Source code for Framework.ClassUtils.snmp_utlity_class

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"""SNMP utility module using the python PYSNMP module"""

import os
import re, sys, time
from time import sleep
from Framework.Utils import testcase_Utils, data_Utils, config_Utils
import threading
    from pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.oneliner import cmdgen, ntforg
    from pysnmp import error as snmp_exception
    from pysnmp.proto.api import v2c
    from pysnmp.entity import engine, config
    from pysnmp.carrier.asyncore.dgram import udp, udp6, unix
    from pyasn1.codec.ber import decoder
    from pysnmp.proto import api
    from pysnmp.smi import builder, view, compiler, rfc1902, error
    from pysnmp import debug
    from pysnmp.proto.rfc1902 import OctetString
except ImportError:
    testcase_Utils.pNote("Please Install PYSNMP 4.3.8 or Above", "error")

[docs]def threadsafe_function(fn): """ Decorator for making sure that the decorated function is thread safe Puts a lock before the function uses any resuorces which are not exclusive for a single thread. """ lock = threading.Lock() def new(*args, **kwargs): lock.acquire() try: r = fn(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: raise e finally: lock.release() return r return new
[docs]class WSnmp(object): """SNMP Util class using PYSNMP""" data_repo={} snmpEngine = {} mibViewController = None authProtocol = {'usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol':config.usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol, 'usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol':config.usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol, 'usmAesCfb128Protocol':config.usmAesCfb128Protocol, 'usmAesCfb256Protocol':config.usmAesCfb256Protocol, 'usmAesCfb192Protocol':config.usmAesCfb192Protocol, 'usmDESPrivProtocol':config.usmDESPrivProtocol, } def __init__(self,communityname, mpModel, ipaddr, port='161', snmp_timeout=60, userName=None, authKey=None, privKey=None, authProtocol=None, privProtocol=None ): self.communityname = communityname self.mpModel = int(mpModel) ## Accepts only Int type value self.ipaddr = ipaddr self.port = port self.exception = snmp_exception.PySnmpError self.timeout = int(snmp_timeout)## Accepts only Int type value #bellow arguments are only for SNMPv3 or mpModel = 2 and in that # case communityname will be None self.userName = userName self.authKey = authKey self.privKey = privKey self.authProtocol = authProtocol self.privProtocol = privProtocol
[docs] def commandgenerator(self): """ SNMP Command generator Return: command generator object """ return cmdgen.CommandGenerator()
[docs] def communitydata(self): """ Creates communityData object for SNMP v1 and V2c :Return: Community data object """ comdata = cmdgen.CommunityData(communityIndex = self.communityname, communityName = self.communityname, mpModel=self.mpModel ) return comdata
[docs] def usmuserdata(self): """ Creates SNMP v3 User Security Model (USM) configuration entry. Returns: USM object """ if self.authProtocol and ',' in self.authProtocol: self.authProtocol = tuple([int(e) if e.isdigit() else e for e in self.authProtocol.split(',')]) if self.privProtocol and ',' in self.privProtocol: self.privProtocol = tuple([int(e) if e.isdigit() else e for e in self.privProtocol.split(',')]) if self.authProtocol == "usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol": self.authProtocol = cmdgen.usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol if self.authProtocol == "usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol": self.authProtocol = cmdgen.usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol if self.privProtocol == "usmAesCfb128Protocol": self.privProtocol = cmdgen.usmAesCfb128Protocol if self.privProtocol == "usmAesCfb192Protocol": self.privProtocol = cmdgen.usmAesCfb192Protocol if self.privProtocol == "usmAesCfb256Protocol": self.privProtocol = cmdgen.usmAesCfb256Protocol if self.privProtocol == "usm3DESEDEPrivProtocol": self.privProtocol = cmdgen.usm3DESEDEPrivProtocol if self.privProtocol == "usmDESPrivProtocol": self.privProtocol = cmdgen.usmDESPrivProtocol if not self.privProtocol: self.privProtocol = cmdgen.usmNoPrivProtocol if not self.authProtocol: self.authProtocol = cmdgen.usmNoAuthProtocol return cmdgen.UsmUserData(userName=self.userName, authKey=self.authKey, privKey=self.privKey, authProtocol=self.authProtocol, privProtocol=self.privProtocol )
[docs] def udptransporttarget(self): """ Creates UDP transport object Return: UDPTransport object """ return cmdgen.UdpTransportTarget((self.ipaddr, self.port), timeout=self.timeout, retries=3)
[docs] def udp6transporttarget(self): """ Creates IPV6 UDP transport object Returns: IPv6 UDPTransport object """ return cmdgen.Udp6TransportTarget((self.ipaddr, self.port), timeout=self.timeout, retries=3)
[docs] def mibvariable(self, mib_name, mib_index, mib_value=''): """ Creates MIB Object Arguments: 1.(string) mib_name="IP-MIB" 2.(string) mib_index="ipAdEntAddr" 3.(string) mib_value="" Return: MIB Object """ if mib_value: return cmdgen.MibVariable(mib_name, mib_index, mib_value) else: return cmdgen.MibVariable(mib_name, mib_index)
[docs] @staticmethod def checkoctetstring(val): """ Check for OctetString Arguments: 1.val: pysnmp object :return: True or False """ if isinstance(val, OctetString): return True else: return False
##TRAP Listner related method ## This will support SNMP v1 v2 V3 Trap and Inform as well
[docs] @classmethod def get_asyncoredispatcher(cls, port): eng = "snmpEngine{}".format(port) if cls.snmpEngine.get(eng) == None: cls.snmpEngine.update({eng:engine.SnmpEngine()}) return cls.snmpEngine.get(eng)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_proto_api(): return api()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_asn_decoder(): return decoder()
[docs] @classmethod def start_trap_listner_job(cls, port): """ Start the listner Job Dispatcher will never finish as job#1 never reaches zero :return:None """ snmpEngine = cls.get_asyncoredispatcher(port) try: # Dispatcher will never finish as job#1 never reaches zero snmpEngine.transportDispatcher.runDispatcher() except: snmpEngine.transportDispatcher.closeDispatcher() raise
[docs] @classmethod def create_trap_listner_job(cls, port="162" ): """ Create Trap listner job :param port: :return:None """ mibBuilder = builder.MibBuilder() custom_mib_path = cls.data_repo.get("custom_mib_path") load_mib_module = cls.data_repo.get("load_mib_module") temp_custom_mib_paths = [] if custom_mib_path and load_mib_module: custom_mib_paths = custom_mib_path.split(',') for paths in custom_mib_paths: paths = paths.strip() if 'http' in paths and '@mib@' not in paths: if paths[-1] == '/': paths = paths + '/@mib@' else: paths = paths + '@mib@' if 'http' in paths and 'browse' in paths: paths = paths.replace('browse', 'raw') if 'http' in paths and 'browse' in paths: paths = paths.replace('browse', 'raw') temp_custom_mib_paths.append(paths) if == 'posix' and '/usr/share/snmp/' not in custom_mib_path: temp_custom_mib_paths.append('/usr/share/snmp/') try: compiler.addMibCompiler(mibBuilder, sources=temp_custom_mib_paths) cls.mibViewController = view.MibViewController(mibBuilder) mibs=load_mib_module.split(",") mibBuilder.loadModules(*mibs) except error.MibNotFoundError as excep: testcase_Utils.pNote("{} Mib Not Found!".format(excep), "Error") snmpEngine = cls.get_asyncoredispatcher(port) config.addTransport(snmpEngine, udp.domainName, udp.UdpTransport().openServerMode(('', int(port)))) snmpEngine.transportDispatcher.jobStarted(1)
[docs] @classmethod def close_trap_listner_job(cls, port): """ Close the trap listner job :param transportDispatcher: :return:None """ snmpEngine = cls.get_asyncoredispatcher(port) snmpEngine.transportDispatcher.jobFinished(1) try : snmpEngine.transportDispatcher.unregisterTransport(udp.domainName) except: testcase_Utils.pNote("Can not unregister udp Transport domain", 'warning')
[docs] @classmethod @threadsafe_function def trap_decoder(cls, snmpEngine, stateReference, contextEngineId, contextName, varBinds, cbCtx): """ Decode the trap messages and saves it in to data repository This is call back method which will be coalled internaly for each trap message :param transportDispatcher: :param transportDomain: :param transportAddress: :param wholeMsg: :return: the actual ASN1 data dumps """ ticks = time.ctime() transportAddress = snmpEngine.msgAndPduDsp.getTransportInfo(stateReference)[-1][0] if not cls.data_repo.get("snmp_trap_messages_{}".format(transportAddress)): cls.data_repo.update({"snmp_trap_messages_{}".format(transportAddress):[]}) execContext = 'rfc3412.receiveMessage:request' ) decoded_msg = [] decoded_msg.append({"time_stamp":ticks}) decoded_msg.append({"contextEngineId":contextEngineId.prettyPrint()}) decoded_msg.append({"SNMPVER":execContext["securityModel"]}) decoded_msg.append({"securityName":execContext['securityName']}) for oid, val in varBinds: try: output = rfc1902.ObjectType(rfc1902.ObjectIdentity(oid), val).resolveWithMib(cls.mibViewController).prettyPrint() except error.SmiError as excep: testcase_Utils.pNote("{} Decode Error!".format(excep), "Error") op_list = output.split(" = ") oid = op_list[0].strip() value = op_list[1].strip() decoded_msg.append((oid, value)) temp_decoded_msg = cls.data_repo.get("snmp_trap_messages_{}".format(transportAddress)) temp_decoded_msg.append(decoded_msg) cls.data_repo.update({"snmp_trap_messages_{}".format(transportAddress):temp_decoded_msg})
[docs] @staticmethod def get_first_node_name(mib_filepath, mib_filename): """ Get the node name from the given mib file path and file name :param mib_filepath: Mib file path of the git url or abs file path :param mib_filename: MIB file name :return: oid, lable, suffix, mibView, mibBuilder """ mibBuilder = builder.MibBuilder() compiler.addMibCompiler(mibBuilder, sources=mib_filepath.split(",")) for mib in mib_filename.split(","): mibBuilder.loadModules(mib) mibView = view.MibViewController(mibBuilder) oid, label, suffix = mibView.getFirstNodeName() return oid, label, suffix, mibView, mibBuilder
[docs] @classmethod def add_user(cls, port, username, securityengineid, authkey=None, privkey=None, authProtocol=None, privProtocol=None): """ Add SNMP V3 User :param port: SNMP Trap Port :param username: SNMP User name :param securityengineid: SNMP Engine id in Hex form :param authkey: SNMP Authkey default is None :param privkey: SNMP Privkey string default is None :param authProtocol: Auth Protocol, default is None :param privProtocol: Privacy Protocol, default is None :return: Treu or False """ result = True snmpEngine = cls.get_asyncoredispatcher(port) #debug.setLogger(debug.Debug('all')) try: authprotocol = cls.authProtocol.get(authProtocol, None) privprotocol = cls.authProtocol.get(privProtocol, None) config.addV3User( snmpEngine=snmpEngine, userName=username, authProtocol = authprotocol, authKey=authkey, privProtocol = privprotocol, privKey=privkey, securityEngineId = v2c.OctetString(hexValue=securityengineid) ) except: testcase_Utils.pNote("ADD SNMPv3 User Failed", "error") result = False return result
[docs] @classmethod def add_community(cls, port, community="public"): """ Add SNMP Community for this NEW Trap/Inform Reciver its mandatory to add community string also :param port: SNMP TRAP/Inform Port :param community: SNMP community string, default is 'public' :return: """ snmpEngine = cls.get_asyncoredispatcher(port) result = True try: config.addV1System(snmpEngine, community, community) testcase_Utils.pNote("Added SNMP Community {}".format(community)) except: testcase_Utils.pNote("ADD SNMP Community Failed", "error") result = False return result