["{0}_api_response_object".format(system_name)] = api_response if api_response is not None: text = api_response.text status_code = api_response.status_code headers = api_response.headers output_response = self.get_output_response(api_response) history = api_response.history else: text = None status_code = None headers = None output_response = None history = None output_dict["{0}_status".format(system_name)] = status_code pNote("api_response_history: {0}".format(history), "debug") if request_id is not None: output_dict["{0}_{1}_api_response_object_{2}".format(system_name, request_id, i)] = api_response output_dict["{0}_{1}_api_response_text_{2}".format(system_name, request_id, i)] = text output_dict["{0}_{1}_api_response_status_{2}".format(system_name, request_id, i)] = status_code output_dict["{0}_{1}_api_response_headers_{2}".format(system_name, request_id, i)] = headers output_dict["{0}_{1}_api_response_content_{2}".format(system_name, request_id, i)] = output_response output_dict["{0}_{1}_api_response_object".format(system_name, request_id)] = api_response output_dict["{0}_{1}_api_response_text".format(system_name, request_id)] = text output_dict["{0}_{1}_api_response_status".format(system_name, request_id)] = status_code output_dict["{0}_{1}_api_response_headers".format(system_name, request_id)] = headers output_dict["{0}_{1}_api_response_content".format(system_name, request_id)] = output_response else: output_dict["{0}_api_response_object_{1}".format(system_name, i)] = api_response output_dict["{0}_api_response_text_{1}".format(system_name, i)] = text output_dict["{0}_api_response_status_{1}".format(system_name, i)] = status_code output_dict["{0}_api_response_headers_{1}".format(system_name, i)] = headers output_dict["{0}_api_response_content_{1}".format(system_name, i)] = output_response output_dict["{0}_api_response_object".format(system_name)] = api_response output_dict["{0}_api_response_text".format(system_name)] = text output_dict["{0}_api_response_status".format(system_name)] = status_code output_dict["{0}_api_response_headers".format(system_name)] = headers output_dict["{0}_api_response_content".format(system_name)] = output_response return output_dict
[docs] @staticmethod def get_output_response(api_response): if api_response is not None: try: output_response = parseString("".join(api_response.text)) except: try: JSON.loads(api_response.text) except: output_response = api_response.text.encode('ascii', 'ignore') pNote("api_response Text: \n {0}".format(output_response)) else: output_response = api_response.json() pNote("api_response (JSON format): \n {0}". format(JSON.dumps(output_response, indent=4))) else: pNote("api_response (XML format): \n {0}". format(output_response.toprettyxml(newl='\n'))) else: output_response = None return output_response
[docs] def try_until_resource_status(self, url, auth=None, status="up", trials=5, **kwargs): """ Tries to connect to the resource until resource reaches the specified status. Tries for the number mentioned in the trials parameter (default=5) waits for a time of 30 seconds between trials """ final_status = False if status.upper() == "UP": expected_result = True elif status.upper() == "DOWN": expected_result = False i = 1 while i <= trials: pNote("Trial: {0}".format(i), "info") result = self.check_connection(url, auth, **kwargs) if result == expected_result: final_status = True break i += 1 time.sleep(10) return final_status