Source code for Framework.ClassUtils.ssh_utils_class

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"""SSH utility module using the python Paramiko module"""
#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import time
from time import sleep
from Framework.Utils import testcase_Utils, data_Utils
from Framework.Utils.print_Utils import print_info, print_error, print_debug, print_exception

[docs]class SSHComm(object): """SSHComm class which has methods related to SSH communication using paramiko""" def __init__(self, target, port=22, uid='', pid='', logfile=None): self.param = None self.import_param() self.sshobj = self.param.SSHClient() = target self.uid = uid = pid self.logfile = logfile self.port = port
[docs] def import_param(self): """Import the paramiko module """ try: import paramiko except ImportError: print_error("Paramiko module is not installed"\ "Please install requests module to"\ "perform any activities related to SSH Communication") else: self.param = paramiko
[docs] def ssh_con(self, retries=1, interval=1, timeout=60, verify_keys=False, invoke_shell=False): """Connects to the host using ssh object :Arguments: 1. retries = No of attempts before returning fail 2. interval = Time to wait before the next retry 3. timeout = wait for response 4. verify_keys = Verify the host entry is available in host key :Returns: 1. status(bool)= True / False """ for attempt in xrange(retries): print_debug("Attempt{} connecting to {}".format(attempt+1, try: if not verify_keys: self.sshobj.set_missing_host_key_policy(\ self.param.AutoAddPolicy()) self.sshobj.connect(, self.port, self.uid,, timeout=timeout, look_for_keys=verify_keys) if invoke_shell: print_info("Opening shell for {}".format(self.sshobj)) self.sshobj.invoke_shell() if self.logfile is not None: self.log = open(self.logfile, 'w') except self.param.SSHException: print_error(" ! could not connect to %s...check logs" % return False except Exception, err: print_error("Login failed {0}".format(str(err))) sleep(interval) continue else: print_info("Connected to the host") return True return False
[docs] def ssh_close(self): """Close the SSH connection object :Returns: 1. status(bool)= True / False """ try: print_info("Closing SSH connection") self.sshobj.close() print_info("SSH Connection closed") except Exception: print_error("Error occured while closing ssh session") return False else: return True
[docs] def ssh_exec(self, command, timeout=None, get_pty=True): """Execution of the command on the remote host :Arguments: 1.command = command to be executed 2.timeout = wait for response 3.get_pty = request a pseudo-terminal :Returns: 1. out = command output 2. stderr = command's error stream object """ print_info("Executing command : %s" % command) out = "" stdin, stdout, stderr = self.sshobj.exec_command(command, timeout=timeout, get_pty=get_pty) stdin.close() if self.logfile is not None: self.log.write("*"*20) self.log.write("\n") self.log.write("Executing command :%s\n" % command) self.log.write("Output:\n") for line in iter(lambda: stdout.readline(2048), ""): print_info(line) out = out + line if self.logfile: self.log.write(line) self.log.flush() return out, stderr
[docs] def get_response(self, command, timeout=None): """Execute a command using the paramiko SSH object and returns the response string :Arguments: 1. command - commnad to be executed 2. timeout - wait for response :Returns: 1. status(bool)= True / False 2. out/err = response string """ out, stderr = self.ssh_exec(command, timeout) err = if out: return True, out else: print_error("Error:", err) return False, err
[docs] def verify_response(self, command, exp_string, fail_resp, timeout=None): """Execute a command using the paramiko SSH object and returns the response string :Arguments: 1. command - command to be executed 2. exp_string - String to be expected 3. fail_resp - Failure response to be expected 4. timeout - wait for response :Returns: 1. status(bool)= True / False 2. out/err = response string """ out, stderr = self.ssh_exec(command, timeout) err = if out and ((exp_string in out) and (fail_resp not in out)): print_info("Output:", out) return True, out elif out and ((exp_string not in out) or (fail_resp in out)): print_info("Error:", out) return False, out else: print_error("Error:", err) return False, err
[docs] def copy_file(self, remotepath, localpath, filename): """Get the file from remotepath :Argument: 1. remotepath - File path in the remote server 2. localpath - Local path to save the file 3. filename - Filename of the file to be tranferred :Returns: 1. status(bool)= True / False """ sftpobj = self.sshobj.open_sftp() print_info("Copying {} from {} to {}".format(filename, remotepath, localpath)) if filename: remotepath = os.path.join(remotepath, filename) localpath = os.path.join(localpath, filename) sftpobj.get(remotepath, localpath) if os.path.isfile(localpath): return True else: return False
[docs] def send_testdata_cmds(self, testdatafile, **args): """ - Parses the testdata file and - gets the command details for rows marked execute=yes (or) - gets the command details for rows marked execute=yes and row=str_rownum (or) - gets the command details for rows marked execute=yes and title=strtitle - Sends the obtained commands to the paramiko session. - If the commands have verification attribute set, then verifies the verification text for presence/absence as defined in the respective found attribute in the testdatfile. :Arguments: 1. testdatafile = the xml file where command details are available 2. str_rownum = row number of testdata command block to be searched for in the testdata file 3. strtitle = title of testdata command block title to be searched for in the testdata file :Returns: 1. finalresult = boolean """ finalresult = True varconfigfile = args.get('varconfigfile', None) title = args.get('title', None) row = args.get('row', None) details_dict = data_Utils.get_command_details_from_testdata(testdatafile, varconfigfile, title=title, row=row) command_list = details_dict["command_list"] stepdesc = "Send the following commands: %s" %command_list testcase_Utils.pNote(stepdesc) if command_list == False: finalresult = False command_list = [] intsize = len(command_list) # Send Commands for i in range(0, intsize): command = details_dict["command_list"][i] startprompt = details_dict["startprompt_list"][i] endprompt = details_dict["endprompt_list"][i] cmd_timeout = details_dict["timeout_list"][i] retry = details_dict["retry_list"][i] retry_timer = details_dict["retry_timer_list"][i] retry_onmatch = details_dict["retry_onmatch_list"][i] retry_count = details_dict["retry_count_list"][i] sleeptime = details_dict["sleeptime_list"][i] verify_text_list = details_dict["verify_text_list"][i] verify_context_list = details_dict["verify_context_list"][i] sleep = {None: 0, "":0, "none":0}.get(str(sleeptime).lower(), str(sleeptime)) sleep = int(sleep) print("\n") print_debug(">>>") testcase_Utils.pNote("Command #{0}\t: {1}".format(str(i+1), command)) testcase_Utils.pNote("startprompt\t: {0}".format(startprompt)) testcase_Utils.pNote("endprompt\t: {0}".format(endprompt)) testcase_Utils.pNote("sleeptime\t: {0}".format(sleep)) result, response = self.get_response(command_list[i]) if result and result is not 'ERROR': if verify_text_list is not None: result = data_Utils.verify_cmd_response(verify_text_list, verify_context_list, command, response, varconfigfile) command_status = {True: "Pass", False:"Fail", "ERROR":"ERROR"}.get(result) print_info("Command status: {0}".format(command_status)) print_debug("<<<") if sleep > 0: testcase_Utils.pNote("Sleep time of '{0} seconds' requested post command execution".format(sleep)) time.sleep(sleep) if result == "ERROR" or finalresult == "ERROR": result = "ERROR" finalresult = "ERROR" finalresult = finalresult and result return finalresult
[docs] def download_remote_file_sftp(self, remotepath, localpath, filename, \ remotehost, username, password, port=22): """Downloads a remote file from the remote server to the localpath using SFTP :Arguments: 1. remotepath (string) = the remote path to download the file from remotehost 2. localpath (string) = the local path on the local host 3. filename (string) = name of the remote file to download 4. remotehost (string) = remote host 5. username (string) = remote login username 6. password (string) = remote login password :Returns: 1. status(bool) """ status = False transport = self.param.Transport((remotehost, port)) transport.connect(username=username, password=password) sftp = self.param.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport) if filename: try: sftp.get(remotepath + filename, localpath + filename) if os.path.isfile(localpath + filename): print_info("Downloading file from remote server successful") status = True else: print_info("Downloading file from remote server failed") except Exception as exception: print_exception(exception) finally: sftp.close() transport.close() return status
[docs] def invoke_shell(self, term='vt100'): """Opens a terminal for the SSH session :Argument: 1. term = Type of terminal, default:vt100 :Returns: True: if successful False: if unsuccessful """ try: print_info("Opening shell...") self.sshobj.invoke_shell(term=term) return True except self.param.SSHException: print_error("Invoke shell Unsuccessful") return False
[docs] def connect_target_via_host(self, target, user, auth, invoke_shell=False, log=None): """Forward the SSH connection to another target client :Argument: 1. target(string) - Name/ip target machine to be connected 2. user - username to connect 3. auth - password for the user 4. invoke_shell - open shell for passing commands :Returns: 1. target_session - Session object for target connection 2. status(bool)= True / False """ target_session = SSHComm(target, uid=user, pid=auth, logfile=log) status = False try: ssh_transport = self.sshobj.get_transport() channel = ssh_transport.open_channel("direct-tcpip", (target, 22), ('localhost', 0)) print_info("Connecting to target: {}".format(target)) target_session.sshobj.set_missing_host_key_policy(\ self.param.AutoAddPolicy()) target_session.sshobj.connect(target, port=22, username=user, password=auth, sock=channel) if target_session.logfile: target_session.log = open(self.logfile, 'w') print_info("Connection to target: {}successful".format(target)) if invoke_shell: print_info("Opening shell for {}".format(target)) target_session.invoke_shell() status = True except self.param.SSHException as exception: print_exception(exception) except Exception as exception: print_exception(exception) return target_session, status