Source code for Framework.ClassUtils.testdata_class

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Module that has all tetdata related class and methods
import re
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from collections import OrderedDict

from Framework.Utils import xml_Utils, string_Utils
from Framework.Utils.testcase_Utils import pNote
from Framework.Utils.print_Utils import print_error, print_exception,\
print_debug, print_warning
from Framework.ClassUtils.configuration_element_class import ConfigurationElement

# Always keep 'repeat_list' as a last key for CMD_PARAMS dictionary
CMD_PARAMS = OrderedDict([("command_list", "send"),
                          ("sys_list", "sys"),
                          ("session_list", "session"),
                          ("startprompt_list", "start"),
                          ("endprompt_list", "end"),
                          ("verify_list", "verify"),
                          ("verify_text_list", "search"),
                          ("verify_context_list", "found"),
                          ("timeout_list", "timeout"),
                          ("sleeptime_list", "sleep"),
                          ("retry_list", "retry"),
                          ("retry_timer_list", "retry_timer"),
                          ("retry_count_list", "retry_count"),
                          ("retry_onmatch_list", "retry_onmatch"),
                          ("resp_ref_list", "resp_ref"),
                          ("resp_req_list", "resp_req"),
                          ("resp_pat_req_list", "resp_pat_req"),
                          ("resp_key_list", "resp_keys"),
                          ("inorder_resp_ref_list", "inorder_resp_ref"),
                          ("log_list", "monitor"),
                          ("verify_on_list", "verify_on"),
                          ("inorder_search_list", "inorder"),
                          ("vc_file_list", ""),
                          ("verify_map_list", ""),
                          ("operator_list", "operator"),
                          ("cond_value_list", "cond_value"),
                          ("cond_type_list", "cond_type"),
                          ("repeat_list", "repeat")])  # keep this in the last

VFY_PARAM_LIST = ["verify_text_list", "verify_context_list",
                  "verify_on_list", "verify_map_list"]

VERIFY_PARAMS = ["verify_context_list", "verify_on_list", "verify_map_list"]

VARSUB_PARAM_LIST = ["verify_text_list", "verify_context_list", "verify_on_list",
                     "verify_map_list", "operator_list", "cond_value_list",
                     "cond_type_list", "resp_key_list"]

[docs]class TestData(object): """ Class to handle generic test data related operations """ def __init__(self): """ Constructor """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def varsub_varconfig_substitutions(details_dict, vc_file, var_sub, start_pat="${", end_pat="}"): """ Substitute the patterns [VAR_SUB] in command, command parameters, verification search, verification parameters with the value of VAR_SUB provided by user in the testcase. Substitute the value of the variables (provided as dotted notation inside the pattern ${} ) in command, command parameters, verification search, verification parameters with the value provided in the varaiable config file (vc_file). """ vc_file_list = None if vc_file is None else details_dict["vc_file_list"] for param, _ in CMD_PARAMS.items(): if param not in VARSUB_PARAM_LIST and param != "vc_file_list": # list in here is just a list of strings string_list = details_dict[param] new_string_list = string_Utils.sub_from_varconfig\ (vc_file_list, string_list, var_sub, start_pat, end_pat) details_dict[param] = new_string_list elif param in VARSUB_PARAM_LIST: # list in here is a list of sublists of strings string_list = details_dict[param] for i, sub_list in enumerate(string_list): if sub_list is not None: sub_vc_file_list = None if vc_file_list is None\ else [vc_file_list[i]]*len(sub_list) new_sub_list = string_Utils.sub_from_varconfig(sub_vc_file_list, sub_list, var_sub, start_pat, end_pat) string_list[i] = new_sub_list details_dict[param] = string_list return details_dict
[docs] def list_check(self, cfg_elem_obj, text): """ check the text to see if there are multiple list substitutions :param cfg_elem_obj: the object that load and parse the varconfig file we can match text to list element :param text: the text being analyzed :return: return the particular list or None """ dict_of_lists = cfg_elem_obj.get_list(text) if len(dict_of_lists.values()) > 1: if all(len(x) == len(dict_of_lists.values()[0]) for x in dict_of_lists.values()): return len(dict_of_lists.values()[0]) else: # There are multiple lists with different length! return 'Error' elif len(dict_of_lists.values()) == 1 and dict_of_lists.values()[0]: return len(dict_of_lists.values()[0]) return False
[docs] def cmd_quote_check(self, cfg_elem_obj, details_dict): """ check the command text to see if there is any different list substitution :param cfg_elem_obj: the object that load and parse the varconfig file we can match text in command text to list element :param details_dict: :return: list of boolean shows if the command has list substitution of not """ cmd_list_substituted = [False] * len(details_dict["command_list"]) for cmd_index in range(len(details_dict["command_list"])): # check if current cmd is invalid if details_dict["command_list"][cmd_index]: cmd = self.list_check(cfg_elem_obj, details_dict["command_list"][cmd_index]) if cmd is not False and cmd != 'Error': cmd_list_substituted[cmd_index] = cmd elif cmd == 'Error': print_error("Multiple lists with different length found in command text") details_dict["command_list"][cmd_index] = False details_dict["verify_text_list"][cmd_index] = [] elif details_dict["verify_text_list"][cmd_index]: print_error("Ignored verify text for current invalid cmd") details_dict["verify_text_list"][cmd_index] = [] return cmd_list_substituted
[docs] def verify_text_check(self, cfg_elem_obj, details_dict): """ check the verify text to see if there is any different list substitution :param cfg_elem_obj: the object that load and parse the varconfig file we can match text in verify text to list element :param details_dict: :return: list of boolean shows if the verify text has list substitution of not """ verify_text_substituted = [False] * len(details_dict["command_list"]) for verify_index in range(len(details_dict["verify_text_list"])): # check if sublist in verify_text_list is invalid if details_dict["verify_text_list"][verify_index]: for verify_string in details_dict["verify_text_list"][verify_index]: # check if verify_string is invalid if verify_string: verify_text = self.list_check(cfg_elem_obj, verify_string) if verify_text is not False and verify_text != 'Error': if not verify_text_substituted[verify_index]: verify_text_substituted[verify_index] = [verify_text] else: verify_text_substituted[verify_index].append(verify_text) elif verify_text == 'Error': print_error("Multiple lists with different length found in verify text") details_dict["command_list"][verify_index] = False details_dict["verify_text_list"][verify_index] = [] return verify_text_substituted
[docs] def list_substitution_precheck(self, varconfigfile, details_dict, start_pat="${", end_pat="}"): """ entry function for cmd and verify text substitution check :param cfg_elem_obj: the object that load and parse the varconfig file :param details_dict: :return: pair of list of boolean returned from cmd_quote_check and verify_text_check """ if len(details_dict["command_list"]) != len(details_dict["verify_text_list"]): raise ValueError("command list and verify_text_list aren't the same length") cmd_list_substituted = [False]*len(details_dict["command_list"]) verify_text_substituted = [False]*len(details_dict["command_list"]) if varconfigfile is not None: # when varconfigfile is an XMl object(root element) - this happens # only when varconfigfile is taken from database server if isinstance(varconfigfile, ElementTree.Element) is True: cfg_elem_obj = ConfigurationElement("Varconfig_from_database", start_pat, end_pat) cfg_elem_obj.parse_data(varconfigfile, elem_type="xml_object") else: cfg_elem_obj = ConfigurationElement(varconfigfile, start_pat, end_pat) cfg_elem_obj.parse_data(varconfigfile) cmd_list_substituted = self.cmd_quote_check(cfg_elem_obj, details_dict) if details_dict["verify_text_list"]: verify_text_substituted = self.verify_text_check(cfg_elem_obj, details_dict) return (cmd_list_substituted, verify_text_substituted)
[docs] def string_sub(self, raw_str, dict_of_list, start_pat="${", end_pat="}"): """ expand the raw_str into a list using the substitution value from dict_of_list :param raw_str: the source string that needs to be expanded :param dict_of_list: a dict with orignal list/range as key "1..4,5,6..7:0.5" parsed list as value [1,2,3,4,5,6,6.5,7] :return: a list with expanded raw_str """ expanded_str = [] for str_match, list_value in dict_of_list.items(): if list_value: # There is a list that needs to expand if expanded_str == []: for value in list_value: expanded_str.append(raw_str.replace(start_pat+str_match+end_pat, str(value))) else: for index, value in enumerate(list_value): expanded_str[index] = expanded_str[index].\ replace(start_pat+str_match+end_pat, str(value)) else: if str_match == 'Error': return 'Error' return expanded_str
[docs] def cmd_sub(self, details_dict, cmd_index, varconfigfile, start_pat="${", end_pat="}"): """ expand the command_list with list/range value :param details_dict: :param cmd_index: current cmd that we are processing :param varconfigfile: reference to find value list :return: list of value indicating if the cmd has list substitution or not """ if details_dict["repeat_list"][cmd_index] is not None: print_warning("repeat tag is not supported for the command with list " "substitution - {}".format(details_dict["command_list"][cmd_index])) details_dict["repeat_list"][cmd_index] = None cmd_result = string_Utils.get_list_from_varconfigfile(details_dict["command_list"][cmd_index], varconfigfile, start_pat, end_pat) expanded_cmd = self.string_sub(details_dict["command_list"][cmd_index], cmd_result, start_pat, end_pat) if expanded_cmd and expanded_cmd != 'Error': # Every cmd in here supposed to have at least 1 list sub # But just in case, check if there is no list sub details_dict["command_list"][cmd_index] = expanded_cmd elif str(expanded_cmd) == 'Error': details_dict["command_list"][cmd_index] = False details_dict["verify_text_list"][cmd_index] = False return [] return cmd_result.values()
[docs] def verify_sub(self, details_dict, cmd_index, varconfigfile, start_pat="${", end_pat="}"): """ expand the verify_text_list with list/range value :param details_dict: :param cmd_index: current cmd that we are processing :param varconfigfile: reference to find value list :return: list of value indicating if the verify text list has list substitution or not """ expanded_verify_list = [] verify_text_match_list = [] for verify_text_string in details_dict["verify_text_list"][cmd_index]: verify_text_result = string_Utils.get_list_from_varconfigfile(verify_text_string, varconfigfile, start_pat, end_pat) expanded_verify_text = [] # add the value to the verify text list (1 cmd can have multiple verify text) verify_text_match_list.append(verify_text_result.values()) expanded_verify_text = self.string_sub(verify_text_string, verify_text_result, start_pat, end_pat) if expanded_verify_text and expanded_verify_text != 'Error': expanded_verify_list.append(expanded_verify_text) elif str(expanded_verify_text) == 'Error': details_dict["command_list"][cmd_index] = False details_dict["verify_text_list"][cmd_index] = False return [] else: expanded_verify_list.append(verify_text_string) details_dict["verify_text_list"][cmd_index] = expanded_verify_list return verify_text_match_list
[docs] def align_both(self, details_dict, cmd_index, cmd_match, verify_text_match_list): """ In the case of both command list and verify text list get list substitution handle the following case: command and verify text share same substitution: 1-1 match the list value, so cmd 1 - verify 1, cmd2 - verify 2 command and verify text have different substitution: 1-many match the list value, so cmd 1 - verify a, verify b, verify c command has list substitution but verify text doesn't: 1-1 match, cmd 1 - verify text also expand other lists to match # of cmd :param details_dict: :param cmd_index: current cmd that we are processing :param cmd_match: list for value indicating whether cmd text list has list substitution can be [list1, list2, list3] all lists have same length (checked before sub) or [] :param verify_text_match_list: list for value indicating whether verify text list has list substitution can be [[list1_for_ver_text1, list2, list3], [False], [list1_for_ver_text3, list2...]] or [] :return: """ for sub_cmd_index, cmd in enumerate(details_dict["command_list"][cmd_index]): # for every expanded cmd... for param, _ in CMD_PARAMS.items(): if param not in VFY_PARAM_LIST and param != "command_list": # list in here is just a list of strings # insert duplicated element after the current element details_dict[param].insert(cmd_index+sub_cmd_index+1, details_dict[param][cmd_index]) elif param in VFY_PARAM_LIST: # list in here is a list of sublists of strings # for example: verify_text_list = [[v1[1], v1[2], v1[3]], [v2], [v3[1], v3[2]]] processed_list = [] for sub_verify_text_index, verify_text_match in enumerate(verify_text_match_list): if param == "verify_text_list": if verify_text_match == [False] or verify_text_match == ["Error"]: # no verify text substitution for the current subtext processed_list.append(details_dict[param][cmd_index][sub_verify_text_index]) elif len(verify_text_match[0]) == len(cmd_match[0]): # cmd and verify text are replacing the same list if details_dict["verify_map_list"][cmd_index][sub_verify_text_index] == "1": # 1-1 mapping processed_list.append(details_dict[param][cmd_index][sub_verify_text_index][sub_cmd_index]) elif details_dict["verify_map_list"][cmd_index][sub_verify_text_index] == "2": # 1-M mapping processed_list.extend(details_dict[param][cmd_index][sub_verify_text_index]) else: # cmd and verify text have different length processed_list.extend(details_dict[param][cmd_index][sub_verify_text_index]) else: if verify_text_match == [False] or verify_text_match == ["Error"]: processed_list.append(details_dict[param][cmd_index][sub_verify_text_index]) elif len(verify_text_match[0]) == len(cmd_match[0]): # cmd and verify text are replacing the same list, use 1-1 connection if details_dict["verify_map_list"][cmd_index][sub_verify_text_index] == "1": # 1-1 mapping processed_list.append(details_dict[param][cmd_index][sub_verify_text_index]) elif details_dict["verify_map_list"][cmd_index][sub_verify_text_index] == "2": # 1-M mapping processed_list.extend([details_dict[param][cmd_index][sub_verify_text_index]]*len(details_dict["verify_text_list"][cmd_index][sub_verify_text_index])) else: processed_list.extend([details_dict[param][cmd_index][sub_verify_text_index]]*len(details_dict["verify_text_list"][cmd_index][sub_verify_text_index])) details_dict[param].insert(cmd_index+sub_cmd_index+1, processed_list) details_dict["command_list"].insert(cmd_index+sub_cmd_index+1, cmd)
[docs] def align_cmd(self, details_dict, cmd_index, cmd_match): """ In the case of only command list get list substitution handle the following case: command has list substitution but verify text doesn't: all expanded cmd have their own copy of verify text also expand other lists to match # of cmd :param details_dict: :param cmd_index: current cmd that we are processing :param cmd_match: list for value indicating whether cmd text list has list substitution :return: """ for sub_cmd_index, cmd in enumerate(details_dict["command_list"][cmd_index]): # for every expanded cmd... for param, _ in CMD_PARAMS.items(): if param != "command_list": # list in here is just a list of strings # insert duplicated element after the current element details_dict[param].insert(cmd_index+sub_cmd_index+1, details_dict[param][cmd_index]) details_dict["command_list"].insert(cmd_index+sub_cmd_index+1, cmd)
[docs] def align_ver(self, details_dict, cmd_index, verify_text_match_list): """ In the case of only verify text list get list substitution handle the following case: verify text has list substitution but cmd text doesn't: 1 cmd maps to all of its verify texts :param details_dict: :param cmd_index: current cmd that we are processing :param verify_text_match_list: list for value indicating whether verify text list has list substitution :return: """ # First handle the context list because they haven't expanded themselves during list substitution for param in ["verify_context_list", "verify_on_list", "verify_map_list"]: processed_list = [] for sub_verify_text_index, verify_text_match in enumerate(verify_text_match_list): if verify_text_match and verify_text_match != [False] and verify_text_match != ["Error"]: processed_list.extend([details_dict[param][cmd_index][sub_verify_text_index]]*len(details_dict["verify_text_list"][cmd_index][sub_verify_text_index])) else: processed_list.append(details_dict[param][cmd_index][sub_verify_text_index]) details_dict[param].insert(cmd_index+1, processed_list) # break up verify text list to corrent chunk processed_list = [] for sub_verify_text_index, verify_text_match in enumerate(verify_text_match_list): if verify_text_match and verify_text_match != [False] and verify_text_match != ["Error"]: processed_list.extend(details_dict["verify_text_list"][cmd_index][sub_verify_text_index]) else: processed_list.append(details_dict["verify_text_list"][cmd_index][sub_verify_text_index]) details_dict["verify_text_list"].insert(cmd_index+1, processed_list)
[docs] def list_substitution(self, details_dict, varconfigfile, cmd_list_substituted, verify_text_substituted, start_pat="${", end_pat="}"): """ entry function for different list substitution case also handle the deletion of original list after alignment :param details_dict: :param varconfigfile: reference for list of values :param cmd_list_substituted: list for value indicating whether cmd list has list substitution :param verify_text_substituted: list for value indicating whether verify text list has list substitution :return: """ old_cmd_index = 0 cmd_index = 0 while cmd_index < len(details_dict["command_list"]): if cmd_list_substituted[old_cmd_index]: if verify_text_substituted[old_cmd_index]: cmd_match = self.cmd_sub(details_dict, cmd_index, varconfigfile, start_pat, end_pat) verify_text_match_list = self.verify_sub(details_dict, cmd_index, varconfigfile, start_pat, end_pat) self.align_both(details_dict, cmd_index, cmd_match, verify_text_match_list) cmd_jump = len(details_dict["command_list"][cmd_index]) for param in CMD_PARAMS.keys(): del details_dict[param][cmd_index] cmd_index += cmd_jump else: cmd_match = self.cmd_sub(details_dict, cmd_index, varconfigfile, start_pat, end_pat) cmd_jump = len(details_dict["command_list"][cmd_index]) self.align_cmd(details_dict, cmd_index, cmd_match) for param in CMD_PARAMS.keys(): del details_dict[param][cmd_index] cmd_index += cmd_jump else: if verify_text_substituted[old_cmd_index]: verify_text_match_list = self.verify_sub(details_dict, cmd_index, varconfigfile, start_pat, end_pat) self.align_ver(details_dict, cmd_index, verify_text_match_list) for param in VFY_PARAM_LIST: del details_dict[param][cmd_index] else: pass cmd_index += 1 old_cmd_index += 1
[docs] @staticmethod def wdf_substitutions(details_dict, datafile, kw_system_name): """ Substitute the patterns $wdf{} in command, command parameters, verification search, verification parameters with the value of provided by user in the datafile. """ for param, _ in CMD_PARAMS.items(): if param not in VARSUB_PARAM_LIST and param!="vc_file_list": string_list = details_dict[param] td_sys_list = details_dict["sys_list"] new_string_list = string_Utils.sub_from_wdf(datafile, string_list, td_sys_list, kw_system_name) details_dict[param] = new_string_list elif param in VARSUB_PARAM_LIST: string_list = details_dict[param] for i, sub_list in enumerate(string_list): if sub_list is not None: new_sub_list = string_Utils.sub_from_wdf(datafile, sub_list) string_list[i] = new_sub_list details_dict[param] = string_list return details_dict
[docs]class TestDataIterations(object): """ Class to handle iterations in testdata """ def __init__(self): """ Constructor """ pass
[docs] def resolve_iteration_patterns(self, details_dict): """ Takes a details dict as input and resolves the iteration patterns in each command and its parameters and in each verification search and its parameters :Return: Returns an updated details_dict and cmd_loc_list (cmd_loc_list - list of starting locations of each td command in the expanded cmd_list, last value of this list is the total number of commands in the in the expanded cmd_list) """ cmd_list = details_dict["command_list"] vc_file_list = details_dict["vc_file_list"] repeat_list = details_dict["repeat_list"] res_status = True ### for each command in cmd_list resolve the iterations cmd_list_length = len(cmd_list) cmd_loc_list = [0] cmd_size = 1 for i, cmd in enumerate(cmd_list): vc_file = vc_file_list[i] iteration_status = self.validate_iteration_patterns(cmd, details_dict, i) cmd_size = 1 if cmd_size < 1 else cmd_size # if iteration_status is False, mark command as False and # move on to the next command if not iteration_status: print_error("Iteration pattern validation failed for the " "the command {0}".format(cmd)) cmd_list[i] = False cmd_loc_list.append(i + cmd_size) continue # At this point it is safe to assume all validations with respect # to command iterations are done, and when iteration patterns are # expanded in the below steps they will be uniform. else: # find the iter pattern for the command cmd_iter_pattern = self.get_iteration_pattern(cmd) # iter_pattern="" it means no iter_pattern found for the cmd # move on to the next command # This also means that the command parameters do not have any # iteration patterns because the validation was already done. if cmd_iter_pattern != "": # if cmd_iterpattern is not "" # call the expand cmd_params method to resolve the # iteration patterns in the command and get a updated # details_dict get a updated details dict if repeat_list[i] is not None: print_warning("repeat tag is not supported for the" " command with iteration pattern - " "{}". format(cmd)) cmdresolved_details_dict = self.expand_cmd_params\ (cmd_iter_pattern, details_dict, i, vc_file) details_dict = cmdresolved_details_dict new_details_dict = self.expand_vfy_params\ (details_dict, i, vc_file, cmd_iter_pattern) details_dict = new_details_dict cmd_list = details_dict["command_list"] res_result = self._check_list_lengths(details_dict) res_status = res_status and res_result new_cmd_list_length = len(cmd_list) if new_cmd_list_length > cmd_list_length: cmd_size = (new_cmd_list_length - cmd_list_length) + 1 cmd_list_length = new_cmd_list_length cmd_loc_list.append(i + cmd_size) else: if cmd_size == 1: cmd_loc_list.append(i + cmd_size) cmd_size -= 1 if res_status: print_debug("resolving iteration patterns in the command, " "command_parameters, verify search, verifcation " "parameters was successful") else: print_debug("resolving iteration patterns in the command, " "command_parameters, verify search, verifcation " "parameters was failed") return details_dict, cmd_loc_list
[docs] def validate_iteration_patterns(self, cmd, details_dict, index): """ Validate iteration patterns provided in the 1. command string 2. command parameters 3. verification search string of the command 4. verification parameters (found, verify_on) """ # get the iteration pattern of the command cmd_iter_pattern = self.get_iteration_pattern(cmd) cmd_status = self._validate_cmd_iterpattern(cmd, cmd_iter_pattern) param_status = self._validate_params_iterpattern\ (cmd, details_dict, cmd_iter_pattern, index) vfy_search_status = self._validate_vfysearch_iterpattern(cmd, details_dict, index) vfyparams_status = self._validate_vfyparams_iterpattern(cmd, details_dict, index) status = cmd_status and param_status and vfy_search_status \ and vfyparams_status return status
[docs] def get_iteration_pattern(self, cmd): """ Get the iteration pattern from a string """ var_pat_list = self._get_varpat_list(cmd) iter_pattern_list = self._get_iterpattern_list(var_pat_list) iter_pattern = "" if len(iter_pattern_list) == 0\ else iter_pattern_list[0] return iter_pattern
[docs] def expand_cmd_params(self, cmd_iter_pattern, details_dict, index, vc_file): """ Expand the iteration patterns in the command, command parameters and return a updated details dict """ excl_list = ["command_list"] # First expand the iteration pattern in the actual command cmd_list = details_dict["command_list"] cmd = cmd_list[index] # Change the repeat_list value in this index as None since td 'repeat' # tag is not supported for the commands with iteration pattern details_dict["repeat_list"][index] = None error = False resolved_cmd_list, status = self._expand_iter_pattern\ (cmd, cmd_iter_pattern, vc_file) if status and len(resolved_cmd_list) > 0: # if resolving the iteration patterns in the command # was successful then replace the command in the original # command list with the new commands in the resolved_cmd_list cmd_list[index:index+1] = resolved_cmd_list # remember the length of the resolved cmd list say n # for other command parameters if the iter pattern is provided # resolve the iteration pattern provided, else repeat the parameter # in its list by n times, so that each command that was resolved # has the corresponding parameter repeated. ref_length = len(resolved_cmd_list) for param, _ in CMD_PARAMS.items(): if param not in excl_list: param_list = details_dict[param] param_value = param_list[index] iter_pattern = self.get_iteration_pattern(param_value)\ if isinstance(param_value, str) else "" if iter_pattern is not "": res_list, status = self._expand_iter_pattern\ (param_value, iter_pattern, vc_file) if status and len(res_list) > 0: param_list[index:index+1] = res_list else: error = True else: res_list = [] for _ in range(0, ref_length): if isinstance(param_value, list): new_list = [] for element in param_value: new_list.append(element) res_list.append(new_list) else: res_list.append(param_value) param_list[index:index+1] = res_list else: error = True if error: # if there were any problems in resolving the iteration patterns # or if none of the nodes in the iterpattern are availabel in the # varconfig file, i.e. resolved_cmd_list=[]mark command as False, # do not care to resolve other cmd parameters. return details dict cmd_list[index] = False return details_dict
[docs] def expand_vfy_params(self, details_dict, index, vc_file, cmd_iter_pattern): """ Expand the iter patterns in the verification search and found. """ verify_text_list = details_dict["verify_text_list"] cur_verify_text_list = verify_text_list[index] if cur_verify_text_list: for i, verify_text in enumerate(cur_verify_text_list): error = False vfy_iter_pattern = self.get_iteration_pattern(verify_text)\ if isinstance(verify_text, str) else "" identical = True if vfy_iter_pattern == cmd_iter_pattern\ else False # If a verification search has an iter pattern, resolve it # and get a list of new search strings. Replace search string # in erify_text list with the new search_string list obtained. if vfy_iter_pattern is not "": res_vfytext_list, status = self._expand_iter_pattern\ (verify_text, vfy_iter_pattern, vc_file) if status and len(res_vfytext_list) > 0: # if resolving the verify iter pattern was successful if identical: for cnt in range(0, len(res_vfytext_list)): verify_text_list[index + cnt][i] = \ res_vfytext_list[cnt] else: cur_verify_text_list[i:i+1] = res_vfytext_list # After resolving the iter patterns in the search # check if iter pattern is provided in corresponding # found, if provided resolve iter pattern of found. # NOte: At this point it is safe to assume that the iter # patterns in search and found are same because the # validation was performed earlier. ref_length = len(res_vfytext_list) for param in VERIFY_PARAMS: verify_params_list = details_dict[param] param_list = details_dict[param][index] param_value = param_list[i] iter_pattern = self.get_iteration_pattern\ (param_value) if isinstance(param_value, str) \ else "" if iter_pattern is not "": res_list, status = self._expand_iter_pattern\ (param_value, iter_pattern, vc_file) if status and len(res_list) > 0: if identical: for cnt in range(0, len(res_vfytext_list)): verify_params_list\ [index + cnt][i] = res_list[cnt] else: param_list[i:i+1] = res_list else: # If there were problems in resolving iter # patterns of the found, then set a flag to # mark the verification text as False error = True error_list = res_list else: # If iter pattern not provided in found, then # repeat found value n times where n is no of # times the search was repeated. if not identical: res_list = [] for _ in range(0, ref_length): res_list.append(param_value) param_list[i:i+1] = res_list else: # If there were errors in resolving the iter # patterns of the search then set a flag to mark # verification text as False. error = True error_list = res_vfytext_list if error: if identical: for num in range(0, len(error_list)): verify_text_list[index + num][i] = False else: # if there were any problems in resolving the iteration # patterns or if none of nodes in iter pattern are # available in varconfig file,i.e.resolved_cmd_list=[], # mark verify search as False, dont care to resolve # other verify parameters. return details dict cur_verify_text_list[i] = False return details_dict
[docs] def arrange_per_td_block(self, details_dict, cmd_loc_list): """ Rearrange details_dict values as per cmd_loc_list Returns updated details_dict with expanded values arranged in per_td_block order """ status = self._validate_cmd_loc_list(cmd_loc_list) cmd_lst_length = len(details_dict['command_list']) if status is False or cmd_lst_length != cmd_loc_list[-1]: return details_dict new_details_dict = {key: [] for key in details_dict.keys()} new_cmd_loc_list = cmd_loc_list[:-1] while len(details_dict['command_list']) >\ len(new_details_dict['command_list']): for i, loc in enumerate(new_cmd_loc_list): if loc < cmd_loc_list[i+1]: for val in details_dict: new_details_dict[val].append(details_dict[val][loc]) new_cmd_loc_list[i] += 1 return new_details_dict
[docs] def repeat_per_td_block(self, details_dict, cmd_loc_list): """ Find the max iteration count(td block) from cmd_loc_list. Expand all command values in details_dict for 'repeat_count' times if repeat tag is 'yes'. """ # Get repeat_count(largest delta between two consecutive # values in cmd_loc_list) from cmd_loc_list repeat_count = max(abs(val1 - val2) for (val1, val2) in\ zip(cmd_loc_list[1:], cmd_loc_list[:-1])) repeat_list = details_dict['repeat_list'] for index, repeat_val in enumerate(repeat_list): # Proceed only if repeat tag is 'y' and the command index is # available in cmd_loc_list if isinstance(repeat_val, str) and \ repeat_val.lower().startswith('y') and index in cmd_loc_list: cmd_pos = cmd_loc_list.index(index) + 1 # Update cmd positions by adding repeat_count-1 to # remaining values in cmd_loc_list cmd_loc_list[cmd_pos:] = [val+repeat_count-1 for val in cmd_loc_list[cmd_pos:]] for param, _ in CMD_PARAMS.items(): param_list = details_dict[param] element = param_list[index] if param == 'repeat_list': element = None param_list[index:index+1] = [element]*repeat_count return details_dict, cmd_loc_list
################### # Private methods ################### def _validate_cmd_iterpattern(self, cmd, cmd_iter_pattern): """ Validate the different iteration patterns appearing on the command """ # A command can have multiple iteration strings in it. # When more that one iteration string is used in a command # all the strings should be same. # In short mix of different iteration strings within a # command is not supported. status = True var_pat_list = self._get_varpat_list(cmd) iter_pattern_list = self._get_iterpattern_list(var_pat_list) for pat in iter_pattern_list: result = True if pat == cmd_iter_pattern else False if not result: print_error("Command: {0}".format(cmd)) print_error("Mix of different iteration patterns is " "not supported within a command " "[{0} != {1}]".format(pat, cmd_iter_pattern)) status = status and result return status def _validate_params_iterpattern(self, cmd, details_dict, cmd_iter_pattern, index): """ Validate the iteration patterns in command parameters, with the iteration pattern of the command """ status = True excl_list = ["verify_text_list", "verify_context_list", "verify_on_list", "vc_file_list"] # if the command does not have an iteration other command # parameters also should not have any iteration pattern # However the verification parameters can have an iterations # even if the command does not have iterations # if the cmd has an iteration pattern then # the other command parameters may or may not have iteration pattern # and if they do it should be same as the iteration pattern of cmd supported_patterns = [""] if cmd_iter_pattern == ""\ else ["", cmd_iter_pattern] for param, attrib in CMD_PARAMS.items(): if param not in excl_list: element = details_dict[param][index] element_iter_pattern = self.get_iteration_pattern(element) \ if isinstance(element, str) else "" result = True if element_iter_pattern in supported_patterns\ else False if not result: err_msg1 = "Command '{0}' does not have iterations, " "So iterations are not allowed in other command params " ", please remove iterations from '{1}'".format(cmd, attrib) err_msg2 = "Iteration patterns used in cmd parameters " "should match the iteration pattern used in the cmd={0} " "please check iterations in '{1}'".format(cmd, attrib) err_msg = err_msg1 if cmd_iter_pattern == "" else err_msg2 pNote(err_msg, "error") status = result and status return status def _validate_vfysearch_iterpattern(self, cmd, details_dict, index): """ Validate the iteration pattern provided in each verification search for the command """ final_status = True verify_text_list = details_dict["verify_text_list"][index] if verify_text_list is not None: for i in range(0, len(verify_text_list)): status = True verify_text = verify_text_list[i] vfy_iter_pattern = self.get_iteration_pattern(verify_text) \ if isinstance(verify_text, str) else "" if vfy_iter_pattern is not "": var_pat_list = self._get_varpat_list(verify_text) iter_pattern_list = self._get_iterpattern_list(var_pat_list) for pat in iter_pattern_list: result = True if pat == vfy_iter_pattern else False if not result: print_error("Command: {0}".format(cmd)) print_error("Mix of different iteration patterns is " "not supported within a verification search " "[{0} != {1}]".format(pat, vfy_iter_pattern)) status = status and result final_status = status and final_status return final_status def _validate_vfyparams_iterpattern(self, cmd, details_dict, index): """ Validate the iter patterns provided in the verification search and its parameters (found, verify_on) """ status = True verify_text_list = details_dict["verify_text_list"][index] if verify_text_list is not None: for i in range(0, len(verify_text_list)): verify_text = verify_text_list[i] vfy_iter_pattern = self.get_iteration_pattern(verify_text) \ if isinstance(verify_text, str) else "" supported_patterns = [""] if vfy_iter_pattern is ""\ else ["", vfy_iter_pattern] for param in VERIFY_PARAMS: param_list = details_dict[param][index] param_value = param_list[i] param_iter_pattern = self.get_iteration_pattern\ (param_value) if isinstance(param_value, str) \ else "" result = True if param_iter_pattern in supported_patterns\ else False if not result: err_msg1 = "Verification search '{0}' for cmd={1} " "does not have iterations, So iterations are not " "allowed in other verification related params"\ .format(verify_text, cmd) err_msg2 = "Iteration patterns used in verification " "related parameters should match the iteration " "pattern used in the verification search={0} please " "check iterations in the verify sections of cmd={1}"\ .format(verify_text, cmd) err_msg = err_msg1 if vfy_iter_pattern == "" \ else err_msg2 pNote(err_msg, "error") status = result and status return status @staticmethod def _get_varpat_list(cmd): """ Get the list of variable patterns for the given command """ var_pat_list = [] if isinstance(cmd, str): var_search =".*(\${(.*)}).*", cmd) if var_search: var_pat_list = re.findall(r"\${([^}]*)}", cmd) return var_pat_list @staticmethod def _get_iterpattern_list(var_pat_list): """Get the iteration pattern list for each command""" iter_pattern = "" iter_pat_list = [] for var_pat in var_pat_list: nested_string_list = var_pat.split(" ") # split the variable pattern on a space to extract # individual words from the pattern. # Resulting in a posiibility of nested variable patter # like network1.ne1.${} for nested_string in nested_string_list: # split the nested string on the ${ to resolved nested strings string_list = nested_string.split("${") for string in string_list: # extract the string from beginning till the last + plus_match = re.match(r".*(\+)", string) if plus_match: iter_pattern = iter_pattern = iter_pattern.strip("${") iter_pat_list.append(iter_pattern) return iter_pat_list def _expand_iter_pattern(self, cmd, iter_pattern, vc_file): """ Expand the iteration patterns in a command and returns a new list with the iteration patterns in the command replaced with actual values from the vc_file. If there were any problems in resolving the iteration patterns then status is set to False """ resolved_cmd_list = [] # get the list of # 1. parent names (i.e. the value of name attribute of the parents # in the iter pattern # 2. parent list i.e. the xml node values of the parents provided # in the iter pattern. # 3. iter list i.e. the the list of nodes to be iterated upon. name_list = self._get_parent_name_list(iter_pattern) parent_list = self._get_iter_parents(name_list, vc_file) iter_list = self._get_iter_list(iter_pattern) # If there are any problems in finding the parent nodes in the vc_file # set status = False status = False if len(parent_list) == 0 or len(name_list) == 0 \ else True if status: # initialize the last parent name to the name of the first parent # in the parent list, iterate over the list and create a dotted # name notation like firstparent.secondparent.thirdparent.. etc. last_parent_name = name_list[0] for i in range(1, len(name_list)): last_parent_name = "{0}.{1}".format(last_parent_name, name_list[i]) parent_name_list = [last_parent_name] parent_node_list = [parent_list[-1]] replacement_list, status = self._get_replacement_list\ (iter_list, parent_node_list, parent_name_list) if status: for string in replacement_list: new_cmd = cmd.replace(iter_pattern, string) resolved_cmd_list.append(new_cmd) return resolved_cmd_list, status @staticmethod def _get_parent_name_list(cmd_iter_pattern): """ Get the name list of parents from the cmd_iter_pattern. Note: Here no check is done to verify if node with the provided name exists in the vc_file. The check will be done while getting the parent_node_list. """ parent_name_list = [] name_list = cmd_iter_pattern.split(".") for name in name_list: # cur_parent_name = "" if len(parent_name_list) == 0\ # else parent_name_list[-1] if name.endswith("+"): break else: # parent_name = name if cur_parent_name == ""\ # else "{0}.{1}".format(cur_parent_name, name) parent_name_list.append(name) return parent_name_list def _get_iter_parents(self, parent_name_list, vc_file): """ Get the parent node list from the cmd_iter_pattern Note: Here check is done to verify if the node with the provided name exists under the proper parent in the vc_file. If any of the child node does not exist then an empty list is returned. """ parent_node_list = [] # Get the root of vc_file if there are problems is getting the root # catch the exception and assign root=None try: root = xml_Utils.getRoot(vc_file) except Exception as exception: root = None print_exception(exception) # initialize parent as root parent = root # for each name in the parent_name list # find the element with same name under current parent in vc_file # if element could not be found assign parent_node_list =[] # if element could be found add it to the parent_node_list # and make this element as the parent for the next iteration for name in parent_name_list: if parent is not None and parent is not False: node = self._find_node_with_name(parent, name) if node is not None and node is not False: parent = node parent_node_list.append(parent) else: print_error("Could not find node={0} under parent={1} " "in file={2}".format(name, parent.tag, vc_file)) parent_node_list = [] break else: print_error("Error while parsing the variable config file=" "{0}".format(vc_file)) return parent_node_list @staticmethod def _get_iter_list(cmd_iter_pattern): """ Get the iter list from the cmd_iter_pattern """ iter_list = [] node_list = cmd_iter_pattern.split(".") for node in node_list: if node.endswith("+"): iter_list.append(node) return iter_list @staticmethod def _get_replacement_list(iter_list, pnode_list, pname_list): """ Get the replacement list for a command based on its iteration pattern """ # THis algorithm fixes the intial parent_node and parent_names as # Then for each iteration requested in the iter_list # finds all the child nodes under the initial parent # IN subsequent iterations the child node list becomes the parent_list # for the next element in the iter_list. status = True for i in range(0, len(iter_list)): child_tag = iter_list[i].strip("+") replacement_list = [] new_pnode_list = [] new_pname_list = [] for i in range(0, len(pnode_list)): pnode = pnode_list[i] pname = pname_list[i] cnode_list = pnode.findall(child_tag) # If the user has requested iteration over all child nodes # of a particular node in the varconfig file, and while # parsing the varconfig file there are no child nodes # for that parent, then it is not a failure scenario. # It is understood that user wnats tot use all child nodes under # the specific node if available, so we do not mark iter pattern # resoltions as False but simply continue. result = False if len(cnode_list) == 0 else True if not result: pNote("Could not find child={0} under parent={1} in " "variable config file".format(child_tag, pname), "error") continue for cnode in cnode_list: cname = cnode.get("name", None) result = False if cname is None else True if result: name = "{0}.{1}".format(pname, cname) new_pnode_list.append(cnode) new_pname_list.append(name) replacement_list.append(name) else: # If name attribute is not available in the var config # file for any child modes, that means user has provided # a child he wants to use, but format is incorrect # in this case resolving cmd iterations will be marked # as false because without the name value fetching the # data for the child is impossible. print_error("'name' attribute is essential to " "identify a node in the variable " "file, 'name' attribute is missing " "in some of the '{0}' nodes under {1}" .format(child_tag, pname)) status = False continue pnode_list = new_pnode_list pname_list = new_pname_list return replacement_list, status @staticmethod def _find_node_with_name(parent, name): """ Find the node with provided name under the given parent in an xml file """ value = False for child in parent: child_name = child.get("name") if child_name == name: value = child break return value @staticmethod def _check_list_lengths(details_dict): """ Verify whether cmd, cmd_params, verify_search, verify_params are of same length Verify whether each list in verify_search, verify_params are of same length """ status = True cmd_list = details_dict["command_list"] cmd_length = len(cmd_list) for param, _ in CMD_PARAMS.items(): param_list = details_dict[param] if len(param_list) == cmd_length: cmd_status = True else: cmd_status = False print_error("number of {0} did not match number of commands" "={1}".format(param, cmd_length)) verify_list = details_dict["verify_text_list"] for i, search_list in enumerate(verify_list): vfy_status = True for vfy_param in VERIFY_PARAMS: vfy_param_list = details_dict[vfy_param][i] if search_list and vfy_param_list: if len(vfy_param_list) == len(search_list): vfy_status = True else: vfy_status = False print_error("length of {0} did not match the no of " "verification searches".format(vfy_param)) status = status and cmd_status and vfy_status return status @staticmethod def _validate_cmd_loc_list(cmd_loc_list): """ Validate cmd_loc_list. Returns False(bool) when 1. length of cmd_loc_list is less than 2 2. first element of cmd_loc_list is not zero 3. cmd_loc_list values are not in ascending order 4. cmd_loc_list has duplicate value(s) else return True(bool) """ status = True if isinstance(cmd_loc_list, list): if len(cmd_loc_list) < 2 or cmd_loc_list[0] != 0: status = False else: for i in range(len(cmd_loc_list)-1): if cmd_loc_list[i] > cmd_loc_list[i+1]: status = False else: status = False return status